Her Mysterious Husband - Chapter 1552

Published at 11th of February 2022 05:22:07 AM

Chapter 1552

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He Yucheng waved: "the video should be published, but not all of it. It has to be edited and published."


"It hurts to cut meat with a blunt knife. It's meaningless to kill with a hammer. And..."

He Yucheng paused: "old man Ling and Su Manni have made such a big fuss about this matter, so you don't want to retaliate. Go back and give them a tooth for a tooth and let them experience cyber violence?"

"Of course! Tell me about your plan." Gu nianxi knows that he Yucheng is best at whole people. Since he Yucheng is going to clean up old man Ling and Su Manni, this battle is definitely not an ordinary one, and the result must be very comfortable.

"It's better to leave this matter to the police. The front part of this video is given to the police handling the case first, and they are asked to take this video to the doctor who was bribed by sumani, and let the doctor personally confirm that sumani is not bleeding or unconscious. They forged all this."

"And then?" Gu nianxi asked.

"Then ah, the police will definitely issue a notice to clarify, and then according to my guess, old man Ling will definitely not give up. He will buy the water army to contact Mu Bai about this matter and say that the Su family interfered in judicial justice and bribed the police. Let the old man continue to make trouble first, and then we will slowly throw out the next video."

"Then throw out the relationship between old man Ling and sumani and hammer him to death with a hammer?" Bai Haifeng answered.

"Of course not! Why should I do things according to sumani's plan?"

He Yucheng sneered: "sumani is the illegitimate daughter of master Ling. The old guy of master Ling hasn't officially recognized sumani's illegitimate daughter status until now. What would you do if you were sumani?"

"Do you mean that Su mani deliberately took Ling into the ditch in order to make Ling recognize her illegitimate daughter?"

"Of course! I won't let Su mani succeed, so ah, we won't announce the relationship between Su mani and old man Ling, but focus on publicizing the scandal between Su mani and an old man."

"Shit! You're too... Too..."

"Too what?" He Yucheng took a cold look at the West.

Gu nianxi wanted to say that it was too poisonous. Seeing he Yucheng staring at him, he smiled: "it's too cow!"

He Yucheng narrowed his eyes and smiled: "let's make a bet on whether old man Ling will publicly admit sumani's identity."

Gu nianxi said quickly: "it's still a gamble. When old man Ling is forced into this job, needless to say, he has to publicly admit sumani's identity? Is it difficult that he wants to see sumani have an affair with him?"

"Is that what you mean?" He Yucheng asked Bai Haifeng.

Bai Haifeng hesitated and nodded.

He Yucheng said slowly, "let's make a bet. I bet Mr. Ling won't admit it publicly. You two bet that he will admit it. Who loses will get $50 million."

Seeing he Yucheng say so, Gu nianxi and Bai Haifeng waved their hands: "we don't gamble, we choose the same as you."

"You are so boring! I won't play with you!"

On the streets of the United States late at night, there were no people. Luxury cars sped. Ye Chen sat in the back row and looked through the domestic news with her mobile phone.

He said to himself, "it's interesting. I think Bai Haifeng has feelings for Su Qiqi at least. He won't fight the Su family for a woman who can't make it to the table. Unexpectedly, it's not the case at all? This time, the hatred between the two families will escalate again, and there's no need to keep the children in Su Qiqi's belly."

The assistant couldn't help interrupting: "Mr. Ye, why hasn't he Yucheng moved at all when things have turned out like this?"

"I'm also surprised that he Yucheng should not move at all? The palms and backs of his hands are full of meat. Why should he also send out public relations to press the hot search and be a middleman, but he Yucheng hasn't moved so far. What the hell is he doing?"

The assistant said, "maybe the Bai family and the Su family ignore him and don't give him face. He Yucheng can't stop it."

"With his ability, he should not do nothing at all, unless there is an inside story."

Ye Chen continued to read the news. Half an hour later, the car stopped at the door of Ye Chen's mansion. The assistant got off and opened the door to ask Ye Chen to get off. However, ye Chen didn't move and stared at the screen.

"Mr. Ye, here we are!" Assistant reminder.

Ye Chen took her eyes back from her mobile phone: "the police just issued a notice. Su mani's attending doctor admitted accepting Su mani's bribes and helping Su mani cheat. Su mani has nothing at all."

"What does that mean? It's going to be reversed?" The assistant asked in surprise.

"I don't know whether to reverse or not, but I know that he Yucheng must have shot. He has no way to start with Bai Haifeng and Su mubai, so he picked the easiest Su Manny to deal with."

The assistant was disappointed: "he Yucheng should put an end to this matter."

"It's hard to say. I think most of them are attacking the Su family on the Internet. A large number of Navy troops poured out and said that the Su family bought the police station, intervened in judicial justice and asked for a thorough investigation."

The assistant couldn't figure it out: "is the Bai family crazy? Just tear their faces with Su mubai. What benefits can they get from tearing their faces with he Yucheng?"

"It's not the Bai family. I misjudged the situation before, and there is another force making trouble in it." Ye Chen got out of the car: "wait and see tomorrow. If my judgment is right, tomorrow should be very wonderful."

At Ling's villa, old man Ling looked at the police release with a livid face. "Damn it, how could the police think of going to the doctor to ask about the situation? Why did the doctor turn back? Didn't he know that turning back was tantamount to breaking his career?"

Lingxiao also thinks that the doctor's doing this is tantamount to seeking his own death. No one will seek his own death. It must be that someone has mastered the doctor's lifeline:

"It must be some means used by the Su family. Now the situation is unfavorable to us. Before, they all supported Miss Su. Now the voice of doubt began to appear. Many news about Miss Su's misconduct, chaotic private life and extravagance began to appear. What should we do now?"

"At present, only those who let the Su family bribe the police and bite the police and the Su family to death. The doctor is forced."

"Well, what if the police ask the hospital to check Miss Su and make sure she has nothing to do? Then we will provoke the police and the police will find out." Lingxiao reminder.

Master Ling sighed: "let someone give Manny sleeping medicine!"

"This... This sleeping medicine is bad for people. The young lady is still pregnant. This indiscriminate use of medicine must be bad for the fetus. Sir, are you sure you want to do this?" Lingxiao reminder.

"It's already like this, and there's no other good way. Let's arrange it first. The drugs are not 100% harmful to the fetus, are they? By the way, don't tell Manny about it. You can arrange someone to do it first and deal with it first."

Lingxiao was silent for a moment. He didn't understand master Ling's arrangement very well. How could he do this to his own daughter?

But he was just a housekeeper and had no right to question master Ling, so he had to promise to make arrangements.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!