I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1058

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:38:41 AM

Chapter 1058: 1058

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The next day, towards evening.

Yanqinghua finally takes Jiang Yingying back to Fenghuang mountain. At the moment, yanqinghua has almost exhausted all her energy, pale face, sweat all over, and her whole body is shaking slightly. It's obvious that she has reached the limit.

"Master Han, I've brought your sister back." Yan blue and white finish this sentence, directly paralyzed on the ground, a little bit of power to move.

Yi Qingshan is about to beg for mercy when he suddenly feels a huge energy invading his body, which makes him look different.

Before he could speak, Yi Qingshan's whole body burst and there was no corpse.

How could a generation of strong teachers come to such an end!

Feilingsheng looked at this scene with shortness of breath. She didn't expect that Han 3000 would be so decisive, leaving no room at all.

If Xia Guozhu knew that Yi Qingshan died in Han 3000's hands, he would never let Han 3000 go.

At the same time, this incident is also a piece of advice to Fei Lingsheng. Yi Qingshan, who is also a strong teacher, died in this way. It shows that she wants to fight Han 3000, which is the same end.

Han 3000 went to Yan Qinghua, took out a holy chestnut, fed it to Yan Qinghua's mouth and said, "you have a good rest. From now on, misty sect is my friend of Han 3000. If you want to help me with anything, I will never shrink back."

"Han Zongzhu, what is this..." Yan Qinghua asked vaguely. She only felt what she had eaten, but she couldn't taste what it was.

"Holy chestnut." Han 3000 light said.

Holy chestnut!

When Yan Qinghua hears these two words, he suddenly wakes up and looks at Han 3000 in disbelief.

Han 3000 gave such a precious thing to her so easily!

You should know that this world of a holy chestnut can cause countless strong people to rob.

Take the Shengli auction in Fengshang city as an example. This event shocked the families in the whole imperial court. Countless people flocked to the auction for Shengli.

But now, Han 3000 gave her such a precious thing so easily.

"Lord Han, I can't have such a big gift." Yan Qinghua said.

Han 3000 light a smile, said: "eat down, can you still spit out to me, have a good rest."

With that, Han 3000 put Jiang Yingying on his shoulder and walked towards his room.

When feilingsheng saw this scene in the distance, she could not help sighing. In order to get Shengli, she went to great lengths, but yanqinghua was just a hard work, and it was worth such a big gift.

Besides, Han 3000 doesn't take holy chestnut as a treasure. He gives it away so easily. Doesn't he really care at all?

Even if he has really reached the divine realm, Shengli has not helped him to improve his realm, but it is impossible for a normal person to give away such precious things casually.

Fei Lingsheng didn't know Han 3000. For Han 3000, no matter how precious things are, they are worthless in his eyes.

Shengli can really help people to improve their realm. It's really a rare thing in the whole Xuanyuan world, but what? When Han 3000 is no longer needed, anything can be treated as garbage by him.

Back in the room, Han 3000 carefully investigates Jiang Yingying's physical condition.

Jiang Yingying is in a coma because an energy belonging to Yi Qingshan has sealed her mind, and this power will become more and more irritable with the passage of time. Once this energy moves wildly in Jiang Yingying's body, Jiang Yingying's body function will be completely destroyed.

"This sinister fellow is not unjustly dead." Han 3000 clenched his teeth and said that killing Yi Qingshan was an early plan. But now Han 3000 thinks that Yi Qingshan's death is too happy. He dares to treat Jiang Yingying like this. He knew that he would try this kind of pain.

For Han 3000, it's not difficult to help Jiang Yingying get rid of Yi Qingshan's energy. Even Han 3000 can swallow Yi Qingshan's energy directly.

In order not to hurt Jiang Yingying's body, Han 3000 is very careful when doing this, for fear of any accident.

Fortunately, the final result is in the control of Han 3000, swallowed the energy of Yi Qingshan, and did not let Jiang Yingying hurt.

After a while, Jiang Yingying woke up.

When she opened her eyes to see the first person is Han 3000, the corner of her mouth will rise slightly, showing a smile.

"You almost died, and you're in the mood to laugh?" Han 3000 speechless said, for Jiang Yingying alone Yi Qingshan things, Han 3000 some angry, because Jiang Yingying must also know that he is not Yi Qingshan's opponent, why should she be brave.

"Brother 3000, with you, I know I won't die." Jiang Yingying said.

"Yi Qingshan is a strong man in the extreme division. Don't you know that you are not his opponent?" Han 3000 complained.

"Brother 3000, our family are all children of poor families, and they are not practitioners now. I'm afraid Yi Qingshan will hurt them, so I have to lead him elsewhere." Jiang Yingying explains that she is not trying to be brave, and there is no need to be brave. The main reason is that Jiang Yingying does not want other people of 3000 cases to be affected by the fish pond. It's hard for Jiang Yingying to accept that the two mountain gate guards are dead. She doesn't want to see other people being attacked by Yi Qingshan again“ Are you not afraid that Yi Qingshan will kill you? " Han 3000 said. Jiang Yingying shook her head, said: "he took advantage of you to leave, just to find trouble, this shows that he did not dare to compete with you, and he called me, I know he must want to use me to threaten you, so I know, I will not die." Hearing these words, Han 3000 sighed helplessly. Fortunately, he got the leg bone in the secret room of Ximen family. Otherwise, it's not easy to deal with Yi Qingshan, and it's even harder to rescue Jiang Yingying. However, Jiang Yingying's trust in him is unmatched, and it is precisely because of this that Han 3000 has to ensure Jiang Yingying's safety. Now that he has brought her to Xuanyuan world, Han 3000 must bring her back to earth safely“ By the way, what about Yi Qingshan? " Jiang Yingying asks curiously“ If you kill them, you will kill all the elders. From now on, 3000 Zong and Huanglong hall are the enemies. Even if there is an accident like Linlong, it is estimated that the emperor's intention to kill me will not be stopped. " Han 3000 said that when things came to this stage, Han 3000 did not expect it, but he was not afraid of it. When the soldiers came to block it, Han 3000 was already ready. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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