I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1205

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:34:56 AM

Chapter 1205: 1205

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Two people and a line came to the dilapidated community, see Shi Jing nervous appearance, seems to be really concerned about the safety of Wu Xin, this let Han 3000 feel some incredible.

How can these two people develop their relationship to such an extent?

Han Sanqian can't understand Shi Jing's feelings because he is not in Shi Jing's position.

For Shi Jing, Wu Xin gives her the feeling of a real friend. In the past, when she made friends, she was the hostess of a wealthy family. These so-called friends were all involved in interests. In other words, this form of making friends was based on interests. In a sense, they were not real friends at all.

Wu Xin is different. They talk about everything and do not involve any financial interests. For Shi Jing, Wu Xin is her first friend in the real sense.

knock at the door.

There was no response from the door. Wu Xin should not be at home.

This makes Shi Jing even more worried, because the news does not return, the phone does not answer, this situation is too strange.

"What to do? It seems that something has really happened." Shi Jing asks Han 3000 anxiously.

Han 3000 opened Shi Jing and kicked the door open. Although the way was more violent, it was the most simple and effective.

Come home.

When Shi Jing found that there was dust on the tea table, she was more sure that something had happened to Wu Xin. If it wasn't for a few days that no one was at home, how could there be dust on the tea table.

"It looks like she hasn't been home for days." Han 3000 also realized that something was wrong. This is Wu Xin's home. No matter what she is doing outside, she will definitely go home to have a rest every day.

There must be a reason why I didn't go home for several days.

"I'll call Yang Wanlin." Han three thousand finish, took out the mobile phone.

Wu Xin works in Yang Wanlin's company. Yang Wanlin's staff should know more about Wu Xin's whereabouts.

"Lao Han, how did you remember to call me?" Yang Wanlin said enthusiastically.

"Help me ask the people in your company if Wu Xin has gone to work in recent days." Han 3000 said.

For Wu Xin, Yang Wanlin still has some impression. After all, he has something to do with Han 3000, and he can't forget it easily.

"Yes, I'll ask right away, and I'll get back to you later." With that, Yang Wanlin hung up.

In less than two minutes, Yang Wanlin called back.

"How's it going?" Han 3000 can't wait to ask.

"She hasn't been to work lately." Yang Wanlin said.

"I'm sorry." Han 3000 subconsciously said, did not go to work, did not go home, the accident is a certainty, but exactly what happened, Han 3000 between one can not guess.

"What's the matter? Is there anything I can do for you? " Yang Wanlin asked.

"I'm afraid something has happened to her. Please ask someone to find out where she went before she disappeared." Han 3000 said.

"Yes, I'll arrange the staff." Yang Wanlin naturally won't refuse Han 3000's request, even if it's just something he doesn't care about. As long as Han 3000 speaks, he will help Han 3000 do it.

"Three thousand. She'll be fine." Shi Jing asks Han 3000 with a worried face.

Han 3000 is not sure. After all, people have disappeared for several days. No one can predict what will happen in these days.

And now Han 3000 can't even guess the reason, let alone determine what happened to her.

In principle, after two losses, she should learn to be smart and know how to protect herself. How could she disappear suddenly?

Han 3000 suddenly thought of what Shi Jing had said to him at home before. Is it really related to him?

If it really had something to do with him, I'm afraid it would be more serious than I thought.

"Mom, you go home first, I'll go to Mo's house." Han said that although it is not sure whether Wu Xin's disappearance is related to himself, if it is related to him, it is likely that Mo Yu did it.

Only this crazy and unscrupulous young lady can do these stupid things!

"All right, be careful."

Whenever he needs to be in a hurry, Han Sanqian always feels powerless, because he is not an adult now, and he can't have a driver's license, let alone drive, which virtually adds some trouble to him.

I took a taxi and went straight to Mo's compound.

Mo Yanshang has sent people to the city where Qi's family is located. According to his instructions, he will restart Qi's family. This is his promise to Han 3000, so Mo Yanshang doesn't neglect it at all.

After deciding to pay more attention to Han 3000, Mo Yanshang stopped thinking about how to deal with Han 3000, and even thought about how to make the relationship between Mo's descendants and Han 3000 better.

For Mo Yanshang, who was born on the road, it's not easy to have such an idea, which fully illustrates how Han 3000's powerful strength has caused Mo Yanshang fear.

When Han 3000 came to Mo's home, Mo Yanshang personally received him. But seeing Han 3000's dignified expression, Mo Yanshang felt a little uneasy. This must be something happened, so he made Han 3000 so serious“ Three thousand, why are you so anxious to come to me? What's the matter? " Mo Yanshang's address to Han 3000 has become more intimate, which is more like his own family“ I want to see Mo Yu. " Han 3000 said directly. Mo Yanshang was stunned for a moment. Didn't this boy refuse to be Mo's son-in-law? How can he take the initiative to meet Mo now? Is it hard to be conquered by Mo's beauty? If so, it's a good thing for the Mo family. However, Mo Yanshang found that Han 3000's expression was not like this. It was probably just his own wishful thinking“ Don't worry. I'll send for her at once Mo Yanshang said. After commanding the servants, Mo Yanshang asked Han 3000, "do you have any idea about Mo Yu? If you can't catch up with her, I can do something for you. "“ Mo Yanshang, you'd better pray that it's not Mo's business, otherwise, your Mo family, even if it's on my head. " Han 3000 said coldly. This sentence changed the atmosphere in an instant. Han Sanqian once said that as long as the Mo family did not lay the ground on him, he would never target the Mo family. Now, the situation has obviously changed, and it is still related to Mo language“ What's going on Mo Yanshang asked, he has reminded Mo language not to mess, otherwise, put Mo language out of Mo home, but now it seems, Mo language obviously caused him trouble. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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