I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1224

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:32:53 AM

Chapter 1224: 1224

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The next morning, Bruce Lee, who stayed up almost all night, was excited to wait at the school gate. Although he didn't fall asleep all night, Bruce Lee was in a special spirit, because he was so excited about buying a car that he was always in a state of excitement.

Last night, he checked a lot of brands. Today, he plans to give Han 3000 a good introduction. It's the best to use Han 3000's money to buy a car he likes. Even if Han 3000 has his own choice in mind, Bruce Lee is psychologically prepared.

Anyway, it's the best result for Bruce Lee to drive a new car without spending money.

Han Sanqian also got up early, but he didn't go to school directly. Instead, he was on the street outside Su Yingxia's home, ready to pretend to meet Su Yingxia by chance.

Before long, Su Yingxia appeared with a small schoolbag on his back. Han 3000 deliberately walked in front of Su Yingxia, hoping that Su Yingxia would take the initiative to find him. Otherwise, if he appeared on purpose, he would be a bit deliberate.

Han 3000 doesn't want to let Su Yingxia doubt him because these small details are not handled properly.

When Su Yingxia saw Han 3000, she was a little strange in her heart. Yesterday this guy appeared inexplicably and saved her. How did she meet her again early this morning.

Is there such a coincidence in this world?

Not up to say hello, this has become a tangled problem in Su Yingxia's heart.

If you pretend you don't see it, nothing will happen.

But yesterday, after all, he saved himself. Even if we met by chance, it seems not too much to say hello.

Finally, Su Yingxia summoned up the courage and quickened his pace to march to the DPRK and the ROK.

Although Han 3000 has his back to Su Yingxia, with his ability, he can clearly feel the dynamic of Su Yingxia.

When he felt Su Yingxia quicken his pace, Han 3000's mouth rose slightly.

"Hello." When he came to Han 3000, Su Yingxia called.

Han 3000 pretended to turn his head blandly. When he saw Su Yingxia, he was obviously surprised and said, "what a coincidence!"

"Do you live near here, too?" Su Yingxia asks Han 3000.

"Yes, otherwise, how could I come here unconsciously yesterday? I didn't expect that you were very early." Han 3000 said with a smile.

When Su Yingxia thought about this, he didn't doubt Han 3000. He said, "if you want to study, you must get up early. Don't you need to study?"

Han 3000 should be a student at his present age, and now he plays the role of a student. If he can study in the same school with Su Yingxia, he can better protect Su Yingxia.

But the thought of being locked up in the classroom, Han 3000 is not very able to accept this state.

"In fact, I dropped out of school long ago, and my family had no money for me to study." Han 3000 said.

Hearing this, Su Yingxia's compassion overflowed in an instant. Although her family conditions were not very good, and although she was close to the Su family, they could not get any benefits in the Su family. After all, Su Guoyao was just an ordinary employee in the company.

But at least for her to study or no problem, and Han 3000, is not even qualified to study.

"What are you doing if you don't read? Have you already worked? " Su Yingxia asked cautiously, as if for fear of hitting Han 3000's self-esteem.

"Yes, if you work to earn money, you can get a daughter-in-law in the future." Han 3000 said.

Su Yingxia is speechless. Han 3000 is not a few years older than her. She is still a minor. She has already begun to think about asking for a daughter-in-law.

Just when Su Yingxia was ready to refute Han 3000, Han 3000 said: "since it's so coincident, do you want to have breakfast together?"

Su Yingxia shook his head and said, "I've already eaten. Today I'm on duty. I have to go to school early and clean up."

"All right." Han 3000 didn't force her to contact Su Yingxia now. She must be more careful. Once she becomes hostile and alert at this age, it will be difficult for her to change her view of herself in the future.

They went to the school gate together and talked about some unimportant topics.

From a distance, Han 3000 sees Bruce Lee, but the people standing beside him are not his younger brother, but strangers. It seems that he is being held by several people.

Han 3000 looked at the school gate again, Su Haichao was standing there with a proud face.

See here, Han 3000 understand what happened, this should be su Haichao to find people, revenge.

It's not a big problem for Su Haichao to find a few helpers. Besides, Bruce Lee's reputation in this area is all bluff. Su Haichao was afraid of Bruce Lee on the surface yesterday because he was outnumbered. With helpers today, he won't pay attention to Bruce Lee.

After saying goodbye to Su Yingxia, Han 3000 walks towards Bruce Lee.

When Su Haichao sees Su Yingxia, his face naturally shows disdain. This is his attitude towards Su Yingxia. Su Haichao knows that his position in Su's family is not comparable to Su Yingxia's, so Su Yingxia in his eyes is no different from his servants.

As usual, Su Haichao has begun to make trouble for Su Yingxia, but he is not in the mood today. After all, he comes to Han 3000 to get revenge. Han 3000 walks up to Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee seems to see a straw and says to Han 3000, "boss, you're here." Han 3000 looked at those people and said, "I don't want to be beaten. Get out of here. I know you are the people called by Su Haichao. Help me tell this rubbish. If he wants to play with me, he'd better be psychologically prepared." A few people see Han 3000 talk so arrogant, completely did not put them in the eye, immediately angry“ Little thing, who the hell do you think you are? You are so arrogant. "“ It seems that your skin is itching. I'll help you loosen it. "“ Call me Su Haichao at the school gate rubbed his hands. When he came home yesterday, he was depressed for a long time. Today, he was able to revenge. He even dreamed of the picture of stepping on Han 3000's head with his feet. But the next scene, but let Su Haichao Leng in the school gate. He found a few people, like paper paste in general, soon all were Han 3000 beat on the ground. When Han 3000 turned to look at him, Su Haichao's back was cold, and he broke out in a cold sweat“ This guy is so powerful This is the result Su Haichao did not expect, and Han 3000 fierce eyes, let him feel afraid. Turning his head, Su Haichao ran to the school without hesitation. Only here can he feel safe. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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