I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1303

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:32:43 AM

Chapter 1303: 1303

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Tianhonghui returned home early. When he found that tianchangsheng had specially found several famous chefs to go home, he was even more curious about the identity of the guests tonight, because Tianjia had never received any guests so ceremoniously in the history of Tianjia, and tianchangsheng was still supervising the work in the kitchen. This attitude is enough to illustrate the importance of the guests tonight.

But now Cloud City, there are really people who can make Tianjia such a high standard of treatment?

"Girl, do you know what guests will come to our house tonight?" Tian Honghui goes to Tian linger who is watching TV and asks.

Tianling'er smiles and says, "my brother."

"Brother?" Tian Honghui was stunned. When did Tian linger have a brother? He didn't know about it at all.

"I don't know when you have a brother." Tian Honghui asked curiously.

"There are today. Of course you don't know." Said Tian ling'er.

Tianhonghui sat beside tianling'er and said in a soft voice, "what's the matter, please tell Dad quickly."

Because tianling'er is spoiled by tianchangsheng, she has a very high status in the family. Sometimes even her biological father, Tian Honghui, is ignored. Even when she is watching TV, it often happens that she ignores Tian Honghui.

But when it comes to Han 3000, Tian ling'er has a special topic, and is in a state of endless talk.

"My brother is very powerful, even my grandfather is very cautious to him, and he is also very handsome." Tian ling'er said with a smile.

"How old is he?" Tian Honghui said curiously.

"En..." Tian ling'er frowned. After all, she didn't know about age like Han 3000, but from her point of view, she was only a few years old at most.

"Not about your age?" Tian Honghui guessed that if he could be called elder brother by Tian linger, he would be younger, otherwise he would never be an equal.

But if he is as old as tianling'er, then he is a child. How can he get Tianchang's attention?

"It should be several years older than me, Dad. Why do you ask so many questions? You can see him at night." With that, tianling'er focused on the TV again.

Tianhonghui knows that he can see it at night, but now he is really curious, so he wants to know more about this person.

"Do you know his name?" Tian Honghui continued.

"Han 3000, that sounds good." Tian ling'er said with a smile.

"Han 3000?" Tian Honghui recites the name silently. It's so strange that Tian Honghui has never heard of it. Besides, there seems to be no big family surnamed Han in Yuncheng. Is it hard to say that this boy is from other places?

Many speculations did not make Tianhong Hui know more about Han 3000. On the contrary, Tianhong Hui was more confused after knowing Han 3000's age.

At this time, Maybach still stops at the flying saucer building. Bruce Lee finds that Han 3000's eyes are deep looking out of the window. This kind of eyes are very mature and should not be owned by a child at all.

For a moment, Bruce Lee has an illusion that the boss in the back seat is not a minor.

"Boss, is this special for you?" Bruce Lee can't help but ask.

Hearing this, Han 3000's mouth rose involuntarily and said, "it's really special. This place has changed my face and made me realize what I should do."

"Boss, let me say something disrespectful. Although you are young, I feel that your life experience is very rich. How did you come here?" Bruce Lee is curious.

It's a long story. Even if Han 3000 tells Bruce Lee, he won't believe it.

Who can believe that Han 3000 was born again at the age of 14.

Who can believe that Han 3000 has set foot in the world beyond the earth.

These experiences are absolutely unique to the whole earth, but they are not just rich.

"It's almost time. Let's go to Tianjia." Han 3000 said.

"Yes." Bruce Lee answered and drove to Tianjia.

Leaving the main street, it wasn't long before Han 3000 suddenly said, "stop."

Bruce Lee slams on the brake subconsciously and stops in the driveway. If the car behind is not far away, it is estimated that a rear end collision has occurred.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Bruce Lee asked Han 3000 in a panic.

Han Sanqian opens the door and gets off the car in the driveway. Bruce Lee is a little confused. He doesn't know what's going on, so he can only pull the car to the side of the road.

The reason why han Sanqian had such a sudden reaction was that he had been looking out of the window and saw a familiar face, but this face should not appear at this time.

As Su Yingxia's future classmate, Qi Yiyun would come to Yuncheng at least when he was in high school.

Now, of course, everything has changed.

Han 3000 helped the Qi family to solve the problem. Now the Qi family doesn't have to go abroad, so the trajectory of Qi Yiyun will inevitably change.

"Why are you here?" Han 3000 goes to Qi Yiyun and asks. Qi Yiyun is a lonely man, pulling the suitcase, looking very helpless. She came to Yuncheng naturally because of Han 3000's words, but she came so suddenly that she was not ready for Yuncheng's life, so she had been wandering for two days. When he saw Han 3000, Qi Yiyun rushed directly into Han 3000's arms. Hearing Qi Yiyun's sobbing, Han Sanyi felt at a loss“ What's the matter with you? " Han 3000 asked. Qi Yiyun raised his head, tearful eyes looking at Han 3000, said: "I come to you." Han three thousand heart a sink, early and Qi Yiyun know, this seems to lead to a let him unexpected results. Qi Yiyun came to Yuncheng for him, which will inevitably make their relationship extraordinary. Han 3000, however, has not settled even Su Yingxia, so we must not have a relationship with Qi Yiyun in advance“ You shouldn't show up at a time like this. " Han 3000 said. Qi Yiyun heard this, tears burst into his eyes, Han 3000's words, as if to refuse her, let her instantly become a tearful person“ Don't cry yet. " Han 3000 quickly said that women's tears, like bombs, have great power for Han 3000“ Are you going to drive me away? " Qi Yiyun asked with tears in his eyes. Han 3000 subconsciously shook his head, in this case, how can he drive Qi Yiyun away? All along, Han 3000 has a sense of guilt for Qi Yiyun, because Qi Yiyun helped him too much in the last life, but Han 3000 had to choose to end the entanglement between them by hurting her. Now... Facing Qi Yiyun again, Han 3000 doesn't know what to do. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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