I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1325

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:32:13 AM

Chapter 1325: 1325

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Just as Su Yingxia racked her brains to think about how to answer Han 3000's question, she suddenly felt a sense of danger in her heart.

And usually after this feeling comes, it is when Su Haichao appears.

Women's intuition is usually very accurate, and Su Yingxia's feeling in this aspect has never been missed.

When she raised her head, sure enough, Su Yingxia with a group of people, came far away.

This let Su Yingxia some flustered, hurriedly said to Han 3000“ You'd better go now. "

"Why?" Han 3000 laughs and says that Su Yingxia sees Su Haichao. Naturally, he also sees him and understands why Su Yingxia will let him leave.

"Su Haichao is here." Su Yingxia said.

Han Sanqian shook his head and said, "I'm not asking why you want to leave, but why I'm afraid of Su Haichao?"

It's easy for Su Yingxia to understand this problem, because Su Haichao still has a group of people with him, and it's obvious that Su Haichao is looking for them to deal with Han 3000. If he doesn't leave now, what else can he do? Is it hard to be beaten by Su Haichao?

"Don't you see him with people?" Su Yingxia said anxiously that she was bullied by Su Haichao. These are within the tolerable range, and Su Haichao will not do too much for her. After all, they are still relatives.

But Han 3000 is different. He beat Su Haichao last time. This time, Su Haichao sent for someone to show his revenge. If he fought, Han 3000 would be hurt.

"See, I'm not blind." Han 3000 light said.

Seeing Su Haichao's distance getting closer and closer, Su Yingxia's heart is about to die.

But she found that Han Sanyi's face was calm, and she didn't seem to be afraid at all. Even if Su Haichao had a helper, could he still deal with it?

"Boy, after waiting for you for so many days, you can be regarded as showing up." Su Haichao was frightened by Bruce Lee last time, which was a disgraceful thing for him. After all, he didn't know what to say about the Su family. He was low spirited in front of a little bastard, which made Su Haichao lose face at all.

But at that time, in order not to be beaten, Su Haichao could only lower his figure.

But today is different. Su Haichao has been prepared for a long time. Even if Bruce Lee reappears, he will not be afraid. Moreover, he can teach Bruce Lee a lesson and vent his anger for himself.

"Are these helpers you've got good at fighting?" Han 3000 asked.

Su Haichao smiles with pride. These people are really on the road. For them, fighting is like three meals a day, which is indispensable every day. It's no matter that they can fight.

"In front of my friends, Bruce Lee's rubbish is not even a thing. Do you know who they are?" Su Haichao sneered.

"It seems that I need to introduce myself. You say, I'll listen." Han 3000 laughs a way, gave Su Haichao an opportunity to show off.

Su Haichao's proud expression on his face became more and more intense. He was really afraid that he didn't even have the opportunity to introduce him, so he couldn't show his ability.

"They are all under Jiyuan's hands. I'm afraid." Su Haichao said.

"What?" Han three thousand one face is stunned, chicken far this is a name? How could there be such a strange name.

"You don't even know Jiyuan, Jige?" Su Hai ultra cold voice way, it seems that this is a big man, don't know him, is not respect meaning.

But Han 3000 has never heard of the so-called chicken brother, and the name is really strange enough. How could anyone call him chicken brother?

"I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it, but is it true that someone has such a strange name?" Han 3000 asks curiously.

This sentence makes Su Haichao's faces obviously angry, because Han 3000's performance is disrespectful to brother Ji.

"Boy, keep your mouth clean."

"You want to die, don't you?"

"Believe it or not, I'll give you a pair of hands and feet!"

Several people threatened Han 3000.

In the face of these words, Han 3000 is still indifferent. In his opinion, this man named Jiyuan should not be a big man. Otherwise, how can he never hear of it? He thinks it's just a small man who lives in the territory of Moyang.

"I don't know, can't I?" Han 3000 said innocently.

Su Haichao's introduction is to show that he knows a big man, but Han 3000 doesn't know him, which makes his goal not achieved, so he will inevitably be a little unwilling. He continues to tell Han 3000: "brother chicken is the man who is the most trusted. You should know about Mo 3000."

Han 3000 laughs. It turns out that he is still under Mo Yang's hand. However, how could this guy have a hand named brother Ji? He didn't mention it before he was reborn.

"Ah, it turns out that it's Mo Yang's staff. If you introduce it earlier, you can achieve the purpose of showing off. It's a pity that even if Mo Yang comes in person, what's the matter?" Han Sanqian said with a smile that he had just met Mo Yang, and the Chen family was about to be destroyed by Mo Yang himself because of offending him.

In terms of family strength, the Chen family is superior to the Su family. Even the Chen family will be uprooted. Is the Su family a fart“ Boy, how dare you call the boss by his name. "“ You don't want to live“ If you want to die, I can help you now. " Those little bastards suddenly got angry, because Han 3000 called Mo Yang's name directly. In their opinion, it was disrespectful to Mo Yang, which was absolutely not allowed to happen. When Su Haichao saw this, he couldn't help sneering. He originally intended to let these people teach Han 3000 a lesson, but now it seems that Han 3000's fate will never be as simple as injury. Ignoring Moyang is almost a capital crime in Yuncheng, and no one can be spared“ Su Yingxia, where did you find this idiot? How dare you be so disrespectful to boss Mo? " Su Haichao said to Su Yingxia. Su Yingxia was also frightened when she heard Han 3000's words just now. Although she is still young, almost all children over three years old have heard about Moyang. Of course, she can understand how powerful Moyang is in Yuncheng. Han 3000's words just now, if Mo Yang hears them, he will die“ You pay attention to your words. Boss Mo is in Cloud City. No one dares to offend him. " Su Yingxia reminds Han 3000. This sentence makes Su Haichao laugh, because it's too late to remind him. Han 3000 has already said something disrespectful, which is a fact that he can't get rid of. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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