I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 133

Published at 15th of October 2021 10:01:17 AM

Chapter 133: 133

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Shangguan black and white, who almost vomited with anger, left angrily with Ouyang Xiujie, while the members of the association gaped at Han 3000.

He even said that he didn't pay attention to Ouyang Xiujie in front of Shangguan's black and white face.

And show so strong strength, just because of love!

"My God, who on earth is this guy? He is so arrogant."

"I haven't seen such a person before. I don't even pay attention to the black and white of Shangguan."

"He's not arrogant. It's not anyone who can push Shangguan black and white to this point."

"My mother, there are so many powerful people in Yuncheng. It really gives us a long face in the world of go in Yuncheng."

Han 3000 looked at those who were ready to talk to him and said to Wang Mao, "grandfather Wang, I have something else to do. I'll go first."

Finish saying, Han 3000 sole smears oil, the day spirit son reaction is very quick, trot to keep up with Han 3000.

Tianchangsheng walked up to Wang Mao and said discontentedly, "you old man, dare to take advantage of me."

"How can I take advantage of you?" Wang Mao asked.

Tianchangsheng was not willing to tell other people about his apprenticeship. After all, he is too old to say it shamefully.

But now the situation is not the same. Han 3000 forced Shangguan black and white to this situation and lost the chess game with a small gap of ten goals. It's no shame for such a master to be his master.

"I'm his apprentice. Don't you take advantage of me? Have I become your apprentice?" Tianchangsheng said.

Wang Mao was stunned. The sky was prosperous. Did he become his teacher? This old man can't easily convince others. They have been fighting for so many years. Although they have changed the fight into friendship in recent years, tianchangsheng has never convinced him. Now... Now they have become the young man's apprentice!

This young man's position in tianchangsheng's mind is too high!

"You... You..." Wang Mao faltered, unable to speak.

"I don't know what I am. I've helped you so much this time. You can figure out how to thank me." Tianchangsheng is proud.

It's really a lot of work. Otherwise, Wang Mao will lose face today. Now, not only is he not losing face, but he has also let the upper officials eat black and white. This is something Wang Mao can't even think about.

"Yes, I will thank you very much."

After leaving the Go Association, Tian ling'er followed Han 3000 with a smile on her face and said nothing. She was in a good mood. She just played black and white with Shangguan. Han 3000's devotion made Tian ling'er infatuated. The more she contacted Han 3000, the more attractive she felt.

"What are you laughing at?" Han three thousand don't understand of ask a way.

Tian ling'er raised his head and said, "it's nothing. I just want to laugh. Can't I?"

"Yes, you're a miss of the Tian family. What do you want to do in Yuncheng? Who is qualified to stop you?" Han 3000 said.

"Are you free today?" The spirit son asks a way.

It's definitely impossible to escape. It's better to do it as soon as possible. Han 3000 said, "let's go, where do you want to go, but I have limited time, one hour at most."

"Do you think it takes me as long to go shopping as any other woman? I'm not When Tian ling'er said this without conscience, he seemed to have completely forgotten the fighting power of shopping with his best friend for a whole day.

Two people went to the mall, in the eyes of outsiders like lovers, people envy.

Tianling'er didn't go to the famous brand store she had been to before. Instead, she found a very ordinary business. The shoes in it were about 300 to 1000, which was very expensive for ordinary people, but for her Tianjia lady, it was impossible to enter this kind of store before.

Tian ling'er chooses several pairs of high-heeled shoes and tries them to Han 3000 one by one.

Tianling'er looks sweet and tall. For her, almost any kind of shoes can be controlled. So when she asked Han 3000 if she was good-looking, Han 3000's answer was very unified, just two words, good-looking.

Tian ling'er doesn't think Han 3000 is perfunctory, because she is confident that she will look good in everything she wears.

Finally, he bought a pair of high-heeled shoes worth more than 600 yuan, and Han 3000 paid for them. Tianling'er was satisfied. They separated at the entrance of the shopping mall, and when tianling'er left, he was very worried, as if there was something urgent.

The first time Tian ling'er came home, he packed the high-heeled shoes with the transparent storage box that usually stores the shoes, and put them solemnly at the head of the bed. It seems that he doesn't want to wear them.

There are tens of thousands of shoes in the Tianjia lady's shoe cabinet, but those shoes are obviously not worth mentioning compared with those given by Han 3000.

After Han 3000 left the mall, he stopped in front of a jewelry store for a long time. A diamond necklace in the window was very beautiful. When he saw the necklace, he thought of Su Yingxia at the first sight. If it was hanging around her neck, it would be very beautiful.

Just as Han 3000 was absorbed in it, a young man and a woman came out of the shop.

The man saw Han 3000's infatuation and said with a sneer: "you see, people who are not promising can only watch outside. If you find a boyfriend like me, you know how happy it is."

The woman covered her mouth with a smile, looked at Han 3000 with disdain, and said: "this kind of poverty forces me to be blind, and I can't take a fancy to it." After that, they walked away to the BMW Z4 in the roadside parking space, and there was a Lamborghini near their car“ It's a beautiful car. When can you buy one? " The woman asked the man. The man was a little embarrassed and said, "get on the bus, what nonsense, can this car be affordable for ordinary people?" At this time, the lights flash, and the unlocked Lamborghini is greeting its owner. The woman sat in the car and looked around to see who the owner of the Lamborghini was. Han 3000, who stopped suddenly, had an old man standing in front of him, blocking his way“ "Grandfather Yan." Han 3000 couldn't believe it. Yan Jun, Han 3000's growing up master, can say that Han 3000 now has such ability, Yan Jun's training is indispensable, and the whole Han family, only Yan Jun is really good to him, Han 3000 treats him like his own grandfather, so he never called master, but called him grandfather. The old Yan Jun looks different from other people of the same age. He is tall and upright and full of vigor. With a kind smile, he said, "I haven't seen you for more than three years. You've grown tall."“ "Grandfather Yan." Han 3000 helplessly looking at Yan Jun, said: "you are presbyopia, I have what age, can grow tall?" Yan Jun went to Han 3000, put his left hand on Han 3000's shoulder and said, "yes, my physique is stronger than before. It seems that I haven't left the homework I gave you."“ Grandpa Yan, I didn't delay a day. " Han 3000 said with a guilty heart that there was no delay in the past and he would exercise every day, but recently Su Yingxia didn't need him to run together, so Han 3000 was lazy for some time“ Growing up, every time I lied, I would rub my hands subconsciously. You haven't got rid of this problem yet. " Yan Jun laughs a way. Han Sanyi's face is in shame. In the world, the only person who knows him most is Yan Jun. he even knows this little detail“ Grandpa Yan, how did you come to Yuncheng? " Han 3000 asked. The smile on Yanjun's face is gradually spreading, and Han 3000 is also sinking in his heart“ Do they want you to take me back? " Han 3000 said“ Although I am your master, but you also know... "Grandfather Yan, I know, but can you give me another two days?" Han 3000 said“ OK, I happened to meet a friend these two days. Remember what I said to you. When it's time to resist, I will resist. " Finish saying, burning gentleman turns round to leave. Han three thousand clenched fist, the whole body slightly trembles, he never thought, Yan Jun unexpectedly can appear here. But Han three thousand know, Yan Jun also just follow orders to act just, no wonder he. After getting on the bus, Han 3000 calmly went to Yuncheng prison and left the prison an hour later. Then I went to the bank and took a lot of cash. Then I went to a small village on the outskirts of Yuncheng and put all the cash in a dilapidated house that was about to collapse“ I hope you don't let me down, or I'll kill you myself. " After finishing everything, Han 3000 returns to the hillside villa. If he wants to return to Yanjing, he has to find a reason to perfunctory Su Yingxia. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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