I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1373

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:31:06 AM

Chapter 1373: 1373

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In the next two days, under the introduction of tianchangsheng, Han Sanqian and Bruce Lee met with many local officials. Of course, Bruce Lee was still the boss, while Han Sanqian attended as Bruce Lee's younger brother.

For the development of the west of the city, local officials are also very excited. After all, this is a project to promote the economic development of Yuncheng. They can also get a lot of benefits from it. Moreover, with the introduction of Tianjia, these things basically come naturally without any obstacles.

On that day, Han 3000, who came back to the hotel, found that Qi Yiyun, who was doing her homework, believed that she had been recognized by her teachers in the school as a student bully, and that she was still a part-time official.

"How are you recently? The teachers in the school should attach great importance to you as a bully." Han 3000 asks Qi Yiyun.

"I'm afraid of sudden concern. You can say whatever you want." Qi Yi cloud light says.

Han Sanqian doesn't feel embarrassed either. He talks with Qi Yiyun and can't treat her as a little girl, because her mentality is already equivalent to that of an adult.

"How's su Yingxia? She hasn't been to see her for two days. Is that ok?" Han 3000 said.

Qi Yiyun has guessed the result, how can Han 3000 care about her for no reason.

"I don't know." Qi Yiyun said.

Han 3000 went to Qi Yiyun and said, "you two are classmates. How can you not know that you are not so mean? You are not willing to share this information with me?"

"She hasn't come to school for two days." Qi Yiyun said.

Han 3000 immediately frowned. Su Yingxia is still a student. How can she not go to school for two days? What else can she do if she doesn't study?

"Have you heard what's going on?" Han 3000 asked.

"I don't know. I haven't even seen her. How can I know?" Qi Yiyun said.

Han 3000's intuition told her that something must have happened, so Su Yingxia didn't go to school.

When you plan to go out.

Qi Yiyun couldn't help asking Han 3000, "is she so important to you?"

"The only thing that matters to me in this world is her." With that, Han 3000 left the hotel.

The first destination is Su Yingxia's home.

She didn't go to school. She would be at home.

But when Han 3000 appeared at the door of Su Yingxia's house, no matter how he knocked on the door, there was no movement inside. When he couldn't help looking at it with his divine sense, he found that the house was empty.

I didn't go to school.

There's no one at home!

Han 3000 suddenly nervous up, this is what happened, will let Su Yingxia disappeared without reason.

For Han 3000, nothing is more important than Su Yingxia, so her safety is absolutely the most important thing for Han 3000.

With the bright moon in the sky, Han 3000 stands on the top of the residential building and covers the whole cloud city with his own divine consciousness.

Although he had already stepped into the divine realm, it was still difficult for him to cover this large area of divine consciousness.

But fortunately, Han 3000 finally confirmed Su Yingxia's position, she was not in danger, but in the hospital.

Han 3000 directly rushed to the hospital, and directly found the ward where Su Yingxia was.

For the appearance of Han 3000, Su Yingxia is very surprised, because she did not tell anyone what happened in the family, how can Han 3000 find the hospital?

"How do you know I'm here?" Su Yingxia asked with a puzzled face.

"Your father's hurt?" Han 3000 asked, this is what he just felt through his divine sense, and Su Guoyao was hurt a lot.

Because Su Guoyao drove Jiang LAN out of the house before, only Su Yingxia could take care of him during his hospitalization, which is why Su Yingxia didn't go to school for two days.

"Yes." Although Su Yingxia didn't understand why han 3000 knew about it, she nodded subconsciously.

Han 3000 walked into the ward and saw Su Guoyao's injury with his own eyes. His face was black and blue, and he was obviously beaten maliciously.

However, how could su Guoyao be poisoned?

"Let you see the joke." Su Guoyao saw Han 3000 and said with a bitter smile.

"What's the matter?" Han Sanqian asked Su Guoyao that when the regional head of luxury goods came to Yuncheng, Su Guoyao didn't appear. Han Sanqian felt strange. Han Sanqian felt even more incredible about his sudden injury.

"I was betrayed. Someone disclosed Fengqian's plan to Su's competitors. My injury is that the competitors let people beat me." Su Guoyao said.


On that day, Su Guoyao did not appear, but a guy named Yang Guangyuan came. It seems that Su Guoyao's injury is related to this guy.

"This matter, only you know, how can it be betrayed?" Han 3000 is a wonderful person.

Su Guoyao was helpless. He told the old man about it, but he didn't listen to his advice and held a family meeting, which led more people to know about it.

"I'm also to blame for this. After I told him that he had to hold a family meeting, I couldn't persuade him to do so." Su explained“ That is to say, the person who betrays you is an internal member of the Su family. " Han 3000 said. Su Guoyao nodded and said: "I can be sure that the person who did this must be su Guolin, because he didn't want me to talk about the cooperation with Fengqian." Su Guolin is quite familiar with Han 3000. This guy is a very insidious and treacherous man. It's not surprising that he can do such things“ Shall I avenge you? " Han 3000 asked. Su Guoyao eyebrows a pick, he can never think of let Han 3000 help him revenge. But the anger in his heart was too much for him to bear“ Is that ok? " Su Guoyao asked. Han 3000 takes a look at Su Yingxia. As long as it's related to Su Yingxia, Han 3000 can do it. After all, Su Guoyao is her father. It would be worthwhile for Han 3000 to exchange Su Yingxia's favor for these things. After all, Han 3000 is still in the stage of pursuing Su Yingxia. Naturally, he has to do something to please her“ Of course. " Han 3000 said“ When I get out of the hospital, will you Su Guoyao asked again“ Everything depends on your arrangement. I'll help you find a nurse. Su Yingxia has to go to school. She can't take care of you here every day. " Han 3000 said that the hospital is not a good place. Han 3000 doesn't want Su Yingxia to stay in such an environment every day. Moreover, Su Yingxia is still young and has many inconveniences“ That's what I think. If you can help, that's great. " Su Guoyao said. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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