I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1590

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:25:43 AM

Chapter 1590: 1590

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Han 3000 has already understood Su Yingxia's intention. Otherwise, Su Yingxia has no reason to hurt Linlong for no reason.

"Now that you know it, don't say it quickly." Han 3000 urged.

"Tell me, you let me go first." Lin long looks at Han 3000 with a sad face.

After releasing his hand, Han 3000 lies on the ground again, ready to listen to the story of Linlong.

If you look carefully, you can find that Han 3000 is lying flat, but his body is not in contact with the ground, but slightly floating in the air to avoid soiling his clothes.

"Xuanyuan world, there is likely to be an ancient battlefield. It is said that ten thousand years ago, it was still a nihilistic world, and there was nothing here. Countless ancient strongmen took it as a battlefield and fought to death."

"In this process, the battlefield left a lot of ancient energy, and these energies can help practitioners to reach the realm of ascension."

"The reason why I come to Xuanyuan world is not that I prefer to be a chicken head, but that I want to go back to the eight sided world and dominate one side after becoming stronger."

Linlong completely exposed his ambition in front of Han 3000, which is his ultimate goal in Xuanyuan world.

Even Linlong has a heart to rule the world in all directions. It wants to recover the dragon clan, so that the dragon clan will no longer become the pet of those people.

"The ancient battlefield, ten thousand years ago, what you said is just a legend." Han 3000 said that since it is a legend, it is likely that it does not really exist. It is not Han 3000's style to regard legend as hope.

"When I was very young, thousands of years ago, many powerful people from all walks of life came to Xuanyuan world. They even secretly set up gangs to investigate this matter. It's a pity that they all failed in the end." Lin long said.

"How can you find so many strong people who come back without success?" Han said with a sneer.

However, such ridicule did not shake Linlong's determination. On the contrary, it showed a firmer side and said to Han 3000, "because this is the only way to change my destiny. Whether it is true or not, it is the only reason for me to persist."

"If I tell you that you can't find the ancient battlefield, you will never meet Su Yingxia. Will you give up?" Lin long looks at Han 3000 and asks sincerely.

This words let Han 3000 brain bang when a loud noise.

If so, Han 3000 will never give up.

"You said that there are many strong people who have come to look for it, but there is no clue?" Han 3000 asked.

"Yes, according to the clues left by the founder of ethereal sect, she once saw a huge jade door. Behind this door, it is likely to be the ancient battlefield, but it is a pity that this door was not opened for her."

"So there's another legend left. Ancient battlefields can only be opened for those who are destined for them."

Ethereal clan.

Han 3000 still remembers Zhan Tai Liuyue, the leader of the ethereal sect. She was a real beauty, and even Yan Qinghua, the elder of the ethereal sect, was beautiful.

"All the sects in Xuanyuan world are not founded by those people in the eight directions world, are they?" Han 3000 asked.

"The sects with history are more or less related to the strong people in the world. Only the newly established sects in recent 100 years are independent." Lin long explained.

Han 3000 nodded, perhaps there are more clues hidden in those ancient sects.

If all these clues can be collected, Han 3000 may know where the ancient battlefield was.

"It seems that we need to go to wuwuzong." Han three thousand said, see an old friend, also don't know whether old friend still remember him.

At this time, Lin long suddenly stares at Han 3000's arm.

Han three thousand arm has red eye jade mang attachment, Lin Long's eyes, also don't know is expressing what meaning.

"What do you want to do?" Han 3000 asked.

"If I could eat it, I would recover a lot." Lin long said.

Attached to Han 3000's arm, red eye yumang felt the threat and trembled.

Han 3000 said coldly, "I warn you, this is my spirit pet. If you dare to fight it again, you and I are at odds."

Lin long looks regretful. He seems to have missed a delicious meal and feel some pity. He says, "it's just a snake. In front of the real dragon people, it's like an earthworm. What do you want it to do?"

"It's none of your business." Han 3000 scolds mercilessly.

At the beginning, red eye yumang also provided a lot of help to Han Sanqian, and he also saved Han Sanqian's life in the crisis. He regarded red eye yumang as an indispensable part of his life, which was not just a spiritual pet.

So whether it's a snake or an earthworm, Han 3000 won't make any difference to it.

"Why do you still have a special smell on you? What is that?" Lin long asks Han 3000 again.

It's a special breath. It should be the axe Han 3000 got when he was on earth. Now it's hidden in his body. I didn't expect that even this way, Linlong can feel it.

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