I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1742

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:22:09 AM

Chapter 1742: 1742

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"Qin Shuang, what are you still doing? Not yet? " Ye Gucheng shouts to Qin Shuang behind him.

Qin Shuang is completely immersed in the natural and unrestrained figure of Han 3000 fighting against Ye Gucheng. All kinds of past events are constantly in her mind, which are hard to erase. It is only when ye Gucheng shouts that she reflects them.

Embarrassed to see a body of nihilism, bite teeth, Qin Shuang carrying a sword rushed past.

With Qin Shuang's joining in, the war situation turns around. Ye Gucheng, who is at a disadvantage, gets a chance to breathe. When Han 3000 is tired of coping with Qin Shuang's attack, he plays a Yin move. He always attacks suddenly when Han 3000 doesn't pay attention.

Qin Shuang's attack is fierce, and his accomplishments are extremely high. Although Qin Shuang obviously let Han 3000 off the attack, Qin Shuang is one of the three geniuses after all. His accomplishments are different from those of Ye Gucheng. At the same time, he has the golden body blessing of the beast king in his body.

Although there is no great danger to Han 3000, it is far greater than the pressure brought by Ye Gucheng.

In this case, ye Gucheng, a cunt, made all kinds of sneak attacks on Han 3000. For a while, he cut a knife on his back, a sword on his waist, and a stroke on his leg.

Just for a moment, Han three thousand times body has left a number of openings, blood soaked red whole clothes, the whole person as blood man in general.

Looking at Han 3000 like this, Qin Shuang shed sad tears in her eyes, and fought and retreated. She didn't want to fight with Han 3000 any more.

Han 3000 seize the opportunity, backhand directly seize the sneak attack from ye Gucheng, directly kick it a few meters, ye Gucheng was kicked back while spitting blood in the air.

In the face of Han 3000, Qin Shuang is just a symbolic mechanical resistance. After several attacks, the sword in Qin Shuang's hand falls, and Qin Shuang cries out completely.

In the face of Han 3000, she can't start, and can't watch Han 3000 die in front of her!

Han 3000 gave a bitter smile: "elder martial sister, you should not be merciful to me. On the battlefield, being kind to the enemy means being cruel to yourself."

Qin Shuang shows mercy again, but Han 3000 won't, because he knows that he can't die anyway, because Su Yingxia is still waiting for him.

Qin Shuang shed tears, did not want to resist: "if so, I would rather die."

With that, Qin Shuang silently closed her eyes.

Han 3000's pupil is miniature.

Looking at the long sword falling from the air, Lin Mengxi's eyes are full of anger. She knows that Qin Shuang is not defeated by Han 3000, but by herself.

Wu Yan was so angry that he waved his hand: "where are all the disciples?"


In the field, thousands of people responded in unison, the voice was overwhelming!

"All the disciples listen to the order and kill Han 3000!"


All the disciples yelled angrily, and then they formed three big formations, aiming at Han 3000 in mid air, and kneading their spells!

For a moment, the whole four peaks were illuminated by the group Dharma. The light was dazzling. The magic of thousands of nihilist disciples, like the flying rain, directly attacked Han 3000.

Han three thousand brow lock, a palm directly will Qin frost hit fly.


The magic in mid air gathered in a strange way. Taking Han 3000 as a point, it exploded. The impact of the explosion even blew up a mushroom cloud in mid air. The spread potential spread all over the sky of nihilism!


Qin Shuang flies backward all the way, watching Han 3000 stay farther and farther away, but the attack of all the disciples is getting closer and closer to him, until at last he goes to encircle Han 3000 directly, Qin Shuang cries out heartbroken.

After the earthquake, everything seems to be quiet.

It's like after the rain, quiet, quiet.

Countless disciples looked at the sky from the bombing.

But just as several elders let go of their worries, they suddenly felt that something was wrong. All of a sudden, there was a spark in the air, which was completely filled with smoke.

The next second, several elders were stunned.

In the middle of the smoke, Han 3000 stood there, his golden light was as light as the God of war.


"It's... it's impossible."

Although the strike just now was not enough to destroy the heaven and the earth, it was also strong enough. Even any elder who was present did not dare to assert that he could retreat completely.

But Han 3000 this guy

What the hell is this guy made of, iron? I'm not dead?!

Wu Yanqiang was so surprised that he quickly woke up all the disciples who were in a daze: "all the disciples, listen to the order, line up!"

Qin Shuang just saw Han 3000, tears into a smile is only a few seconds, in the face of Wu Yan elder named, a time and panic God.

She just wanted to ask Han 3000 to run quickly, but at this time, Han 3000 suddenly cracked his mouth with a smile.

"What? Will you bully more people than others? "

The voice is like evil spirit, the smile is like residual blood, and the people who see it are frightened.

When Wu Yan was about to launch another attack, suddenly he felt the whole ground trembling slightly, and it was getting stronger and stronger. Just for a moment, the whole ground and even the air, are a burst of harsh roar. This“ Look All of a sudden, someone was crying out, and people were looking for fame. In the distance, the dust was flying, the trees fell down, and countless strange animals came in the jungle! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!