I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1961

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:16:31 AM

Chapter 1961: 1961

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Who is he?

Han 3000 is very strange.

At this time, with the appearance of the top nine.

Gu Yue also announced the final rules of the game.

"If you want to rule our world, in addition to your own strong strength, you also need to have a strong team strength and strong appeal. Since the peak of Qishan mountain existed, there are three strange places. They are totems of their own. They are not made by human beings, but by nature. Therefore, it is God's instruction that we, the three nations of the world, should work together to create brilliance. "

"Therefore, in the knockout competition of the top 12, whoever finally occupies the three totems will be the top three. At the same time, it also means that they will be the new three families."

With Gu Yue's words, Gu Ri followed him. He stepped forward and stood behind Gu Yue, adding: "each totem can only be occupied by one person. Each of the three totems has three peculiar colors and breath, and two of them will be released every hour. If people in the totem can naturally absorb these breath, they will be attached to the occupier's arm, Each breath will have a texture corresponding to its color. "

"Three days later, that is 36 hours later, we will choose the top three with the most texture."

"This competition has no rules, no restrictions, everything depends on your ability."

After listening to these competition systems, Han 3000 can't help frowning. No wonder everyone wants to have their own power, and no wonder big power wants to attract small power, and small power wants to depend on big power.

In terms of competition, the eternal sea area and the top of blue mountain will occupy two totems, and the last totem left will not be able to defend.

And this, also become the place that must contend for.

If you have enough people and your ability is very strong, you can hold the totem and find other helpers to defend for you. But if you are single handed, it will be even more difficult.

Unless you have unmatched ability, it's totally bullshit to monopolize by one person.

It's not like the original survival elimination competition. It's just taking the flag. No matter what method you use, as long as you get the pieces and go back to the palace gate smoothly, it's a victory. You need to occupy the totem and keep on winning enough texture. There's only one way.


Just arrived, everyone dare not come to rob!

Han 3000 felt that the competition system was a little bit aimed at himself.

Because it seems that everyone has their own team, including the forces behind them, and they? the regal isolationist!

Before, he felt that the old man let himself dominate the world as if he was not far away from him, but now it seems that he really has a dream.

"All the process of the competition will be recorded in the tianmang wheel behind the Qishan temple. Now, I have set a boundary in front of you. When the boundary is opened, the competition will officially begin! Now, step down and tell your team to get ready for the game

With the final announcement of Gu Yue, the sound of drums in the hall of Qishan rocked the sky again, followed by the sound of horns.

Under the stage, people, both outside and inside the hall, were in a uproar, cheering for the forces they supported.

Han 3000 comes down from the gate to Bai Xiaosheng and Su Yingxia.

"How's it going? Are you nervous? " Bai Xiaosheng's nervous lips are purple, but he pretends to be calm and comforts Han 3000.

Han three thousand smile: "OK."

Su Yingxia looked at Han 3000 anxiously: "if it's really not possible, we'll let him."

"Yes." Han 3000 nodded.

At this time, the crowd suddenly boiling, a few people look back, at this time, at the gate of Qishan hall, Fu Tian led a group of Fu family disciples slowly came out.

But there was no light on his face, and he was even extremely discouraged, which formed a strong contrast with many people, because this game was not a happy event for him, but a life and death judgment to pull him down from the altar.

The people who helped the family behind him also understood this truth. They were all dejected and had no fighting spirit.

Although the appearance of Fujia attracted the excitement of the crowd, it can only add a quotation mark, because their excitement is obviously more ridicule and disdain.

"This time, the supporting family is miserable. There is no goddess. Ha ha, even a man with Pangu axe can't keep it."

"This time, Fujia will definitely be defeated, and the end will be miserable."

"I deserve it. I used to help my family show off and be proud of it. Now I clean them up. Ha ha, it's very gratifying."

"You can't live by your own sin. Helping your family has its day. It's like this world newspaper."

In the face of all kinds of sarcasm, Fu Tian clenches his teeth and lowers his head. Although he is very upset, what can he do now?!

Fu Mei is even more angry gnashing her teeth. She has a strong self-esteem. She can't stand these sarcastic remarks. She looks at those who taunt them angrily several times. She even wants to eat them alive, but she still dares not do anything in the end.

She fights hard in the nest, but she's floating outside.

But while she was very angry, the people in the eternal sea appeared. If the warm applause in the eternal sea was expected, then the appearance of someone made her very angry. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!