I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2178

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:11:19 AM

Chapter 2178: 2178

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"Han 3000, I've already groveled. You can do it. Don't go too far." Help day old face a horizontal, strong endure anger to say.

If he did, what would his face be?!

Han 3000 smiled coldly, "you threaten me? Believe it or not, I don't just want you to bark like a dog? I also let you learn to pee like a dog? "

"You!!!" Help the weather knot.

"If you want to cooperate, call it, if you don't cooperate, go away. Of course, if you want to compete with us, I don't mind With that, Han 3000 patted Fu Tian on the shoulder and said with a smile, "how did you lose in Yaoshen pavilion? You should know very well in your heart that I can beat half of Yaoshen Pavilion. Do you think I will be afraid of you?"

Fu Tian is stunned. Although he has been deliberately erasing Han 3000's performance on the battlefield, he knows better than anyone that the defeat of Yao Shen Pavilion is closely related to Han 3000.

This is also the fundamental reason why he won over nihilism in every way, but if nihilism is in Han 3000's hands, his chess game will be doomed to failure.

Fight? He is not sure of winning. Even if you can win a little, so what? Once someone takes the opportunity to enter, the Fuye family will be destroyed!

Only harmony is the only chance for the two families to survive and grow.

"Han 3000, don't threaten me. If you are in a stalemate with us, you nihilists will be as helpless as you are." Fu Tian said with a smile.

"After absorbing the experience of failure last time, if Yaoshen Pavilion calls again now, do you think it's better to hit you first or me?" Han 3000 laughs.

The Fuye alliance has the most troops, and because of the terrain, the Fuye family may surround the Yaoshen pavilion from behind at any time. Naturally, what they want to clear is Tianhu city.

"Or, if I tell Yaoshen pavilion that we decide to join hands with them to get rid of you?" Han three thousand evil spirit smile.

Although he is unlikely to do so, Han 3000 believes that this is indeed the death of Fu Tian.

In a sense, like Wang Jianzhi, he finally got the right. If he wants to take a Soha, how can he do it?

"You have no choice." Han 3000 smiled and looked at Fu Tian.

Fu Tian's face is cold. He is completely threatened by Han 3000 and has no resistance. Han 3000 is not only on the point, but also on the point. The most important thing is that he doesn't allow others to have the slightest doubt in his confident eyes. If you step back, you can have a bright future. It's a good deal.

"How do I know if you're going to fool me? Don't forget how you cheated my twelve concubines

Han three thousand disdain a smile, one hand directly on the table of a dish on the ground: "add one more, like a dog eat up this dish."


"Another one, then?" Han 3000's face suddenly turned cold.

Help the day a bite.

"Wang!!! Woof!! Woof

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. As long as he can make his family bigger, today he can bark like a dog. In the future, he can make Han 3000's life worse than death.

"Ah? This... "

Fuye two families looked at each other, and they were all silly.

The onlookers were even more shocked. The head of Fu's family was humiliated by a young man and asked him to learn how to bark.

At this time, many people jumped up to see who the young man in the alley was. There are also some unmarried women, see Han 3000 and heart.

The most handsome people in the world are either the heroes of the world who are brave enough to fight against the enemy, or the lonely Su Shuai who is masterminding strategies and dominating the world.

Han 3000 at this time is the latter.

"What is the origin of this young man? Even Fu Tian in front of him? What's more, the executives of Fuye and Fuye are all here. No one dares to speak out? "

"I don't know. I haven't seen such a person before. However, I was very strange. How could those people of fumang be around him? Can I remember that Fu mang is not the deputy of the mysterious alliance? "

"When you say that, I can see that Bai Xiaosheng is also here!"

"And you see, all the elders of nihilism are separated from each other, and they are humble. I'm afraid they're not small. In my opinion, is it a mysterious person? "

"From the body point of view, it really looks like a mysterious person, but isn't the mysterious person always wearing a mask?"

A lot of people talk and comment, but in Fu Mei's ears, they are very harsh.

Fortunately, Han 3000 is a mysterious man. The Fuye family have been pressing on the news, and many people don't know Han 3000 and Su Yingxia. Otherwise, she would be so angry that she would spit blood.

"Is it all right now?" Fu Tian looks up at Han 3000.

Han three thousand Nu mouth, looked at a dish plate.

Fu Tian clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. He lay on the ground and ate the dishes clean.

After eating these dishes, Fu Tian stood up with a cold face: "now?"

"Yes, I'm very obedient. I'll give you a bone later. Now you can go." Han 3000 laughs.

Fu Tian suddenly burst into a rage: "what do you mean? You let me go? What did you promise me? "“ I only said to consider, not to promise. Unless it's a full play. " Finish saying, Han three thousand eyes on the alley stood to help Mei body. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!