I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2278

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:08:49 AM

Chapter 2278: 2278

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As soon as Fu Tian shouts, everyone is also very happy.

The real God of the eternal sea sent someone to invite him. What's the concept?!

This is the concept they need to develop to help their families.

Think of this, help day immediately proud smile, that share of strength as if he had returned to the ranks of the real God family in general.

Seeing that many executives of Fu ye have been eager to go to Ye Gucheng, Fu Tian pulled his collar and pretended to be forced. He sighed: "although Ao Shizhen God sincerely invited us, we'd better go back."

"Fu patriarch, what are you doing?" There are ye family executives immediately confused voice.

"Yes, they invited us. Why don't we go?"

"Yes, yes!"

Ye family executives are anxious and suspicious. They really don't know how Fu Tian could give up such a great opportunity.

Even the senior executives of Fujia are puzzled and puzzled.

At this time, Fu Tian sighed falsely, shook his head, looked at the crowd, and said: "Ao Shizhen God is one of the strongest in the world. I'm afraid there are not many foreigners who can be summoned by him in this world. I believe there are only a few foreigners who can be summoned by him. This is not only a glory but also a affirmation for our family. However, what you said just now is also true. Helping someone is fatuous and incompetent, and there is no way to govern. It not only makes my family crumble, but also drags down the Ye family. How can I take you to see aozhenshen? "

"It's true that we are now in civil strife, and we're going to immortality waters. Isn't that humiliating? In my opinion, the most urgent thing is to go back to Tianhu city to re elect the clan leader. As for other things, I'll talk about it later. " At Fu's home, the executives who support Fu Tian immediately understand what Fu Tian means, even if they voice their support.

"It's really time to go back to self-examination. If you want to settle down outside, you must settle down inside first."

Even if he doesn't support Fu Tian or is dissatisfied with him, he knows that the struggle with the Ye family must focus on Fu Tian, otherwise it will only be them who will suffer.

Looking at most of the people who helped the family say so, the senior executives of the Ye family suddenly turned red and white.

Everyone knows that Fu Tian is acting here, but he can't find out directly. The key is to accompany him. After all, he has to help his family through the roll call.

"Chief Fu, where are you speaking? Alas, we were also depressed for a while, so we all regretted saying anything without going through our brain

"Yes, for the sake of our Fuye family, the head of Fu clan has devoted himself to the cause of death. How can he be incompetent? Everyone is just a moment's nonsense. Don't take it seriously. "

"In fact, the leader of the Fu clan is very good at governance. Our Fu Ye allied forces are at least on one side of the two cities, and these are what the leader of the Fu clan has led us to do. According to me, the leader of the Fu clan has made unparalleled contributions."

"If there was any nonsense before, help the patriarch, you will not remember the villain's life. In the future, we will only give you the lead."

"Yes, if anyone says anything about helping the patriarch step down, don't blame me for being rude."

The attitude of the senior executives of the Ye family has been transformed into compliments, which makes Fu Tian feel very happy. I don't know how long it has been since he was so popular, which makes him regain his dream of supporting his family.

It's more than a cool one. I can't put it down.

Fu Tian cleared his throat and was satisfied with the forced act. He nodded falsely: "well, since everyone is a family and you all say so, I don't have to talk about anything else. Let's go."


Everyone is happy, and then under the leadership of Fu Tian, fart top fart top catch up with Ye Gucheng who has gone far.

See the rear help family, ye Gucheng a sneer, a group of bedbugs, in front of himself, this is not still up with it?

For ye Gucheng's disdain, Fu Tian doesn't care. Anyway, his thigh is not ye Gucheng, but Ao Shi.

Trapped in the immortal Valley, Fu Mang and others still drag their scarred bodies deep into the valley. For nothing else, they just want to find a little bit of information about Su Yingxia in the rumor, but until a group of people have arrived in the valley, they get nothing.

In the valley of the original, in addition to flowers and trees, mountains and rivers, not to mention people, even animals are rarely seen.

"Commander Fu, we've checked around and found nothing. Moreover, looking at the situation around us, it's not a place where people can live or Tibetans can live." His men reported at this time.

"Is the news wrong?" Fumang looks to baixiaosheng.

"Nothing can come from nowhere. Either it is true or there is a purpose or plot. But we have been in the valley for so long, but we have not seen any sign of ambush." Bai Xiaosheng shook his head.

"You mean it's more or less reliable?" Help busy road.

Hundred Xiaosheng nodded: "I don't know. However, 3000 was good to us before he died. Even if he died, Su Yingxia and Han Nian fought our lives, I have to find them. I mean, we don't miss any chance."

"Well, all brothers, try harder and look around. There was a huge explosion just now in the trapped dragon mountain. I'm afraid there are many accidents. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's find clues and leave here as soon as possible. " Fu mang gritted his teeth and decided to take a chance. People nodded and began to search the valley. At this time, in front of the barracks in the eternal sea area, there was a lot of excitement. Hearing that Fu Tian and others came, Ao Shi personally greeted Fu Tian outside the tent for the first time. When he saw Fu Tian, Ao shile couldn't open his mouth: "Fu Tian clan leader, I've heard of your name for a long time. Ao Mou lost his welcome." Beside Ao Shi, the Gao Gan of Ao family and Yaoshen Pavilion stand in two rows. I really don't know what Ao Shi wants to do. It's just rubbish like garbage. Why should he do it himself“ Ha ha, I've seen aolao. Aolao deserves to be the leading God in our world. Today I'm lucky to see aolao. It's a great honor to help someone. " Fu Tian said with a smile. When Fu Tian smiles, a help behind him, and ye Shijun and Fu Mei are in front of him“ Well, Fujia and Yejia are both well-established families in the world. They are good soldiers and strong people. Come on, I've ordered people to prepare food and wine. Let's drink and sing together. " Ao Shi laughs. Hearing this, the eyes of Fu Ye's family were shining, and AO Shi accompanied them to dinner. What's the standard? No less than Han 3000 on the top of blue mountain?! However, what is Aoshi doing this for?! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!