I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 231

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:58:55 AM

Chapter 231: 231

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Su Yingxia's words made Han 3000 as if he had killed a chicken, and his fighting power burst in an instant. Even if Shangguan black and white appeared in front of him, he could still kill him.

"That's what you said. You can't go back on it." Han 3000 said.

See Han 3000 sincere expression, Su Yingxia suddenly a little guilty, this guy will not boast? Is he really good?

Can you play the piano and go again? Is there such a person?

"You win." Su Yingxia said, quickly back to the room.

For Han 3000, this matter has basically become a reality, so he began to look forward to it in his heart. It's better for Su Yingxia's friends to show up early, so that they can savor the taste of lipstick early.

The next day, Han 3000 went to the Go Association, and all the members were present, because after they went to Su Yingxia yesterday, they came here early today to wait for the answer.

And they believe that after such a threat, Han 3000 will never fail to comply.

He is just the son-in-law of the Su family. He has no position in the Su family. Once Su Yingxia puts pressure on him, does he dare to resist?

Others think so, but Wang Mao won't. what he learned from Tian Changsheng is enough to let him know Han 3000's power. How can he be threatened?

"Han 3000, have you thought about it? Su Yingxia should have made the pros and cons clear to you."

"Hum, you'd better think more about Su Yingxia. After all, you are husband and wife, and you don't want to see Su Yingxia on the street."

"And if the Su family is finished, your soft food won't be so delicious."

Listening to these words, Wang Mao is very frightened. These guys who don't know whether they are alive or dead still threaten Han 3000. Do they really think that they have a long life?

"Three thousand, don't listen to them. It's just a joke. What are you here for today?" Wang Mao asked carefully.

"When is the game?" Han 3000 asked.

Wang Mao was surprised, Han 3000 suddenly asked, do you really want to change your mind?

But... But with the threat of these people, how can Han 3000 compromise!

"Next month." Wang Mao said.

There are still more than ten days to go before next month, but Han Sanqian can't guarantee that he will contact the people in the inner earth prison in the past ten days. If the people in the inner earth prison show up during the competition, it will be a bit of trouble.

"I can think about it and see if I have time. If I have time, I'll go." Han 3000 said.

Wang Mao was stunned. Han 3000 really agreed to go?

When those members heard Han 3000's words, they all laughed with pride. In their opinion, it was a deterrent to Su Yingxia. The loser was indeed the loser. Su Yingxia's words could make him compromise.

"That's the smart choice."

"It's not necessary for the Su family to offend us."

"It seems that you still listen to your wife. You really deserve your name."

The crowd began to make fun of Han 3000, but Han 3000's face sneered. If it wasn't for the sake of proving himself in front of Su Yingxia, the game would be meaningless to him.

"It's nothing to do with you. I warn you that if you go to make trouble for Su Yingxia again, don't blame me for not letting you go." Han 3000 said coldly.

"Yes, we all know that you are also a man. You also need face."

"As long as you help our association win the competition, it's nothing to give you face."

"But if you lose, you can't. since Shangguan black and white has made such a big noise, he must be prepared. You should be careful."

Han 3000 looked at the faces of these people, forced him to participate in the competition, and still can't lose, it's really a push.

But it's a bit difficult for Han 3000 to lose.

Although Ouyang Xiujie is the apprentice of Shangguan black and white, known as the new star of go, in Han 3000's eyes, he is not even an opponent.

After Han 3000 left, the members were still proud to invite credit. Wang Mao couldn't listen to these people's boasting. He went back to the office and called Tian Changsheng.

It came so suddenly that Wang Mao had to ask what happened to tianchangsheng. Maybe he was wrong about Han 3000.

"He agreed?" After receiving the phone call, Tian Changsheng looks surprised. Han 3000 has changed his mind.

"Yes, that's why I want to ask you, what's the matter? Is he not the kind of person you think?" Wang Mao doubts a way.

Tian Changsheng's guess of Han 3000's identity can never be wrong. Shi Jing and Nangong Qianqiu have personally appeared in Yundingshan villa area.

"No, I'm sure." Tianchangsheng said.

"That's strange. They went to threaten Su Yingxia. If Han 3000 was so powerful, he couldn't compromise." Wang Mao said.

Hearing Su Yingxia's three words, Tian Changsheng laughed instantly.

"What are you laughing at?" Wang Mao asked“ You don't have to guess. Since this matter involves Su Yingxia, you can understand. After all, in the past three years, he has never cared about his reputation. It's all because Su Yingxia has other ideas, but you'd better remind those people of the association that Han 3000 didn't settle accounts with them this time because he didn't touch Han 3000's bottom line, If they want to advance an inch, no one can keep it. " Tianchangsheng said“ Well, I'm too lazy to think about it, as long as he's willing to take part in the competition. " Wang Mao sighed. It's no use thinking about so many twists and turns, and it doesn't have much to do with him. Instead of wasting his brain power on this matter, it's better to improve himself. After hanging up the phone, Tian Changsheng sighs that Han Sanqian is more patient for Su Yingxia, which means that ling'er has no chance tomorrow. In fact, tianchangsheng has known this for a long time, but he still has a little fluke and fantasy in his heart. However, after this event, tianchangsheng fully understands that no matter how much effort tianling'er has made, it will not help“ I pity my precious granddaughter. This time, I'm in trouble. " Tianchangsheng said to himself“ What are you talking about, grandfather Tianling'er came listlessly. Tianchangsheng shook his head quickly and said, "I didn't say anything. You don't go to school today?" Tian ling'er now has all his thoughts on Han 3000. He has no mind to go to school and says, "no, I don't want to go to class. I don't want to do anything. The end of the world is coming." Tianchangsheng has a wry smile on her face. Now she feels the end of the world. When she really recognizes the truth, what kind of mood will it be“ Isn't there any boy in school who likes you? " Tianchangsheng is a wonderful place“ Of course, I like a lot of them, but how can they compare with Han 3000, one by one like little kids. " Tianling'er muttered“ Han 3000 is not so good. It's not hard to find someone better than him. " Tianchangsheng tries to guide tianling'er not to focus on Han 3000, but his plan is obviously impossible. If it wasn't for the broken head and blood, how could it turn back“ Grandpa, haven't you always supported me? What happened today. " The day spirit son doubts a way. This is a good time for tianchangsheng to make it clear and let tianlinger retreat. But this little girl is his favorite granddaughter. Tianchangsheng can't bear to do such a cruel thing. Tian Changsheng, who wants to talk but stops, finally swallows the words to his throat“ Of course, grandfather supports you, but he doesn't want to see you unhappy all day. " Tianchangsheng said“ Grandfather Tianling'er ghost essence went to tianchangsheng and took the initiative to massage tianchangsheng's shoulder. Tianchangsheng is uncomfortable. Tianling'er is so kind to him all of a sudden. It must be nothing good“ Cough, my dear granddaughter, if you have anything to say, you are suddenly so kind to your grandfather. He is a little uncomfortable. " Tianchangsheng said awkwardly“ Grandfather, in fact, the way to make me happy is very simple. It depends on whether you are willing or not. " Said Tian ling'er“ What can I do? " Asked Tian Changsheng“ For example, in your name, invite Han 3000 to dinner, and I'll have a meal with him by the way. Then I'm very happy. " Tianling'er said with a smile. Tianchangsheng was relieved. Fortunately, it was not difficult, otherwise his beard would not be preserved“ All right, Grandpa will ask him out as soon as possible This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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