I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2335

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:07:22 AM

Chapter 2335: 2335

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In the whole world, the Buddha was engulfed by the blue light in an instant, most of the sky was already green, and all people's faces were filled with crazy expressions. Under the reflection of the blue light, they looked like petrified wax statues.


After Lu Wushen was blasted hundreds of meters, he was able to stabilize his body, and a mouthful of fresh blood came out of his mouth.

In the picture of mountains and rivers, countless green lights are coming out from the first tear, and the small one is getting bigger and bigger. Finally, the picture of mountains and rivers is torn in two!


The map of mountains and rivers, like a giant waterfall, was finally hard to explore. With a loud noise, it burst into two parts. With this explosion, the huge waterfall suddenly disappeared in the sky, and a small black scroll with black smoke fell directly from the mid air.

Almost at the same time, a shadow suddenly flew out of the huge waterfall.

The green light on the body is shining, the evil spirit is surrounded, and the golden streamer flows slowly in the body.

The long hair of blood silver moves without wind, and the black armor is shining with purple light. In my hand, I hold a huge blue black axe in my hand, holding it slightly, and I look down on the world!

On the forehead, the Pangu mark has disappeared, but in the blood red eyes, there is a faint cyan totem.


"Han 3000!"


When Lu Wushen saw the man a hundred meters in front of him, he was not surprised. He turned to attack his heart, and another mouthful of blood gushed out directly.

"Damn it

On the ground, there are no more words to express the first reflection. Apart from the standard national curse, there are no other adjectives in their consciousness to express their shock.

Most people were pulling their numb scalp and opening their big eyes like ox eyes. It was obvious that they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

"My God, what do I see? Han... Han 3000, that guy directly broke the congenital treasure of mountain, river and country map? "

"It's the most precious and invincible in nature. How... How can it be broken?"!? It's impossible, isn't it? "

"The map of mountains and rivers is broken, and Lu Wushen also spits blood. This... This... This means that Han 3000 retreats the two real gods in succession?"

"How can this be possible? These are the two strongest people in the world. He Han 3000... But... "

In the crowd, everyone was almost crazy. One by one, they exploded, jumped and screamed. It's needless to say how shocked they were.

"Ha ha, Han 3000 is a real cow. What did I say just now? I just said, "Han Sany will come out. How do you know the ambition of swans?"

"After the first World War, who dares to say that Han 3000 is a man? I'll turn against him!"

"That's right. Han 3000 is a God. Han 3000 is a God. He is the largest God in the world. He will never accept any refutation."

"Han 3000 was possessed by the devil first, and then became a God. He had both the spirit of evil spirit and the golden light of God. I think... I think we should call him the devil?"

"The devil? He is both a devil and a God, but he is quite similar to Han 3000. I agree with him! "

"I also agree that the fury of the demon God is the same as that of Han 3000. Ha ha, Han 3000 will be the real God of our world in the future - the demon God!"

A group of people were shocked and worshipped one after another.

"Long live the devil! Long live the devil

Then, I don't know who yelled first. The next moment, more and more people joined the slogan.

If it's normal, with Ye Gucheng's character, he will fight back to the past. If it's serious, he wants to kill a few people to shut them up. But today he doesn't.

A pair of handsome face is full of white, the whole person pupil is wide open, the soul does not give up.

No longer willing to admit, we can't deny that Han 3000, who came out from the picture of mountains and rivers with an axe at this time, caused a devastating blow to his soul.

Cruel, merciless, like a hammer in the heart of the general heavy hit on his heart.

Wang Jianzhi also had a hard time. In his clenched fists, his fingernails had already sunk into the flesh of his palm.

His face is full of shock and unwilling.

He didn't understand, he really didn't understand, how a little earth man could grow up to such a terrible state in such a fast time.

The first time I knew about this guy, he was just a little bug in Xuanyuan world who didn't even dare to show up when his wife and children were trapped. The second time I saw this guy, he showed his extraordinary ability. Although Lu Ruoxin was chasing him all over the mountain at that time, this guy also created the miracle of Danna Shenzhong.

After all, he almost died in his own hands.

Why is it that when we meet again, we can kill him at the foot of nihilist mountain. When we see him again, we become a spectator next to him, and we don't even have the qualification to fight with him?!

Is it because of the Tombs? People are most afraid of making excuses when they are incompetent, and Wang Jianzhi obviously finds excuses to console himself at this time. Yes, it must be the God tomb. It must be this guy who took something unknown in the God tomb, so... That's why he made such rapid progress. The more he thought about it, the more angry Wang was. Because he felt that everything in the tomb should be his, so naturally, everything Han 3000 has now should belong to him“ Han 3000, you despicable thief Different from Wang Yanzhi, Gu you's exquisite face was not angry or unwilling except full of surprise. On the contrary, a pair of good-looking eyes were full of appreciation and admiration. Invincible world, but so, heroes of the world, all in front of us. The performance of sky China Korea 3000 is the best performance in Gu you's mind, and the only performance that she thinks can make her heart beat. Hard to carry the two true gods, but not the slightest downwind, even if it is not a hero, but also Xiaoxiong. Even if it's not an emperor, it's a overlord! Men should be like this! What's more, Han 3000 also has an extremely good-looking leather bag. No matter from which aspect, Han 3000 is the best standard in Gu you's heart. If Gu you didn't want to marry Ye Gucheng at the beginning, after all, ye Gucheng has some appearance and outstanding talent. Now, Gu you's regretful intestines are almost green. Ye Gucheng seems OK, but compared with Han 3000, it's just a comparison of dragons in the sky and insects in the earth. This gap, in addition to a certain degree of body resemblance, which are great!! Bang! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stopped our translation

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