I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2382

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:06:16 AM

Chapter 2382: 2382

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Han 3000 also frowned and looked at Chen Shimin. In his impression, he didn't even have any intersection with Chen Shimin.

However, at this time, Chen Shimin's laughter was over, and the corners of his mouth drew slightly. He said in a cold voice, "my man? Han 3000, this kind of garbage, also deserves to be my young master's men? It's just a dog of my master. "


"What is this guy talking about? Han 3000 is also a demon God. It's just that this boy doesn't respect him. He dares to say that Han 3000 is a dog. Damn it, I can't stand it. "

"Isn't it? You can't respect some people, but their great achievements are there after all. You can't trample them at will."

"Yes, originally I had some respect for the mysterious Tianji palace, but now his disciples are so shameless, which makes me very disappointed."

"Bah, the Tianji palace has let me see what it means to be shameless."

Many people immediately denounce Chen Shimin's view. They have never seen such a shameless person before.

"Why don't we beat him up when he says that about you?" How long has Dao 12 been mixing with Han 3000? How can he allow others to slander Han 3000 like this? He will go away on the spot.

Han 3000 smiled and didn't speak. Instead, he asked Dao 12 to watch the menu and choose some dishes he liked.

After all, for Han 3000, he really doesn't have to be angry about these flowing things.

Moyang is not surprised. If Han 3000 cares so much about these rumors, he will not be Han 3000.

"Well, most people are stupid. You can see that." In the face of public criticism, Chen Shimin did not blush at all. His acting skills were so lifelike that he hit the Oscar.

"Young man, only when there are many people who are always stupid can we call all living beings. Otherwise, if they are all so smart, there will be no three, six or nine grades in the world. " Dogleg also just right voice sarcasm way.

With that, the dogleg disdained to glance at the people who didn't agree with him, and said in a cold voice: "how can these people know that Han 3000 is just a useless disciple of nihilism? Without your careful guidance, how can he suddenly make progress by leaps and bounds? Without all the resources and ways you gave him, how could he shake the world step by step? "

"What do you mean? It means that Han 3000 is still your master's Apprentice? " There is doubt.

"I'm not an apprentice. My son has said that, at best, he's just a watchdog who has taught me some skills."

"I just didn't expect that a watchdog would be worshipped like this by you. If you really have brains, you might as well worship my son."

Dogleg complacently said, Chen Shimin also very cooperate with a shake fan, put on a pair of elegant appearance.

However, his eyes at this time have been staring at the woman called Ziqing, the intention is more obvious.

"Just blow it. I can still say I'm Han 3000's grandfather! Those who fish for fame and reputation, Han 3000 is dead now. Of course, you can say whatever you want. "

"That's not true."

With these words alone, many people naturally don't believe it.

But there is some pure purple feeling, looking at Chen Shimin with a kind of complicated eyes, which makes Chen Shimin feel very good.

"Seven younger sisters, don't listen to his nonsense!" The eldest brother has rich experience in the world of rivers and lakes. Naturally, he doesn't want to eat this. He immediately says coldly to his seven younger sisters.

Purple feeling obediently nodded, quickly moved his eyes away.

At this moment, Chen Shimin was immediately dissatisfied: "Damn, Jiangbei seven monsters, since you don't believe it, I will give you some color to see!"

"Sky fire, moon wheel!"


With this guy yelling, the left hand suddenly a fire rise, the right hand is also purple hand.

When I saw him like this, I was shocked.

Because the sky fire moon wheel itself is one of the pronouns of Han 3000.

However, the layman will be like this, but the expert can tell that although some angles of this day's fire moon wheel look very similar to Han 3000's fire moon wheel, but a closer look can find that it's really a small Witch, and the two sides are not at the same level.

The boss of Jiangbei seven monsters naturally saw the clue at a glance. He could not tolerate someone to deceive his sister so much, and pretended to be his idol. He immediately disdained to sneer: "don't pretend to be a ghost here."

As soon as his voice fell, he made a counter attack.

But it's strange that Chen Shimin is just a flash. He takes advantage of the situation. After a while, the seven monsters' stool is directly attacked by others. His whole body suddenly loses its balance and staggers forward.

A bang.

His body suddenly hit a table in front of him. Originally, he would fall very hard, but at this time, his arms were held in his hands.

This table is exactly where Han 3000 is.

"Thank you The eldest brother saw someone help him, immediately grateful and way.

Han 3000 looked up slightly and said with a smile, "you're welcome!" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!