I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2408

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:05:38 AM

Chapter 2408: 2408

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"My God, chaos, Han... Han 3000, are you going to die?" Regardless of Han 3000's problem, at this time, Lin Long's body is still slightly steep, and the whole dragon is also very excited.

"I sucked it in from the stomach of gluttonous evil. What's the matter? Will this endanger my life? " Han 3000's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and he can't help his strange way.

To tell you the truth, after getting the chaotic Qi, Han Sanqian felt a little uneasy. He didn't know whether it was good or bad. Anyway, it was all for the sake of anger and revenge.

This hear Lin Long's words, Han 3000 that kind of uneasy mood instantly surge.

"You misunderstood me. I don't mean you are going to die, but... I mean you, you are going against the heaven." After talking for a long time, Lin long finally spoke his heart.

"Against the sky?" Han Sanyi frowned.

"Yes, against the sky! Han Sanqian, do you know what the Qi of chaos is? "

"You have to be specific, not clear." Han 3000 shook his voice.

"The Qi of chaos is the most primitive force in the beginning of heaven and earth, or it can be said that it is the ancestor of all kinds of energy and aura under the bottom of the sky. All the energy is derived from it. So, do you understand it now?"

"Probably... I seem to understand."

"Damn, it is the ancestor of all forces. Nature, its purity is also the ancestor level of all forces. Do you understand what I say?"

"You mean it's very powerful?"

"It's not only very strong, but also abnormal. Why the octagonal world is higher than the Xuanyuan world, and why the Xuanyuan world is higher than the earth, isn't that because of the difference in aura? The more advanced the world is, the larger the Reiki energy is and the purer the purity is. Therefore, it is easier and higher to cultivate people in this world, and the level of the natural world is different. It can be said that the level of Reiki energy determines the level of the world

"If one day, the earth you belong to is full of high-level Reiki, what do you think will happen?"

Hearing Lin Long's words, Han 3000 could think of the answer almost without thinking.

If the earth has enough aura, everyone can practice it. With the high-level aura energy in the body, the consequences will be obvious.

"So, I said you're going against the sky. Do you understand now?" Lin long said with a smile.

Today's Han 3000 has a higher aura and purer chaotic power than before. Naturally, the level of magic and cultivation released will be greatly improved.

"To be honest, what you're doing now... I'm a little embarrassed to suck you. These things can't be found. If you suck a little, there will be less. " Linlong road.

After all, Han 3000 is the only one who can make the most of these precious auras. He thinks it's too wasteful to use them for his own healing.

"If you can fully use these chaotic Qi, then the sky is your limit."

For Linlong's words, Han 3000 is very shocked, he never thought, a revenge and fighting move, it is such a result.

But at the same time, he was a little embarrassed.

After all, these things are absorbed from Taotie's stomach. Now he knows that this thing is so expensive. Han 3000 is really embarrassed.

"Suck it." Next second, Han 3000 is still Tao.

"You and I are good brothers. Your dragon heart has given me. Don't say a little bit of chaos. Even if you absorb all of them, I have nothing to say."

"3000, are you a tiger?" The silent way of Linlong.

"Hurry up, don't talk nonsense, hurry up. If anything happens later, I expect you to take them out of here. " Han 3000 said coldly.

"Damn it, I'll go."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of Linlong disappeared, and the seal of Linlong on Han 3000's arm disappeared. It was obvious that the goods had gone to the heart of the dragon people to absorb energy.

"Xiaobai, you can go too." A pat of Xiaobai's imprint, see Xiaobai's imprint golden flash, tight and dim.

For his brother, Han 3000 is never stingy. No matter what he wants, Han 3000 is never stingy.

Finished these two, Han 3000 this just slowly walked down from upstairs. The knock on the door downstairs obviously awakened other residents in the restaurant. However, all of them did not dare to leave the house at this time. They just gently opened their windows and quietly looked downstairs.

A moment later, the waiter opened the door of the restaurant. When he saw the three people in front of him, he was stunned.

Behind him, when Han 3000 saw the three women, he was stunned. The three women were as white as snow. Even in the dark, they could still be seen as white, and their appearance was more beautiful and dignified. Even if their coat was a thick black windbreaker, they still could not cover up the fact that they had a wonderful figure.

And three women see Han 3000, is also slightly a Leng, the leading woman gently smile: "excuse me, is Han 3000 Han young Xia?"

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