I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2441

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:04:55 AM

Chapter 2441: 2441

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When Han Sanya and his party were walking for several hours, they came to the mountains.

Although the straight-line distance from the border town is only more than ten miles, Han 3000 really experienced what is called the distance between one hand, just like ten thousand miles.

Although the mountains are close to each other, it is really difficult to walk up and down the mountain without using Reiki.

When Han 3000 walked into the dark cloud in front of him, he felt extremely depressed.

The Buddha's voice is already very strong, which makes the depression a little relieved. At first, Han 3000 thought it was very noisy. Now after a long walk, Han 3000 also felt quite comfortable.

"Is it strange, benefactor Han, why do we not fly but walk?" The old monk suddenly said with a smile.

Han Sanqian did not speak, but he did not deny it.

"The Buddha's voice is suppressed by the Buddha's power. If you use other auras rashly, you may destroy the whole Buddha's power and even let the night devil find a loophole. If you escape, you may have endless troubles." The old monk explained with a smile.

Han 3000 nodded.

"Benefactor Han, here we are." Looking at a towering cliff top in front of him, the old monk bowed gently.

As you can see, there is a protruding cliff top in front of you, just like a head protruding from the top of a high mountain. Above the pine trees, there are a group of people wearing black clothes. The black clothes cover their heads. They sit and recite, and the Buddha's voice is curling.

Following the old monk, a group of three slowly went to the top of the cliff in front.

As soon as you get to the top of the cliff, the voice of the Buddha is more appealing.

But there was no time to listen and see more. The old monk had led Han 3000 to the edge of the cliff.

On reaching the cliff, Han 3000 was shocked.





All around, the voice of Ten Thousand Buddhas, from the bottom to the top!

Below the top of the cliff, at the bottom of the 10000 meter abyss, a large black area, like a huge black heart, beating gently and constantly.

Around the cliff, there are mountains on all sides. Everywhere, there are scattered monks in black clothes. They close their eyes and recite. Suddenly, the voice of the Buddha rings all around.

Such a scene, brilliant shock!

The fight between the devil and the Buddha is in front of us!

"Below is the night devil!"

The huge heart stretches for several kilometers. Even if you look down at it from a high altitude, you are also shocked by its huge body shape. The dark surface is even as slippery as the skin of a snake, which is daunting.

"It's getting late today, so it's not suitable to start again. Besides, the sky is full of dark clouds, and the Yang is not enough. I'll watch the wind, rain, and clouds. Tomorrow will be sunny. Benefactor Han, tomorrow morning, we'll start again, and see what we can do?"

How to deal with the night devil, Han 3000 is not clear, but since the old monk has a plan, Han 3000 no longer says more and nods.


"The disciple is here!" A middle-aged monk quickly stopped chanting scriptures, stood up and trotted all the way.

"Can I do what I've told you?"

"Master, it's ready."

"Lead the way ahead."

"Yes The middle-aged monk said, slightly a bow body, to Han 3000 make please posture, this just quickly in front of the road.

From the cliff top all the way down, around a low jungle, into a pine forest.

The tree is high and the space is wide, so countless tents are set up at the foot of the tree. Many monks rest here, or cook and chat.

"Benefactor, this is our temporary resting place." With that, the middle-aged monk led several people into the woods.

Seeing the arrival of the four, many resting monks told them to stand up.

"Yes, master, elder martial brother, benefactor!"

"Let's go on our own." The old monk gave a little smile and looked extremely amiable.

After a salute, the crowd dispersed.

The middle-aged monk took Han 3000 inside again. Soon, he stopped in front of a relatively large tent. Although it was a tent, it was obvious that compared with other tents, the tent was much cleaner and atmospheric.

"Benefactor, this is where you rest tonight."

With that, the monk opened the curtain. Although it was very simple, just one bed and one table, it was clean and tidy.

"Benefactor Han, you can have a good rest. I will send someone to deliver some fast food in the evening. Tomorrow morning, we will kill the night devil." The old monk said with a smile.

Han Sanqian nodded and entered the tent under the guidance of the middle-aged monk.

Suddenly, Han 3000 stopped, turned back and frowned, "by the way, my friends in the city?"

"You can rest assured, benefactor Han. It's just illusions. They're fine. They're just evil. But once the night devil dies, they won't see those illusions." The old monk gave a smile.

But at this time in the city, but really as the old monk said, is not that easy? Everything seems to be in the fog, invisible and imperceptible. And this night is not destined to be an ordinary night. This Novell has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!