I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 250

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:58:28 AM

Chapter 250: 250

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Tianjia villa area.

Tian Changsheng sits in the living room and hears that Han 3000 has lost the game. He is very puzzled about it. Last time Han 3000 and Ouyang Xiujie played chess, he could see clearly the strength gap between them. Even if he is a layman, he could see it. According to reason, this competition should be very safe for him. How could he possibly lose it.

What's wrong with Jingzhou?

With Han 3000's character, how can he make such a low-level mistake.

The tea was boiling, but Tianchang Shengsi didn't notice it until tianling'er came near and said, "grandfather, what do you think? The water is boiling

"Ah." Tianchangsheng looked at the teapot with white eyes and nodded: "Oh, it almost broke a pot of good tea."

Tianling'er, dressed in loose household clothes, conceals her beautiful figure. Sitting opposite tianchangsheng, she asks, "what can make my grandfather think so deeply?"

For Han 3000, tianchangsheng didn't want to mention it to tianling'er, because last time he pretended to meet tianling'er at Yunding mountain, tianling'er was heartbroken. But for Han 3000's loss, tianchangsheng felt too strange, so he couldn't resist it.

"Ling'er, Han 3000 lost the game." Tianchangsheng said.

"To whom?" Tianling son surprised way, this day prosperous said, Han 3000 won the champion is absolutely no problem, how can lose it.

"Ouyang Xiujie."

Tianling'er frowned and murmured: "grandfather didn't say that he easily won Ouyang Xiujie. How could he lose?"

"Yes, I'm just wondering why I lost." Although this matter has little to do with tianchangsheng, and Han Sanqian's loss won't make him lose face, tianchangsheng thinks it's impossible.

"Hum." Tianling'er snorted coldly and said, "it must be that he is too inflated to pay attention to Ouyang Xiujie. That's why he capsized in the sewer. This arrogant guy fell down."

Tianling'er seems to be falling into the well, but tianchangsheng can feel that the real idea of this little girl is not like this.

"Ling'er, he lost this time. When he returned to Yuncheng, the members of the Go Association would not let him go." Tianchangsheng said.

Hearing this, Tian ling'er's worry immediately appeared on his face. After a long hesitation, he said: "grandfather, Han 3000 is arrogant and lost, but he has learned enough lessons. Go Association, you can help him. He must be sad enough to lose the game. Why should he be criticized by those old guys?"

Tianchangsheng has no choice but to smile. Her granddaughter stops talking hard, but she still thinks about Han 3000 in her heart. The last time she pretended to meet by chance, it hit her hard, but she didn't show any sign of giving up.

"He can handle it by himself. Grandfather's hand is unnecessary." Tianchangsheng said.

"Well, grandfather, you think too much of him. The people of Go Association all have big companies in Yuncheng. How can he manage it by himself?" Heaven spirit son disdains a way.

Tianchangsheng sighs. Tianling'er doesn't believe Han 3000 has the ability to deal with it, but this thing is destined to make her look at it with new eyes. In this way, her favor for Han 3000 will only become stronger and stronger.

Unfortunately, Han 3000's excellence can not be concealed by Tian Changsheng.

Tianchangsheng knows something about the Han family in Yanjing. He knows that Han 3000 was not valued by the family. But the last time Nangong Qianqiu came to Yuncheng, it shows that the Han family has changed their attitude towards him. As for how he did it and what he did, tianchangsheng still doesn't know.

But one thing is certain. It is worth Nangong leaving Beijing for thousands of years. This is the best proof of Han 3000's strength.

"My good granddaughter, you still underestimate Han 3000." Tianchangsheng said.

Tianling'er's mouth is shriveled. What's his strength? Besides being able to play chess, isn't he eating soft food at Su's house? It's no real skill to rely on Su Yingxia.

Yuncheng airport.

Luxury cars are parked in vertical rows at the gate of the airport. Passengers, whether local or foreign, are surprised by this grand scene. It's what kind of big people they have to meet to make such a grand spectacle.

Most of the luxury cars are Bentley and Rolls Royce. Some local people in Cloud City find that these car owners are almost the backbone of the business community in Cloud City. Except for a few more powerful people who didn't show up, others arrived.

"What's the situation? Who's going to take it? It's such a big move."

"It should be the person who meets the Tians. Besides Tians, who else in Yuncheng is qualified to enjoy such treatment."

"This kind of specification, at least it must be the master of Tian family, but I haven't heard that the master left cloud city recently."

Tianchangsheng is very famous in Yuncheng. Almost everyone knows it, but they also know that tianchangsheng hasn't left Yuncheng since he stepped down as the chairman of Tianjia. How can these people be tianchangsheng.

Some of the passengers who should have left are staying at the same place to watch the excitement. They want to have a look at such a big show and who is the big man.

Just then, a young man, accompanied by a young sister and an old man, walked out of the airport. The doors of those luxury cars were all opened at the same time. The scene is very shocking. After all, the total value of luxury cars here is tens of millions“ Who is this young man? He has so many people to greet him. "“ I haven't heard of it before. It's strange. Isn't it a big man from other places? "“ I think that if you look at this young man with extraordinary bearing, you will know that he is not an ordinary man. " The crowd whispered, but the faces of the three people who came out were not very good-looking, especially the old man Wang Mao. These people who came by luxury cars are all from the Cloud City go Association. Wang Mao can think of the reasons for their appearance with his fingers. Han 3000 lost the game, discrediting the Yuncheng Go Association and making them lose face. With the stubborn and arrogant attitude of these old people, how can Han 3000 be spared“ Han 3000, you are really good. If you don't agree with us to force you to participate in the competition, you deliberately lose and let us follow you to lose face, right? "“ Little bastard, this is the stupidest decision you've ever made in your life. Go against us. Do you know the consequences? "“ If you don't want to go, we won't force you, but if you go and deliberately lose the game, you don't pay attention to us Several people glare at each other and accuse Han 3000. Han 3000's expression is flat, and he doesn't look at these people. Wang Mao learned from Tian Changsheng that Han 3000 was not easy to be provoked, so he didn't want to see the end of these old guys after they angered Han 3000, so he rushed to be a peacemaker“ Han 3000 lost for a reason. I'll explain to you when I get back to the association. There are many people here, so I'd better go back and talk about it. " Wang Mao said“ Wang Mao, we regard you as the president, but it doesn't mean that we are afraid of you. You should be very clear about your position. "“ Don't think that when you become a president, we have to give you face and weigh our own weight. "“ With your face, it's impossible for us to let him go. " Wang Mao is highly respected in Yuncheng because his go attainments have been recognized by many people. These old guys have no other way to spend their boring time after they retire, so they join the Go Association. But as they say, with their status, there is no need to give Wang Mao face. Wang Mao didn't expect that his friends who have been here for so many years would say something like this. It was obvious that he wanted to be embarrassed in public“ Well, you can do whatever you want. " Wang maoleng snorted“ Let's have a look. This is the notorious loser Han 3000 in Yuncheng. You should have heard about his name. Today, let's show you his true self. " Someone said loudly to the crowd. There is no need to say more about Han 3000's reputation in Yuncheng. As soon as he said this, the crowd around him burst into laughter. He had heard about many things about Han 3000, but he had never seen a loser. Today, he opened his eyes“ I didn't expect that he was such a loser. It's ridiculous. I thought he was coming to pick up some big people. "“ It seems that this loser has offended many people. If you eat the Su family's soft food, you won't mention it. You'll bring so much trouble to the Su family. "“ Ah, it's a pity that Su Yingxia married such a useless man. " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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