I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2567

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:01:40 AM

Chapter 2567: 2567

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After several days of trekking, they either flew, rode animals, or walked, and finally returned to Xianling island. Along the way, Han 3000 thought about it for a long time, but finally he refused the proposal of Bai Xiaosheng and others, and took everyone into the island. Everyone is tired and tired. They need a short time of cultivation. Xianling island can provide treatment and Cultivation for everyone for the time being. Besides, Han 3000 has his own important affairs to do. Although this may let Lu Yuan and others know the general route of Xianling Island, Han 3000 does not feel too anxious. Because since Mingyu used to be a person who passed through Lu Ruoxin, Lu Ruoxin could not have been unaware of the environment around the sea. Therefore, whether Lu Yuan knows or not does not matter to Han 3000. When a group of people tired to return to the island, most people have not seen such a beautiful island, have quite God color. Most of the disciples of the Baguio palace who stayed on the island decorated the whole island every day except for basic cultivation after Han 3000 and others left. Girls are always smart, the beautiful island in their elaborate decoration become more beautiful. Recuperation on such an island is half the result with twice the effort for anyone. With the help of people from Baguio palace to take care of the wounded, Han 3000 can finally do his own things at ease. In the pavilion in the backyard, Han Sanqian holds Han Nian and carefully looks at all kinds of medical books left by the old master in the cave, not only for learning, but also for understanding what happened to Qin Shuang. Behind the double tripod, is slightly refining the pill. The bone burning city must be extremely dangerous. Even if the matter is imminent, Han 3000 knows that the more anxious he is, the more steady he must fight, because once he fails, there will be no second life. In the hut behind the double tripod, Mo Yang, Dao 12, Liu Fang and Bai Xiaosheng are sitting cross legged and entering deep cultivation. Comparatively speaking, the cultivation of the four people is too weak. For their own safety or to avoid their backwardness, their promotion is necessary. This is also the main reason why han 3000 returned to Xianling island. On the other end of the corpse raising ground, Qin Shuang is busy burying the seeds of ginseng baby into the corpse raising ground. Is busy, at this time, a beautiful figure slowly came over, see Han 3000 look up, she smile: "leader!"“ Are they all resting? "“ The disciples have been practicing according to your instructions. As for those people on the top of the blue mountain, I have arranged for them to stay in the guest room. Now they have all rested. I sent someone to watch secretly. If there is any trouble, I will report to you immediately. " Han 3000 gently smile, nodded: "hard you." Ning Yue shakes her head and touches nianer's head lovingly. Then she sits down: "you work harder outside. By the way, alliance leader, do you want to tell me about fumang and Qiushui? The disciples have already told me that you don't have to worry too much, but the alliance leader's wife... "I didn't call you for that." Han 3000 shook his head bitterly and interrupted her words. He didn't want to mention the painful past and said, "there's something I need to explain to you." This Novell has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stopped our translation

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