I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2645

Published at 15th of October 2021 08:59:38 AM

Chapter 2645: 2645

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Everyone was stunned! But then Pei Kun, the five elders, laughed: "rat, it's up to you? You deserve it! "“ You have broken your agreement with my childe. Do you still have the face to object? "“ Don't say I won't pursue you for breaking your appointment last year, even if I count you as the person you made last year, but today, how should the man behind you explain? I'm afraid I can't find a second one. " As soon as the voice fell, all the people of the Kirin family bowed their heads, not words“ In fact, does it matter to you whether I bring back girls? " Pangolin smiled bitterly: "the Taowu family may have an advantage over the Kirin family before, but it's not huge. The Kirin family is not very willing, and you can't force it. After all, once there is a conflict between the two ethnic groups, it is bound to do no good to anyone. "“ There must be something special about the people in that village, right? That's why you appointed the girl in the village? However, you are a demon clan. You dare not go into the world to catch the girl in the village. You don't want to get into trouble. So you made a peace agreement and traded with me. But today, Pei Hu has jumped the stage and his advantage has been infinitely enlarged. Even if I abide by the previous agreement, I'm afraid you won't admit it again? " Pei Kun didn't care at all and smiled softly: "rat, is this your excuse for not keeping your promise?"“ Am I wrong? " Without fear, pangolin silk looked at Peikun and Peihu with a sneer. In order to speak, they just looked at each other and smiled. I have to say that the yellow sand monster is actually very smart. Basically, they have guessed all the things“ If you lose, you lose. Yellow sand monster, don't find any more reasons. " Shengran also understood that pangolin's words were not unreasonable. But as he said, the situation is now settled and there is no room for maneuver. Then rest is the only choice. Han 3000 frowned slightly, and he understood it roughly. Pei Hu asked for a marriage first, but the kirins were not particularly willing. They always liked xiaoxianer's pangolin. In order to help xiaoxianer refuse the marriage, they stood up. Although the kirins don't like this pangolin, his delay is good for the kirins after all. Naturally, they are willing to push the boat with the current. At that time, the Taowu nationality was not very strong and it was not easy to act savagely. So he made a strange agreement with pangolin. As long as the pangolin provides the girls in the village designated by Pei Hu on time every year, the marriage can be postponed for another year. Therefore, pangolin has been threatening villagers to offer sacrifice to girls for many years in order to give it to Peihu. However, with the passage of time, the villagers began to resist, and even yin'er, a smart girl, appeared. Under her scheme, the pangolin had no one last year. They thought it would be very difficult, but it is strange that the Taowu family did not overreact when they learned that there was no one to pay last year, so that pangolins prepared a pile of words that were useless. Yesterday of this year, there was a new deadline for delivery. Pangolin knows that it must be handed over this time, but the situation in the village is like that, but there seems to be no one to hand over. Having no choice, he went to the village himself to spy on it. This accident broke yin'er's plan and made pangolin find something wrong. However, he could not imagine that when Yiner found that he broke the coffin, she chose to commit suicide first in order not to be insulted. He wanted to inherit her body and come back to muddle through, but unexpectedly, Han 3000 appeared at that time... Now it seems that the reaction of the Taowu family last year was not fierce, because Pei Hu entered a critical juncture of closing and breakthrough. Today this year is the time for him to leave the customs! Therefore, the Tao family came under pressure“ Feed the tiger! " Pangolin smiled gently, then looked up and looked at shengran: "clan leader, don't worry, my yellow sand monster always keeps his word and keeps his promise."“ I won't have any more ideas about Princess Kirin. " Shengran heard the speech and nodded gently“ However, I still want to oppose this marriage, and I still want to mention this marriage again. " When pangolin said this, his eyes were confident and firm, and he could not be refuted at all“ However, not me, but for him. " With that, he looked back and fixed his eyes on Han 3000! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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