I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2647

Published at 15th of October 2021 08:59:35 AM

Chapter 2647: 2647

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"Boy, it's interesting that you can take my palm!" Pei Hu smiled coldly, and his eyes were full of red fruit disdain and coldness“ However, this will not change the end of your life. " As soon as the voice fell, Pei Hu suddenly made a force and approached Han 3000“ Really? " Han 3000's face was slightly cold, but also increased the Qi of chaos in his body. Bang! The two sides burst open! Han 3000 stepped back slightly, stabilized his foot of the center of gravity, and stepped out of the ground for several centimeters in time. And Pei Hu over there suddenly rolled in the air and retreated for a few meters“ I really despise you. " Pei Hu was not angry, but just smiled coldly, which was full of banter. It's good. How can you perfectly show your ability and strength when the battle is hastily ended? Then he suddenly felt black. The next second, he suddenly pushed his hands, and a huge energy turned into a huge blade, which was bound to cut Han 3000 under the knife. Han 3000 said nothing. As soon as the sky fire moon wheel came out, he directly faced up. With a bang! The giant blade disappeared, and the sky fire moon wheel was instantly shaken back. Pei Hu's fist hit before the aftershock subsided. Han 3000 knew that there was no room to dodge. When he frowned, his nerves converged. The next second, he simply gave up his defense and hit directly! Boom! There was an explosion. Almost at the critical moment, Pei Hu withdrew his fist and leaned over and roared past. Han 3000 was not attacked, and the fist of counterattack was obviously empty“ Boy, do you want to break my defense in this way so that you don't lose so thoroughly? I tell you, don't think about it. " Pei Hu smiled coldly: "I want you to lose clean and thoroughly! If you have seed, come out with me and fight. Don't ruin my banquet. " As soon as the voice fell, Pei Hu flew out of the hall directly. Han 3000 frowned and stared at his feet. His body turned into a streamer and suddenly chased out. War is imminent! Above the sky, just for an instant, there were four explosions. All the people above the hall chased out one after another and looked up at the sky. They were all shocked by the scenery in the air. In the empty sky, they were as invincible as the God of war, as the demon God looked down at the world, and the fight was dark and dark. The people on the ground, while lamenting Pei Hu's terrible strength, secretly began to remove the contempt and prejudice against Han 3000 in their hearts, and were surprised that this seemingly ordinary boy had such a competitive ability. In the sound of explosion, Pei Hu's killing move will appear at this time, showing no mercy. But Han 3000 was surprised to face it calmly. He not only didn't have stage fright, but looked calm. This is not like a high-order suppression of low-order, but more like a high-order suppression of higher-order“ Yellow sand monster, where did you find the young man? Why is it so powerful? " Even the holy flame, at this time, also saw a clue, and couldn't help frowning“ I'd say I just met by the side of the road. Do you believe it? " Pangolin was also a little stunned. He did deliberately bring Han 3000 here because Han 3000 could tyrannize himself. But he didn't think that Pei Hu would jump the steps. What's more, even if he jumped the steps, Han 3000 could cope with it“ This son looks ordinary, but actually he can be so amazing. " Holy flame has some incredible ways“ Dad, there's something you may not know. " On one side, looking at some crazy little fairy, she also made a pit sound“ What's up? " Holy flame doesn't understand“ Just now... My daughter compared her internal power with him. " Xiaoxian'er murmured“ How much did he lose you? " Shengran asked softly. According to his naked eyes, the boy's ability is extremely strong. If his internal power loses 50% of his daughter, it is the most normal range“ You may not believe it. " Xiaoxian'er murmured“ Joke, why don't you believe it? Your father and I are well-informed. I haven't seen any capable people and wonders. Is it difficult for me to be less than 50% Shengran said so, but he was a little surprised. But what he never thought of was that Xiao Xianer's answer was always beyond his imagination“ Dad, Ping... Tie! " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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