I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2763

Published at 15th of October 2021 08:56:49 AM

Chapter 2763: 2763

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Seeing the flustered shopkeeper, several waitresses immediately took a step forward and stopped him two meters away from the table. The shopkeeper flopped and knelt on the ground: "Miss Su, there are several masters. Hurry up. Something's wrong. Something's wrong." Green bead frowned, suddenly dissatisfied, and whispered, "flustered, damn it. If you disturb my miss's meal, do you know the capital crime?" Su Yan gently waved her hand, indicating that Lvzhu didn't have to. Then, looking at the shopkeeper, she whispered, "shopkeeper, why are you so flustered?" She is gentle and reasonable, and her voice is very soft. She really deserves to be Miss Su's family. Even at this time, people can't help but feel soft“ Miss Su, it's noisy outside. The master of the Liu family, with a group of elders and hundreds of elite, is driving here in a murderous manner. "“ I think it's probably because childe Liu was beaten by the master just now. The Liu family came to seek revenge. "“ The so-called heroes don't suffer immediate losses. Before they arrive, you should hurry. " The shopkeeper urged impatiently. Su Yan frowned slightly, and a pair of electric eyes seemed to be thinking about something. A moment later, she looked at Han 3000 and whispered, "otherwise, go to another hospital first."“ Although it is the place of the Fang family, it is reserved for the Su family. I expect that the Liu family will never dare to break in rashly no matter how bold they are. " After that, regardless of whether Han 3000 agreed or not, Su Yan looked at the green pearl and motioned her to open the way first. The shopkeeper nodded again and again, but just as he was about to get up, suddenly, a strange force hit him from behind. Before he had any reaction, his body had fallen out because of great inertia. With a bang, the shopkeeper's body had smashed a nearby table, and then a big foot ruthlessly stepped on the shopkeeper's back struggling to get up“ Do you know what the Liu family hates most? " Looking up, a strong middle-aged man in his forties was disdaining to step on his back and drink coldly. Hearing this and seeing this man, the shopkeeper immediately wanted to cry without tears. It was too late, everything was too late“ What I hate most is a informer like you. " As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged man made a slight effort on his fierce feet. For a long time, the shopkeeper at his feet couldn't even make a sound. Only his body kept struggling, and his hands beat the ground fiercely, so as to express his endless pain at this time“ That's enough. " At this time, Han 3000 fiercely stood up: "you came at me and took some ordinary people out of your anger. Don't you have to?" Su Yan was anxious to see Han 3000 make a sound, but Han 3000's eyes were firm at this time. She sighed slightly. It seems that a big war can't be avoided. However, I do not know why, she has never liked to kill, but at this time, there is a little expectation. She has seen Han 3000 show himself, but it is obvious that Han 3000 seems to be very close to playing on the flower boat last time. She has broken some expectations. What would it be like if he did his best?! She's looking forward to it. But she is also very worried, because she is a big desert family. She knows very well how powerful the Liu family is and how strong the Liu family's skills are. Moreover, according to the shopkeeper, the owner of the Liu family not only came in person, but also brought a large number of elite. Don't say that Han 30001, even the Su family, may not have the strength to compete with them completely“ You are the beast? " The middle-aged man saw that Han 3000 was just a young man and disdained the cold voice. Han 30001 sneered and argued with him lazily. He looked at the shopkeeper at his feet indifferently: "let him go." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stopped our translation

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