I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2921

Published at 2nd of November 2021 11:24:27 AM

Chapter 2921: 2921

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The dark clouds returned to nature, and the scene in front of us did not see the city. Only layers of black gas covered the air, like a dream and Epiphyllum. It's OK to say it exists, or it's just a mirage. The most important thing is that this place seems far away. Although it's only in the morning, it's definitely a dream if you want to catch up before sunset. Su Ziwu smiled: "the visible and invisible is Youming, which is called Youming city. Naturally, it is hidden in the fog, hidden outside the eyes, and close in front of the eyes." with a big hand, Su Ziwu took the lead in walking into the low gray and black forest in front of him. Entering the gray black forest is like entering the forest just burned by the fire. The smoke is filled, the trees wither and have no leaves, and only the gray black trunk stands towering. People walk in it. For a time, it's like entering a maze. They can't tell the East, West, north, South, front, back, left and right. After walking for about a few minutes, a group of people have been completely lost in the forest. A group of people suddenly felt a little flustered, but Su Ziwu smiled safely at this time, and seemed to have enough in his chest: "if you don't know the way to Youming City, you will only step in place endlessly in this black forest and die here." with that, Su Ziwu took out a stone about the size of an egg in his hand and hit it with a gentle breath, Suddenly, the stone sent out bursts of dark light, which seemed bright but not bright in this weak place for a time. However, for Han Sanqian and others, even if the stone is lit, the surroundings still look around, and there seems to be no change. The mountain is still that mountain, and the land is still that land. The fog is spreading around, and there is no east or west. "Follow me closely." Su Ziwu smiled gently, took the stone and strode forward. A group of people are headless flies. Now they can only hurry to follow Su Wu. However, it was also magical. Although everyone on the way doubted whether Su Ziwen was playing tricks, after more than an hour, with the sudden disappearance of the fog, the road in front of him became very clear. The so-called Youming City hidden in the fog gradually showed a corner through the woods. "It's Youming City, it's Youming city." someone shouted excitedly. When they looked at the city, they also breathed a collective breath. After all, it was almost suffocating to be in the ghost forest covered with fog. Now they have foresight here and naturally have different feelings. Su Ziwu smiled, and a faint sense of satisfaction appeared on his energetic face. He took the stone in his hand and said with a smile, "do you still think you can rush to the city before the evening?" everyone was relieved and relieved. At a speed visible to the naked eye, you must be in the city before dark. "However, even the people of the demon family kill everywhere in the demon family land. I'm afraid a large group of us will be too ostentatious and cause unnecessary trouble." Su Ziwu said slightly. Han 3000 nodded: "what do you mean by senior Su?" Su Ziwu frowned slightly and murmured after thinking for a moment: "we should act separately. The team is planned to be divided into about ten and dress up as a caravan." "although Youming city is the place of the demon family, it has been in business since ancient times. It's really a good way to turn into a merchant to enter the city." "But how should we split up?" green pearl said and looked at the crowd. "Grandpa three, I want to join the Trinity team." Before anyone could speak, Su Yan over there was coquettish with Su Ziwu, and then gathered around Han 3000. Su Ziwu was stunned. His young lady knew and understood her. When did he see her coquettish from childhood? He smiled bitterly, looked at Han 3000 and shook his head: "It's really hard for women to stay. I can only join the team of young Xia Han with my young lady." Han Sanqian responded with a smile. He was as smart as he. How could he not know Su Yan's mind? It seemed that he wanted to be with himself, but in fact he was just helping himself to bring Su Yingxia. As for others, Han Nian, Qinglong, pangolin, Lvzhu and Qin Shuang naturally stayed close to Han Sanqian. The other eight monsters formed a team and joined the small team of the rest of the Su family in Han Sanqian This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stopped our translation

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