I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2953

Published at 2nd of November 2021 11:23:15 AM

Chapter 2953: 2953

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At this time, Han 3000 was full of black Qi, his eyes were blood red, his hair was silver white, his body was full of ghosts, and there seemed to be a strange animal totem looming behind him. It's still a Terran. It's clear... It's a full demon! "You......" looking at Han Sanqian, the fat man frowned and was shocked: "are you a man or a devil? Are you a God or a ghost?" "for my own friends, it's a God and for my enemies, it's a devil." "the killing began!" Han Sanqian's pale face showed an evil smile. The next second, Han Sanqian's blood was boiling, Like a harvesting machine, it has directly penetrated into the armour group. For a time, black smoke was rising from the fierce group of warriors, which also meant that countless warriors died under the attack. "This guy!" the informant was surprised and couldn't shut his mouth at all. If the previous Han 3000 was quite fierce, then the current Han 3000 can only be described as fierce to abnormal. All the way, no one can stop. The boiling of magic blood, coupled with the killing gas absorbed by the earth fire, made Han 3000 enter the violent mode, like a crazy killing machine. On the other side of the building, the black gas is also surging wildly. The gluttony of evil is like a hungry tiger who suddenly enters the food group. It is both crazy and greedy. The fat man was completely stunned. What's more, the color of the crystal in his hand was declining rapidly, which also meant that his armour was decreasing madly. "Roar!!" suddenly, just at this time, a deafening roar suddenly hit, shaking the whole Youming city defense Buddha, which made the fat man and the informer's eardrum ache. When God came, they couldn't help looking for fame. At this look, the two men immediately stood upright and were stunned in situ for a time. In the mid air of the building, a purple black gas had spread all over the sky, which was not inferior to those blood red clouds. More strangely, there was a huge Figure shaking in the purple black air, and a deep voice sounded. At the same time, even if the pressure released by it was so far away, it could make the fat man and the informant feel cold sweat on their foreheads for a time. "That's..." I looked in a hurry, but I couldn't see the gluttonous figure of evil. "Isn't it..." "isn't it?" boom! Suddenly, at this time, with a sudden explosion, the purple and black gas suddenly burst open. The resulting air wave was to see the house destroy the house and see things destroy the house. Within tens of meters of Zhou Zao, almost all the houses were destroyed at one time. Even many monsters hiding in the house to watch the excitement were stunned on the spot. The fat man and the informer, one hurried to resist luck, and the other held the fat man's mahogany chair, but even so, the strong wind still blew, and they could hardly open their eyes. When the strong wind passed and they opened their eyes again, they saw a huge and ferocious monster hanging in the air and overlooking everything. Like the body of a unicorn, it stands on four feet, has armor on its joints, and is like the head of a male lion. At first glance, there is a man's head on Qilin's body, with angry eyes and a roaring mouth. But at a closer look, the man's head is just a bite on Qilin's stomach. Go up smoothly, the upper body is full of muscles, a burly voice, headless, holding a huge column in the right hand, invincible and domineering! "That... That's!" the fat man and the informer stared at the beast. At this time, his legs trembled. Not only him, but also those demon monsters who were overturned but not stunned, looked at the beast and trembled! At this moment, the eyes of a group of demons who are not afraid of heaven, can't go down, and even fight at the cost of their lives are full of fear. "Evil... Evil gluttonous, that's evil gluttonous!" I don't know who yelled in horror, so that everyone was even more frightened for a moment. Even the fat man and the informer were scared to step back and were extremely frightened: "really... Really evil gluttonous!" this novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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