I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3096

Published at 19th of January 2022 12:56:19 PM

Chapter 3096

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Looking at the old man's words, the three finally breathed out.

Han 3000 took the lead in smiling and waving his big hand. An invisible force immediately carried the old man back to the house from the pit.

"Come on, come in with me." as soon as the old man landed, he waved his hand bravely, and then walked towards the house by himself.

Then the old man sat down at the table.

Pangolin took a strange look at the old man's back and looked at Han 3000 and Xia Wei: "what's the matter with the old man?"

Both of them smile bitterly.

"Give us a big gift for his house?" pangolin looked at the whole house again and said.

Although the house is large, it is simple. You can see everything in the whole house at a glance. If you have to say what is valuable in the house, I'm afraid it's the old man sitting at the table.

Han 3000 shook his head reluctantly. In fact, he didn't care about the so-called big gift of the old man. For Han 3000, the old man's willingness not to die is his biggest gift.

"Why are you still waiting? Come here." seeing that Han 3000 and others didn't follow, the old man looked up at the three and urged them.

Han 3000 nodded and smiled at the pangolin Xia Wei. Then he took them to the table and sat down slowly.

The old man smiled. At this time, he took out the meat foam of the remaining moonlight ghost fish. Although after his finishing, the meat foam was much cleaner, it was only foam after all, which looked really shabby.

The three looked at each other suspiciously.

"Old man, is this what you call a big gift?" the pangolin wondered.

Han 3000 stared at the pangolin. What are you doing to stimulate the old man at this time? Secondly, even if the old man sends soil, it is at least a friendship, which is naturally deep.

The old man nodded: "exactly."

"I remember the elder said that this thing was a treasure." Han 3000 smiled softly.

The old man nodded, too.

Xia Wei frowned slightly and murmured, "in fact, I think the old master is right. This is really a baby."

"It's my baby." the old man was very happy to see someone understand him. Then he moved slightly in his hand and took out three small pills.

"This is the fire pill, which can produce a small amount of warm current after taking it." he took out his knife and divided the small pill into half.

He grabbed three and a half at will and put them in front of the three: "try it."

Pangolin and Xia Wei looked at Han 3000. Seeing that he had grabbed it, they put it into their mouth. They also put it into their mouth one after another.

The taste is light and sweet. It is even bitter after the taste, but soon after that, you can feel a trace of different warm flow flowing out of the stomach and all the way to all parts of the body.

"This fire pill is not a strange gadget, but a simple cold proof medicine in cold weather." the old man explained with a smile.

Han 3000 nodded. It's true. Although there is a warm current, it's very weak. It's OK to keep out the cold, but if it's too much, the effect of this medicine can't keep up.

It's like wearing a down jacket.

The old man smiled. Then he got up and came to the stove. Almost the same as before, he poured water into the bowl, and then soaked a dried green plant in the water.

Later, he came over with the bowl. After sitting down again, he smiled, took out the soaked green plants from the bowl, put them into his mouth and began to chew them.

It is still a familiar formula, just like the method used to save Han 3000 just now.

Pangolin frowned, which was obviously unacceptable. He quietly touched Han 3000's leg and whispered, "he just chewed that thing and put it into your mouth with the fish."

Hearing this, Han 3000 couldn't help frowning.

I have to say, it's really disgusting, but compared with disgusting, what makes Han 3000 feel strange is that this method is outrageous!

He did this without asking others. Anyway, the result was to cure himself. Therefore, this method naturally has his reason. But because of this, the problem arises. What is its principle?

Thinking of this, Han 3000 looked at the old man's eyes full of doubts, hoping to get the answer from him.

At this time, the old man smiled and chewed on his mouth

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