I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3299

Published at 28th of January 2022 07:48:36 AM

Chapter 3299

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There are almost no more stalls just now, and there are only a few dead trees around. In addition, the dark night and the nameless solitary graves in front have made it extremely gloomy.

Although Han 3000 is not afraid, he still feels a little uncomfortable in this place. The most important thing is that Han 3000 doesn't understand.

What I know is that I'm looking for someone. What I don't know is that I thought his mother was looking for a ghost.

After all, what is it about running to this random burial post at night, not looking for ghosts?

Before Han 3000 spoke, Zhu Yan'er felt his head in place, as if trying to remember something.

Han 3000 is confused. What does that mean? The girl won't forget the way?!

But when Han 3000 was very desperate, suddenly, Zhu Yaner patted his head and suddenly remembered something. Then he muttered something that he couldn't hear clearly. Finally, he shouted to open the door.

Another unexpected thing happened. In front of them, the only grave with a tombstone suddenly roared with a loud noise. Then, the ground trembled slightly, and the tombstone moved slowly.

As the tombstone moves, a cave about the same size as the tombstone soon appears behind it. The warm yellow light shines out, and bursts of noise can be heard from inside.

"What are you doing? Go in." Zhu Yan'er smiled softly and took the lead in entering the tomb cave.

Although Han 3000 was confused, he still followed in.

The entrance of the tomb cave is not big, but once you enter it, it suddenly opens up. It is more than two meters wide and more than two meters high. There are stairs all the way from the ground to several meters underground.

At the end of the stairs, turn a corner, there is a huge and incomparable space. The noise, the smell of wine and color and thick smoke also hit.

The space inside is unusually large, which Han 3000 never thought of. There are at least two football fields with long tables row after row, which are almost full.

Bursts of strange music with a strong sense of rhythm are shaking people's hearts. If this is not the octagonal world, Han 3000 will really doubt whether he has entered the disco.

The huge bright light shook and swept all kinds of people in this space.

They either talk loudly, or clink glasses and drink with each other. At the central stage, several beautiful women in fruit dew are crazy twisting a strange dance with rhythmic music.

Perhaps it should be said that it is strange here in Han 3000, but it is charming in the eyes of these demon people.

Because the whistle kept ringing at the scene.

Among the crowd, there are many beautiful women, wearing strange and not much cloth clothes, who are busy serving wine, food and serving all sentient beings.

This is not the disco of the earth. What is it?!

When Han 3000 and Zhu Yaner entered the venue, many eyes turned to them. The already lively scene became more crazy and restless.

Whistles come and go, and even pierce people's eardrums in this space.

"Oh, where's the chick? She's so fucking strong."

"To have a figure, to have a face, the best, it's the best."

A group of people, regardless of their wolf like eyes, stared at Zhu Yaner beside Han 3000.

Although she is the sister of the city Lord, many people haven't even heard of it, let alone seen it.

Even today, Zhu Yaner was shocked and overshadowed by Han 3000's violent performance in the challenge arena, but from that perspective, it was not easy to be seen.

Secondly, most of the people who stay here sleep in vain at night. They don't have time to participate in martial arts contests to recruit relatives. Even if they participate, they may not recognize them.

"It's a pity that a flower is inserted in cow dung. Look at the smelly boy next to her. He's fucking thin like a grasshopper. The little girl is a little girl. I don't know what kind of man is the strongest."

"Little white face, his mouth can say, of course he can cheat." They not only tasted Zhu Yaner, but also commented on Han 3000 without scruples.

Even as these guys said, they drew close to more than 3000 people in South Korea and completely sealed their roads.

Zhu Yan'er was calm in the face of danger and shouted coldly, "we're looking for a blood ghost."

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!