I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3439

Published at 25th of February 2022 12:09:55 PM

Chapter 3439

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"I want you to die!"

"Let you see, what is the bottom!"

"You not only boast and annoy people, but also speak with a strong smell of stool. I will kill you and wipe your ass with your body."


With the roar and abuse of the four people, boulders, water snakes, flying insects and flying branches came to cover the sky.

"Taotie of evil, you keep the boulder and leave the rest to me." Han 3000 whispered, and the power of chaos in his hand opened directly.


The evil gluttonous roared at the command, just like the people in the formation, went straight to the stone man and the Stonehenge.


With a loud noise, Han 3000 suddenly saw the appearance of eight golden bodies. The sky fire moon wheel was directly condensed in the sword. With a pat in Han 3000's hand, the jade sword flew and shot, driving the sky fire moon wheel of the incarnation of electric dragon and fire dragon to attack the flying insects.

The fire dragon passes by a piece of coke, while the electric dragon is also a piece of ash. With the crazy sprint of the jade sword, it is as powerful as bamboo for a time.

"Axe array!"

Eight golden bodies separate the attack of branches, and ten thousand bronze axes fall from the sky at the same time.

Although the bronze axe has defects, after all, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. With 10000 giant axes falling, countless strong branches are broken like dead firewood.

"Is that all? Really God?" Han 3000's words fell, and eight golden eyes scanned the four directions.

Very arrogant!

At this time, the four people were in a state of mind. Tree man was the core. At this time, they naturally stood out first.


The angry voice fell, and the branches broken in the air were connected again. At the same time, the earth burst out at the same time. Countless huge and strong tree tendons quickly drilled out of the ground, then jumped out suddenly and attacked Han 3000 again.

Han 3000 held a huge axe and faced the attack of the tree man again. At this time, it was too late to lay the axe array. He directly lifted the Pangu axe in his hand. Facing the comprehensive encirclement from bottom to top like a spider's web, Han 3000 did not panic. He directly chopped all the way.

Even if the tree body is hard enough, the branches are strong enough, especially the tree tendons drilled from the ground are like iron ropes. It is reasonable to say that with such high density, it is difficult for conventional weapons to break through.

This is the same as the rope is easy to be cut by a knife, but the net woven by the rope is not easy.

But truth is such a truth. Sometimes, it doesn't work in some places.

For example, in front of absolute strength!!

Facing the king's sharp weapon like Pangu axe, no matter how hard you are, it still has no effect.

Under one axe, everything opens!


I thought I was confident. At this time, instead of achieving any expected effect, I was directly disintegrated when I first started, which not only surprised the other three people present, but also stunned the initiator's tree man.

Han 3000 sneered, "is that why you're so surprised? It's just the beginning."

As soon as the voice fell, when the trunk was broken and the tree tendon exploded, Han 3000 opened his Taiyan mental method, and the Taixu divine step moved. The 72 way divine sword directly replaced the sword with an axe, aiming at the big tree at the core of the tree man.

The body method is mysterious, the sword method is fierce, and the axe that replaces the sword has made the tree man taste its power. At this time, the tree man dare not be careless at all, and madly re condenses the broken trunk.

As Han Sanyi passed by, the broken trunk gathered again all the way and quickly closed in the direction of Han Sanyi's pursuit. It is bound to stop Han Sanyi and attack Han Sanyi at the same time.

With the impact of Han 3000, the eight golden bodies also disappeared at a certain point and merged into a body.

At this time, the water man who lacked resistance finally had no resistance and was completely released for a time.

Looking at the impact of Han 3000, the water man bit his teeth at this time: "you are really hateful. Since you dare to ignore me, well, I'll let you pay the price of bleeding."

Then, the guy changed his shape, suddenly presented an extremely strange and strange posture, and suddenly attacked Han 3000's back

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!