I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3621

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:26:30 PM

Chapter 3621

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Between successive explosions, the thick human wall surrounded by 50000 people just blew up several huge vacancies.

The horror of its Dharma power is amazing!

"Han... Han 3000 is here." When ye Shijun didn't see Han 3000, he was full of anger, but when he saw it, he was more afraid and shouted in panic.

However, almost at the same time as he just shouted, a white figure flew out between several serial explosions.

"It doesn't seem to be Han 3000." Zhu Yanshuo said.

It's too far apart. At this time, the smoke is rolling ahead. I can't see each other's appearance at all. It's only from the figure. It seems that the man who flew out is not Han 3000.

"But who can it be if it's not Han 3000? I've never heard of any super experts in Han 3000's array."

"Whether or not Han 3000 will know if he has a try." Ye Shijun took back his shock and looked directly at the bamboo house: "if the man is Han 3000, his family members in his house must be unattended. This is a good opportunity for us."

"Hum, if he is Han Sanqian, this move is more obvious. It's an obvious encirclement and support. It's a better choice for us to beat around and take his family members."

"Listen to my orders, the elite troops on the right line, take down the bamboo house immediately."


The horn sounded, and the elite troops close to the bamboo house heard the sound. At this time, they stepped up their speed and touched the bamboo house. After surrounding it, several people looked at each other at the door and rushed in directly.

But just as I was about to enter the door, a huge strange force suddenly lifted out of the room.

Several people on the door were immediately bounced for several meters, fell to the ground and vomited a few mouthfuls of fresh blood. They were no longer able to struggle. In the recent earthquake, their meridians had been completely broken.

Then, a figure in white rushed out of the bamboo house.

Behind her was another unconscious figure.

When they turned their hands, they were not polite at all. The surrounding area exploded directly. The elite soldiers who surrounded the bamboo house were directly bombed before they even reflected it.

Even those masters were quite embarrassed at this time. They hurried away from the explosion and were unlucky to be close. They were either injured or disheartened to prevent the Buddha from just getting out of the mud pit.

If they were always insulted by this, these experts would be bombarded by the group. However, at this moment, they looked at each other and seemed to be waiting for who would take the lead.

Everyone is not a fool. The richer the people are, the more they care about their lives. Of course, the higher their accomplishments, they will not be exempt from this custom.

They have a lot of skills. Naturally, there are many ways to live a good life. Only those at the bottom who have no choice will rush endlessly.

Just looking at the huge pit with a diameter of several meters directly blown out on the ground, they already know that the other party is definitely not small. If they rush forward, it is no different from being cannon fodder.

Naturally, everyone looks at others and hopes others to go first.

However, just between them, the white figure has broken through the first line of defense with the people on its back and killed in the middle of the encirclement.

Seeing such a situation, ye Shijun, who was watching the war not far away, called a straight stamp.

"Bucket, bucket, all fucking buckets, give it to me, give it all to me, or I'll kill you now."

With his angry roar, a group of experts rushed up in a trance.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of the masters behind him, the man in white was obviously not afraid. Turning around, he turned his hand and could really hit it directly.

What a big ball!

The masters hurried to withdraw. After a short time, the law could pass through it. I don't know which unlucky guy couldn't escape. He was directly hit by the real ball and hit the ground.

With the explosion, even if the bamboo house was at least a few meters away from it, it was half blown away in the blast, not to mention the unlucky guy in the center. I'm afraid it turned into powder on the spot and didn't even bring any residue.


When a group of experts saw this situation and grew up again and again, they sighed that it was good for his mother to flash fast.

While ye Shijun was about to be furious, Fu Tian pulled him slightly, looked at the people in the air, and muttered, "that... That's not... Su... Su Yingxia?"

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!