I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3651

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:25:59 PM

Chapter 3651

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All the way.

Han 3000 is in a good mood.

Although the goal of helping tianzhiqiongqi untie the so-called "seal of words" has not been achieved, Han 3000 can be said to have won the treasure in the mouth of the dragon.

There are countless dangers, but we also reap countless treasures in danger.

So Han 3000 is happy.

He can obviously feel that since the cultivation of Liangyi Tianshu was completed, the cultivation in his body has at least doubled compared with that before, but at least half of them are random.

Moreover, the killing moves of youhuang and Huoji, two major one defense and one attack, are also extremely fierce. It seems that it is not too much to describe the overall strength of Han 3000 with a qualitative leap.

Of course, there is Taixu, a pervert who can really protect his life twice, as well as the spiritual power and strong flesh of the seventh monkey.

Darling, it's really that fangfo found an old dragon's treasure nest that has been hidden for many years.

Can Han 3000 be unhappy?

Since the goods left, the corners of his mouth have not been closed, so he can see the joy of this guy at this time.

But this is also normal. Who can maintain peace of mind and not like it after making so many big babies at one time?

Even a fairy can't do it.

"It's hard for you this time. When you go back, I'll get you some delicious food." Patted the head of evil gluttonous, Han 3000 smiled.


The evil gluttonous also rubbed his head against Han 3000's waist and gently rubbed around, as if in response.

Han 3000 smiled gently and walked faster towards the front.

However, after flying forward for about a while, he suddenly frowned.

"Is it going to rain?"

Far ahead, there is a dark layer in the sky, as if there were dark clouds before the thunderstorm.

But the sun was burning in the sky and it was sunny here.

"The eight wasteland books are like real ones. They still play the drama of partial sunshine and partial rain." He shook his head in silence.

This kind of weather is naturally common in the normal world, but Han 3000 didn't expect that the goods of Bahuang Tianshu still have a model to toss about these.

"Roar!" The glutton of evil roared in a low voice.

Han Sanyi smiled: "what? Are you worried about something wrong?"

Yes, those dark clouds do look like the world after the war, but this possibility is almost impossible here in Han 3000.

Where is this? This is the heavenly book world. How can there be other people besides them?

"Don't worry, it must be the ghost book. It's weird. Sometimes it's normal to play tricks. You won't think so when you know more about the goods." Patted the poor strange shoulder of evil, and Han 3000 didn't care.

The evil gluttonous uttered a light cry and seemed to stop talking.

One man and one beast returned towards the bamboo house.

The speed is not fast, but it is definitely not low.

After all, I'm in a good mood. Although I'm eager to return home, I'm also at ease after the victory.

But it is clear that this happiness will not last long.

When one person and one beast are closer and closer to their destination, this happiness also begins to say goodbye to them completely.

It was too far away to see clearly, but with the passage of time and the approach of distance, the things in the distance become more and more clear.

Han 3000's smile almost completely solidified on his face. Looking ahead, he was shocked and frightened. Obviously, at such a close distance, he could be sure that the black clouds in the air were not black clouds, but

Black smoke!

It was the smoke of gunpowder left after the explosion after the war raged into the sky.

With a Fierce bite of his teeth, Han 3000 drank angrily: "no, there's an accident!"

The next second, his whole body was full of Qi and energy. With the gluttony of evil, he rushed directly to the front

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!