I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 368

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:55:42 AM

Chapter 368: 368

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"What's the matter? Why don't you fight all of a sudden?"

"What's the matter? I haven't seen enough of it!"

Everyone in the audience was stunned. Wu Feng, who was as powerful as a rainbow, suddenly admitted that it was hard for them to accept.

Han 3000 is also very puzzled, Wu Feng put down his cruel words, but he ran away, this is not to let himself lose face? How can a master like him do such a thing.

And Han 3000 does not think that his strength can threaten Wu Feng.

What happened?

Everyone is looking for the answer, but no one knows except Wufeng.

As Han 3000 walked towards the challenge arena, Wu Feng suddenly felt a burning look in his eyes. It was an old man standing in the crowd. No one else could feel the huge momentum, but Wu Feng felt very real, even very far away. Wu Feng could feel the oppression brought by the old man.

This is an absolute master, Wufeng even suspected that even if he was in good condition, he would never be his opponent, so Wufeng chose to retreat for the first time.

It would be a very humiliating thing, but it can save your life. What if it is humiliating?

Han Qing angrily looked at Han 3000, did not see Han 3000 beaten, she was very upset.

For Wu Feng's sudden departure, she will tell Han Yan about it.

This is an opportunity to teach Han 3000 a lesson. He sent him away in vain.

Han 3000 went to the challenge arena and squatted down to Donghao, who was lying on his stomach, and asked, "how about it? Do you need to be sent to the hospital?"

Donghao gritted his teeth and said, "no need."

It's unacceptable for Donghao to lose face in front of Han 3000. How can he need Han 3000's help.

Difficult to stand up, Donghao staggering body, can only rely on the side rope support.

"What happened just now? Why did he leave suddenly?" Han three thousand don't understand of to East Hao ask a way.

Dong Hao glanced at the audience. He saw clearly the fear of Wu Feng just now. This shows that there are experts in the arena, and this expert can deter Wu Feng even if he doesn't make a move. This shows that his strength has reached a very amazing level.

"There is a master in the field, he must be worried about this master coming out, so he will choose to retreat." Donghao explained.


In the audience, how can there be a master, and no hand can frighten Wufeng!

Han 3000 swept around the audience, and found no special characters.

At this time, leaving the ring of Wufeng, deliberately speed up the pace, want to quickly leave this dangerous place.

But behind him, there was always a strong light following him, which made Wufeng feel cool.

Unconsciously, Wufeng forehead out of a cold sweat, passing an alley, Wufeng toward the inside.

Since the other party is following him, it's useless for him to hide. It's better to face him directly.

There was no one in the lane. When Wufeng stopped, it was obvious that someone was slowly approaching behind.

"Who are you?" Wu Feng turned around. The man in front of him was the old man in the ring. He looked ordinary, but Wu Feng knew that he was absolutely a top player.

"Are you strong?"

These three words make Wufeng sweat like rain.

In front of ordinary people, Wu Feng does dare to say these three words, but in front of him, this is a joke.

"I have nothing against you." Wu Feng said.

"Do I need a reason to hit you?"

Wu Feng complained endlessly in his heart. Where the hell did he come from? He was so overbearing.

"Are you helping him?" Wu Feng doubts that a master of this level can't teach him a lesson for no reason. The only reason Wu Feng can think of is that he comes out for Han 3000.

But Han 3000 side really has such master, why not call out early?

"It doesn't matter who you help. The important thing is that you have to learn a lesson today." With these words, his figure suddenly became blurred.

Wu Feng was shocked. His speed was already very fast, but compared with the old man in front of him, he was nothing but a wizard.

Before he had time to react, Wu Feng felt his body weightless and flew back like a kite with broken wires.

In mid air, the figure flashed away again. Wu Feng's chest was heavily hit, and his body fell to the ground in an instant.

The concrete pavement cracked out numerous cracks, Wufeng spit out a mouthful of blood, extremely tragic.

The old man took a look at Wufeng, then turned and left. The alley was quiet again, as if nothing had happened.

Wu Feng sat up and leaned against the wall, looking miserable.

Although he doesn't know if the old man came for Han 3000, it's quite possible.

"Miss, it seems that Han 3000 is not as easy to deal with as you think." After leaving the ring, Han Qing returns to the hotel for the first time and shows her mobile phone to Han Yan. When Han Yan sees Han 3000's embarrassed appearance, there are not too many accidents. In her eyes, this is just the normal performance of waste“ There's no surprise. For a waste, he doesn't flinch. Is there any other way? " Han Yan said with a smile. Han Qing naturally nodded, she thought Han Yan would be very happy to see the video, but Han Yan said so, she felt a little boring“ The young lady is right“ By the way, what about Wufeng? " Han Yan asked“ Miss, Wu Feng was going to fight Han 3000, but I don't know why, he suddenly flinched. " Han Qing said“ Flinch in the face of battle? " Han Yan expression instant full of cold, asked: "what's the matter?" Han Qing explained the situation to Han Yan, which made Han Yan angry. Although she didn't come to the scene in person, Wu Feng is her person. Wu Feng's retreat is undoubtedly a disgrace to her“ This Wufeng, is he afraid of a waste? " Han Yan gnashes her teeth and says“ Miss, I don't know what happened. When he comes back, you can ask him Han Qing said“ It's better to give me a perfect explanation. " Han Yan's face is like frost. Before long, Wu Feng returned to the hotel, pale“ Wu Feng, you are so bold that you dare to humiliate me. Besides, you are still in front of that rubbish. " Han Yan goes to Wu Feng and asks the superior. Wu Feng is very short. Even if Han Yan doesn't wear high heels, he can only look up“ Miss, there's a master in the ring. I'm afraid he's Han 3000's helper, so I don't dare to rush out. " Wu Feng said“ Hum Han Yan snorted coldly and said, "is it his helper? You don't know until after the experiment. You just doubt it, and you don't dare to go up. Do you know what will bring me shame?"“ Miss, after I left the ring, the man found me and got me done with one move. I'm afraid his skill, even if it's three of me, is not an opponent Wu Feng lowered his head and said that he didn't expect to meet an opponent of this level in China. In front of him, there was no room for resistance. Hearing this, Han Yan frowned. She was very clear about how powerful Wu Feng was. She had seen Wu Feng from less to more. For such a man as Wu Feng, admitting that he was weaker than others was equivalent to smearing his dignity. What's more, he also said that three of himself are not opponents of each other“ Is there such a powerful man around Han 3000? " Han Yan said suspiciously“ I'm not sure. He didn't leave anything Wu Feng said. Han Yan looked at the bloodstain on Wu Feng's body. He was obviously injured and said, "go to treat the injury. If this man is really Han 3000's helper, I will find out his details."“ Yes Wu Feng nodded and left the room. Han Qing is also frowning show eyebrow, said to Han Yan: "Miss, if this person really want to help Han 3000, but a big trouble." Han Yan light smile, obviously did not see this matter more important, said: "trouble? In front of Han Yan, how can there be trouble? No matter who he is, I can kill him. Wu Feng is not the only bodyguard in our Han family. There are many people who are more powerful than Wu Feng. " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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