I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3682

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:25:32 PM

Chapter 3682

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Zhu Yanshuo smiled coldly and looked at Ye Ning faintly: "brother ye, can you know who is guessing and who is truth now?"

Ye Ning said: "you..."

"The fact is that Han 3000 is as I expected. I even know who the woman she is looking for." Zhu Yanshuo smiled softly and whispered back to Mingyu: "elder Shenlong, what do you think?"

Since Zhu Yanshuo has a good reason and can judge some invisible things without difference, it is enough to show that there should be no problem in his overall statement.

Ming Yu thought of this and said softly, "what's the opinion of city Lord Zhu?"

"High opinion is not enough, but there is some foolishness." Zhu Yanshuo said.

"Lord Zhu doesn't have to be humble. You can say something directly." Dark rain path.

Zhu Yanshuo smiled gently: "then Zhu has the courage."

Then he turned around and looked at the people present. He smiled: "this woman's face is exactly what Zhu's sister looked like before. I believe you all know this, so I won't say more."

"What I want to say is that based on this point alone, Han 3000's own intention has been very clear. He knows what kind of stimulation this woman will bring to us. Therefore, the purpose of falling in love with her is to stimulate us."

"In that case, Zhu's meaning is also very simple."

"What should we still do? The more he wants to stimulate us, the less we will be fooled. The more we stand still and play consumption, are we still afraid of him?"

Zhu Yanshuo smiled confidently and then looked at all the people present.

"Lord Zhu is really thoughtful and considerate. This plan is very good."

"That's right. I'll tell you why han 3000 suddenly lost his mind. From the point of view, after the explanation of Lord Zhu, everything was smooth."

"I didn't expect that Han 3000 is still a monkey king. Fortunately, we have the talent of city Lord Zhu, but we can see through his conspiracy at a glance."

"I agree with what Lord Zhu said, so I made this plan."

"I agree."

A group of executives who followed Zhu Yanshuo shouted excitedly one by one.

Seeing the excitement here, the executives of Fuye and his family looked at each other. Although there was embarrassment, it was obvious that the situation had been settled. Moreover, what Zhu Yanshuo said was also reasonable.

More arguments will not only make no sense, but most importantly, will also appear extremely stupid on your side.

Thinking of this, with Ye Shijun nodding, the people on both sides of Ye can only nod and say yes.

Even if there are dissatisfied people such as ye Ning, at this time, they can only force their inner dissatisfaction and agree.

"It seems that you have no other objection to this, do you?" Mingyu asked softly.

Fu Ye's two executives nodded and said in unison: "subordinates also agree with what Lord Zhu said."

"Well, since everyone has agreed, everything will be done according to what Lord Zhu said."

"Thank the Dragon elder for his love." Zhu Yanshuo was in high spirits, looked around the crowd and smiled gently: "what are you waiting for, singing and dancing continue, happy continue."

"In addition, isn't he Han 3000 going to play with us? OK, have a good time with him, go and find me a batch of cooks and tell all the middle managers and small managers to revel all night."

As soon as the words fell, the management of the Zhu family immediately took orders and went away. The people present also revived with the music, restarted singing and dancing, and rekindled their hidden and restless heart.

With the arrival of the kitchen, the light of the whole city hall was lit more and the sound of joy was louder.

At this moment, it's time to fall into the city. It seems that there is a great good thing and everyone congratulates.

Compared with Han 3000, the darkness is full of loneliness, loneliness and cold

Of course, there is also a huge resentment from "complaining woman" Lin long.

Looking at Han 3000 still talking and laughing with Xia Wei, and then listening to the city master's house, it was already singing and hanging at this time. Lin long couldn't help but raise his hand and decided

Do something big!

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!