I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3706

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:25:10 PM

Chapter 3706

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"Use it flexibly. Han 3000 is a thief."

The light spot is very small, almost like sand, but there seems to be something else in the light spot.

As a voice sounded, an old man in white slowly appeared in the inner universe.

If Han 3000 is there, he must be able to recognize at a glance that he is not someone else, but an old man sweeping the floor.

"Expected, but unexpected." Another figure also gently emerged. It was the eight wasteland Tianshu: "if you break the game in this way, you can only say that he really has Han 3000."

"He is good at using the art of Taixu. On the surface, he has been playing psychological warfare with the opposite side in the past three days, but in fact, it is not so."

"His real purpose is to wait for Taixu to restart."

The old sweeper nodded. Yes, that's right.

Once Taixu restarts, for Han 3000, it can really have a chance to fully recover.

Of course, during this period of time, Han 3000's land seal may also happen at any time, so he pulled out Xia Wei. It seems that he is talking about love and giving the enemy an illusion that Han 3000 deliberately mocks them. In fact, Han 3000 will always take advantage of the opportunity of their closer proximity to suck some of Xia Wei's Phoenix blood in the past three days.

When he sleeps, he is more in a weak state under the action of the blood of the Phoenix.

But because he always sleeps, he creates an illusion that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, so that no one notices that there are two layers of meaning in his ordinary sleep.

This point, including Lin long and evil Taotie who are around us, is not noticed.

"He is very cautious." The old man who sweeps the floor smiled: "in the eight wasteland book, the cooling off period of Taixu is about three days. In fact, according to the conversion of time, it may only be a few hours in the eight square world."

"But to be on the safe side, he waited for three days even in the eight-way world."

Ba Huang Tian Shu nodded: "he wants to be foolproof."

The old sweeper continued to laugh: "in fact, even just now, he was still seeking stability in stability. When he arrived at the second battlefield, he was still frantically stimulating the other party, which had made the other party rise up in anger and besiege him."

"This has two advantages. First, Han 3000 can take advantage of this opportunity to kill in a large area as much as possible. Second, it can also make the enemy come back without success in an extremely angry mood, suddenly come back full of blood and completely destroy the enemy's psychological defense line."

"He has wisdom and courage, loves adventure and seeks stability. He really makes people look forward to it more and more."

Ba Huang Tian Shu also nodded: "the more in adversity, Han Sanyue can make a lot of incredible but amazing behaviors."

"However, there's a problem. Han Sanqian is really weird and clever. He took advantage of his own advantages and forcibly pulled back the disadvantage of one side down. But..."

The old sweeper nodded and looked at the side of the city on the battlefield: "you mean to say that the other party's power is still large enough. Han 3000 can only try to make the other party's advantage small, but can't balance the two."

This is also the reason why the eight wasteland Tianshu is vaguely worried: "yes, in such a white hot stage of the war, any small advantage is also likely to be the last straw to crush the camel. The problems faced by Han 3000 are actually very serious."

There is nothing wrong with this point. Although Han 3000 did well enough, the problem still exists.

How to break the game?

The old sweeper smiled: "maybe you and I are worried about a useless meal here. After all, maybe Han 3000 has already prepared for him."

Ba Huang Tian Shu thought a little and nodded: "that's what he said. After all, this guy is Han 3000."

"Let's watch a good play and see how Han 3000 broke this strange game and what tricks he can play." Ba Huang Tian Shu also said.

Then, the little light like sand suddenly dissipated and completely disappeared in the sky.

And almost at this time, the battle on the ground

Han 3000 lives in the center, but it is full of people all around, but

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!