I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3886

Published at 28th of July 2022 06:09:31 PM

Chapter 3886

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This sound is very clear, at least at this time it is also very abrupt.

Everyone's attention was completely attracted at this moment. Even Mingyu and Fu Mei looked back at their backs.

At this time, many people found that the sound was that the sword in Fu Tian's hand fell to the ground.

Fu Tian's blush and he was embarrassed for a while. After all, what he dropped was a sword.

And the meaning of the sword falling out in front of those who are their own people is very obvious.

If it was someone else, I'm afraid I must have picked up the sword and hid it in the crowd, afraid of other troubles.

Unfortunately, this is Fu Tian.

Although he also thought about this practice, it is obviously not in line with his interests for an old fox like him.

"What are you looking at? What are you looking at? Do you know why I draw my sword? I just can't bear to see you guys suspicious of my family."

"Hum, who is Fu Mei? She is the most outstanding woman in my family. She is not one of them."

"I saw her grow up with my own eyes. I know her character very well."

After that, Fu Tian picked up his sword and even angrily pointed to some people who had just attacked Fu Mei.

Seeing that there was no response from the people around him, Fu Tian just walked to Fu Mei's side: "don't worry, mei'er. Even if the patriarch risked his life, he will definitely protect you."

Fu Mei sneered. Fu Tian turned his face faster than a book, and his hypocrisy can almost be brought into full play. In this regard, almost no one can beat him.

"Hey hey." Seeing that Fu Mei didn't overreact, Fu Tian knew that, in any case, the trick played by the old couple seemed to be a success.

When people are cheap, they are invincible.

"Elder Shenlong, although Fu Mei is the one who helps the family, it is necessary to help someone. It is a big plan to break Han 3000. However, it is extremely difficult to successfully implement such a big plan."

"Fu Mei's trip is extremely dangerous. Once han 3000 finds out one or two, he will be doomed. This is courage."

"Han Sanqian is a thief with many tricks. He is the only one who can cheat others. No one can cheat him. Fu Mei can successfully cheat Han Sanqian from millions of people. It's just like Ruiguang coming into the world and hitting our bedside. This is wisdom."

"You are wise and brave. You are worthy of the talent of God and man. Please ask the Dragon elder to order a big reward."

After that, Fu Tian looked at a group of Fu's family members, including some Ye's family members, and hoped that they would help to ask for a prize together.

This can bring Fu Mei closer. Secondly, Fu Mei has light on her face. Isn't it the same as Fu Ye's two families have light on their faces?

After seeing ye family, Fu family and ye family did not kneel down, although their knees were slightly bent, but looked at Ye Shijun.

Yeshijun hesitated. Although Fu Mei was just a dog in his eyes, he would certainly enjoy it if the dog licked himself at the critical moment.

Thinking of this, ye Shijun nodded.

With yeshijun's nod, the executives of Fu ye and his family immediately knelt down: "we also agree with the leader Fu Tian, and hope that the Dragon envoy will be rewarded clearly."

Ming Yu looked up at the crowd and then looked at Fu Mei: "Fu Mei's move really took a second. Well, I promise you that if the war is completed, I will give you a lot of rewards."

Fu Mei smiled softly, "thank you, elder Shenlong."

At this time, the senior executives of Fu ye were also smiling.

Ming Yu looked up slightly: "in addition, I announced that Fu Mei officially took the post of former military division of my military vehicle to help me complete the battle."

After hearing this, a trace of displeasure flashed across Fu Mei's face. Obviously, Fu Mei was not stupid. It seemed like a job, but it was also a job. But it was more obvious that Ming Yu had not yet believed in herself, so she left herself in front of her.

However, she did not need to worry: "thank you, elder Shenlong."

"Order the army to move quickly. I will resist the fall of the city in two hours!" The dark rain drank loudly.

"Yes!" Subordinates take orders.

At the next moment, the whole team suddenly sounded the sound of horns. The troops who were already marching very fast increased their speed suddenly, just like lightning attack.

Target, direct to the city!!

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!