I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 390

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:55:13 AM

Chapter 390: 390

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Han 3000's eyes were blurred, and he felt his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. He took a look at Dao 12, which had fainted for a long time. At last, he heard only one sentence: "find a hidden place and deal with it thoroughly."

Is this going to die?

Although Han 3000 wants to get rid of the present predicament, he has no strength to open his eyes, and finally he can only fall down.

Qi Hu walked towards them, intending to throw them down on a cliff. There were black and blind people in the wild mountains. In a few days, they would be gnawed to pieces. There was no need to worry about being found.

"Chongyang, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to shrink in this place."

Just as Chongyang was about to return to the cave, a familiar voice that had not been seen for many years sounded in his ear.

The whole body muscle tight Chongyang suddenly turned around, looking at the familiar figure.

He... How could he be here!

"Another old thing to die, eat me." Qi Hu did not hesitate to attack the visitor.

Chongyang exclaimed in fright: "Qihu, stop it!"

It's too late. Qi Hu's attack has arrived. It's too late to stop.

"Where are the people?" Clearly in the eyes of the people, suddenly disappeared without a trace, which makes Qi Hu feel inexplicable.

However, in a flash, Qi Hu noticed that there was a crisis behind him. When he turned his head, he was hit hard on the back.

Such as Qi Hu's huge body, at this moment, his feet soared, flew away, and fell face to face.

Qi Hu struggles to get up, but he feels that he is pressed by a foot behind his back, like a thousand pounds, so that he can't move.

Qi Hu was shocked in his heart. He was so powerful that he seemed more powerful than his master!

"Yan Jun, you let him go!" Chongyang cried out, for fear that his apprentice would die here.

Yan Jun is the one who came. He left Yanjing for nothing else, just to protect Han 3000 in secret. The person who appeared in the ring that day was also him. However, after disguised and changed face, Han 3000 didn't see his real identity.

"Chongyang, don't you deserve to die?" Yanjun asked Chongyang.

Repeating the cold sweat on his forehead is like rain. He knows that Yan Jun's appearance must be due to these two young people, and Qi Hu has injured them. Even if he is killed by Yan Jun, it's a matter of course. Maybe even he will die.

Chongyang is very powerful, even arrogant and doesn't pay attention to anyone.

Before washing his hands, Chongyang relied on a pair of fists to fight wherever he went. Countless people complained, but they did not dare to have the slightest revenge.

But more than ten years ago, Chongyang had to go back to the mountains, because he was defeated by someone, and that person was Yanjun.

"If you don't kill him, I can promise you what you want." Chongyang took a deep breath and said.

Yan Jun walked toward Chongyang and said with a cool expression: "I want your life. Can you give it willingly?"

Every time Yanjun gets close to Chongyang, he feels pressure doubled. After so many years, although he is getting stronger, Yanjun is obviously the same. Moreover, compared with more than ten years ago, the gap between them seems to be bigger.

This makes Chongyang unable to understand, why is the same person, also in progress, but Yan Jun's progress can be so big!

"I've lived in seclusion in the mountains, and I don't care about the world. It's them who come to me. You shouldn't count this on me." Chongyang gnashing his teeth said, the expression is full of unwilling, he knows, if Yan Jun really want to kill him, he is dead.

"Do I need a reason to kill you?" Yan Jun said with a smile.

Chongyang is so angry that he almost spits out his blood. He is far away from Yanjing and the noise of the city. He hides in such a broken place just to avoid meeting Yanjun. Unexpectedly, he still can't avoid the disaster.

Thinking about the chance to live in his mind, when Chongyang looks at Han 3000, he can't help thinking why he came here.

Ask him out of the mountain, this is the biggest possibility, that is to say, he is in urgent need of a master, as for why not find Yan Jun, he has no time to think so much, because Yan Jun is getting closer and closer.

"It's not convenient for you to help him. I can ask Qi Hu to go down the mountain with him and obey him." Chongyang said.

Hearing this, Yan Jun stopped, but didn't speak, looking at Chongyang straight.

Chongyang has a feeling of numbness in his scalp. Yanjun's eyes are like trying to cramp him.

"I can swear that I will never let Qi Hu betray him. Qi Hu was raised by me from childhood. He listened to me very much. Even if I asked him to die, he would not hesitate." Chongyang continued.

"I haven't seen you for so many years. Don't you want to fight me?" Yan Jun said with a smile.

"I don't want to." Chongyang didn't even hesitate, because this question had no meaning for him to think about. Fighting with Yanjun, apart from being dead, could there be any other result?

For so many years, Chongyang didn't think about the picture that he defeated Yanjun, but until this moment he met Yanjun again. He completely recognized himself. If he wanted to win Yanjun, he could only dream about it“ It seems that your blood has been destroyed here. Back then, you were very arrogant in front of me. " Yan Jun said. Chongyang was really arrogant before. He didn't pay any attention to Yanjun when he met Yanjun for the first time. He didn't begin to restrain himself until he understood the difference between Yanjun and Chongyang. It wasn't the environment here that destroyed his blood. If he had been someone else, he would have killed Yanjun. However, the other party was Yanjun. Even if he had a temper, he could only endure it“ I dare not. " The simple two words show Chongyang's attitude towards Yanjun“ Let him recuperate here, and then send him down the mountain. " Yan Jun said“ You can rest assured that I will take good care of him. Qi Hu will be his man after that. " Chongyang said“ It's an honor for your apprentice to work for him. " Yan Jun said with a smile. When Chongyang saw Yanjun turning to leave, he couldn't help asking: "who is he, why is he worth your help, and why don't you do it yourself?"“ You don't have the right to know who he is. As for why I don't do it, now it's a young man's world. I just need to ensure his life and safety, and the rest is for him to break through and get the position through his own efforts, so that he won't be tottering. " Finish saying, burning gentleman then walked. Chongyang a face chagrin, if he didn't kill heart to these two people, Yan Jun also won't appear. It took him so many years not to forget the nightmare. Now I've reviewed it again. It seems that I have to spend my old age in the nightmare. Qi Hu stood up with a look of lingering fear and asked Chongyang, "master, who is this guy? He is so powerful." Chongyang didn't answer Qi Hu's question, but scolded and said: "hurry to carry these two people into the cave. The ground is wet. Don't catch a cold, or your master will not live long." Qi Hu, with one shoulder on each side, carried Han 3000 and Dao 12 into the cave and laid a lot of withered grass to prevent them from lying directly on the cold ground. Half a day later, when Han 3000 opened his eyes and found the darkness in front of him, he said unconsciously, "is this the underworld? The underworld is so dark“ This is not the underworld. You stay here and take good care of your injuries. After the injuries are healed, I will let Qi Hu go down the mountain with you. " Chongyang said. Hearing Chongyang's voice, Han 3000 turned his head warily. A moment before he fainted, he heard that Chongyang asked Qi Hu to kill him and Dao 12, but now... "Master Chongyang, didn't you kill us?" Han three thousand one face accident of say. In the dark cave, although he could not see Chongyang's expression clearly, when he heard the words of the elder, he obviously showed a trace of not being able to bear“ Just call me Chongyang. I'm not used to being called my elder. I didn't kill you. Don't ask me why. Take Qi Hu down the mountain. With his skill, it will certainly help you a lot. " Chongyang said, although Yanjun didn't deliberately remind him, but Chongyang know, Yanjun certainly don't want it to be Han 3000 know. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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