I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3962

Published at 28th of July 2022 06:07:49 PM

Chapter 3962

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With the drums rising, soon, the siege army had lined up.

Pei's army, including Ming Yu's headquarters, has more than 200000 troops in the East alone. When the army was assembled, even from the air, a large area could be seen.

Not far from the other side, the headquarters of Han Sanqian has also been rushing all the way under the leadership of Su Yingxia.

Accompanied by Zhu Yanshuo and others, Ming Yu came to the front line of the army and sat on the bloody war horse.

"It's really Han 3000." Ming Yu smiled softly.


"Listen to my orders, deal calmly, put them closer and fight again."

"Yes!" Ten thousand troops take orders.

Ming Yu smiled coldly, "it turns out that you, Han Sanqian, have been forced to do nothing."

Zhuyanshuo responded with a smile: "hit the stone with an egg. If I lose again, I zhuyanshuo will cut off my head and use it as a stool for him."

It has nothing to do with any tactics or personal strength for a small group of troops to attack a large group of troops. Even if he puts a pig as the commander, he is absolutely right and can't lose.

Zhu Yanshu is not an impulsive person like Ye Shijun. When people like him can say such words, it can basically prove how clear and clear the situation is at this time.

"They're almost there." Ming Yu smiled softly, and at the same time, he slightly killed the sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the whole army also clung to their weapons and was ready to attack at any time.

But when the sword in Ming Yu's hand was about to be drawn and the troops were ordered to attack, something unexpected happened.

Han Sanqian's troops suddenly seemed to see a ghost, turned around and retreated directly back.

This can make a group of people suddenly look stunned, completely at a loss in situ.

What the fuck are they doing?!

"I'm really drunk. What are they doing? Why... Why did they suddenly go back?" Zhu Yanshuo's face was confused, and he was completely confused by the monk of Zhang Er.

Ming Yu also obviously didn't understand, frowned tightly, and his face was speechless.

The soldiers at the bottom were holding their breath to rush out, but the other party's move caught them by surprise. They whispered one by one, wondering what they wanted from the opposite side.

"Damn it, are these people sick? When they took the initiative to attack, they suddenly turned their guns. What the fuck are they doing?" Ye Shijun was also confused.

Fu Tianleng smiled: "we had no choice but to attack us, but we were prepared. Seeing that there were many of us, some people fled. Elder Shenlong, we are chasing them now, and we will beat them down."

Ye Shijun nodded when he heard the speech: "that's right. At this time, they ran away in a hurry. It must be unstable. Let's pursue from behind and lose!"

"Wait!" Ming Yu softly drank, "do you think he Han Sanqian is as reckless as you? If he attacks, how can he not expect that we must be prepared."

Zhuyanshuo nodded slightly: "Han Sanqian's command can never be so naive, rush after, fear of fraud."

If it had been before, ye Shijun would have scolded loudly, but after Han Sanqian had suffered from depression, he would have been depressed, but he didn't say anything.

"Let's not move to cope with changes." Ming Yu's words fell, his hand slightly lifted, and ordered the troops to stay on alert.

Zhu Yanshuo smiled softly, "it seems that there is really a trick."

The words fell, Zhu Yanshuo pointed in front of him. Sure enough, the escaping Han 3000 troops suddenly stopped. Then, each of them turned around again and faced the besieged army directly.

Fu Tian chuckled: "it's still the wise lord Zhu. Now they turn their guns around. It's too obvious that they don't want to deal with us anymore because they see that we're not fooled."

"They're here again." Ye Shijun drank softly.

Ming Yu said calmly, "it's still the same as before. If they enter our attack circle, they will immediately close the door and beat enough dogs. On the contrary, if they still want to escape and lure us, they will continue to remain unchanged and change."

Suddenly, Han 3000 troops rushed again.

However, like the last opportunity, almost when they were about to enter the encirclement, they suddenly turned around and left again.

Seeing no one to pursue, he came back again, struck again, and began all over again. It seemed that he was tireless

"What are they... Doing?" Ye Shijun was silly

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!