I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4359

Published at 5th of November 2022 07:41:38 AM

Chapter 4359

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"It's actually very simple. Most of the poisons are blown by the wind, which makes many people subconsciously try to block them. But in fact, they tend to ignore a place that is most easily overlooked."

Han Sanqian didn't speak, just looked at his feet.


This poisonous gas actually spreads through the soil. Even if the distance of transmission is extremely limited, it is precisely because it is often ignored that it can always achieve its purpose.

"Am i right?"

Su Yingxia suddenly realized after hearing Han Sanqian's explanation.

No wonder she had already defended herself, but she was still poisoned.

It was because of that.

The eyes of the seven of them were widened. Han Sanqian did not lie at all. The way the seven of them were poisoning was actually like this.

The wind is just a superficial attack.

Their superiors had long expected that such a poisoning method would not be a problem to deal with unsuspecting little people, but once they met a master, even if others were unprepared, they could dodge to the limit because of their excellent skills.

So, they have a real under-the-radar attack.

How many people in this world can think that someone will release poison through the ground? !

The ground is large and thick, and most of the soil will dilute the toxicity.

So, very few people guard against this, it is common sense.

"How did you find out?" The leader looked at Han Sanqian in disbelief.

Han Sanqian smiled: "In front of my cultivation level, you are all babies who have just learned to walk. I want to ask you, what are you doing without being under my nose?"


The seven people glanced at each other again, and this time, they were completely unable to collapse.


The leader shouted and led the six brothers to retreat into the dark night.

It's a pity, maybe this is feasible in front of others, or there is a chance, but in front of Han Sanqian, this kind of behavior is just a waste of physical strength.

With a slight movement of his hand, a black wind suddenly surged in the dark night. Before a few people could run a few steps, they were directly swept back by the black wind, and then obediently landed in front of Han Sanqian.

The seven did not intend to give up, and continued to run forward frantically.

But no matter how hard they tried, they were always just a ferocious operation, and they actually saw the pestle in place!

They couldn't move an inch at all.

"The people who bullied me still dare to run? Do you really think of me as a teahouse?"

When the words fell, Han Sanqian directly shouted at Pei Yuan: "The eleventh style!"


The sword shot out in an instant, and in an instant, the two people closest to Han Sanqian were directly turned into pieces of meat in the meat grinder on the spot. Except for the clothes like rags, only the bones were left. They His flesh and blood were already under the sword, completely turned into a mass of mud.

It's like being chopped into meatballs.

The other five people were frightened on the spot, and even Pei Yuan was a little hard to look straight at, because it was too brutal.

"It's okay to bully my apprentice. If you want to bully my wife, that's the end."

"Pei Yuan, someone told Master since he was a child that being kind to the enemy is being cruel to himself. Eleven styles have been taught, and these five people will teach you to practice your hands. Do you dare?" Han Sanqian asked.

"I didn't dare." Pei Yuan shook his head, after all, he was still just a child after all.

Although murder is very common, he has never tried such a bloody murder.

"However, as the master said, these bastards not only want to kill me, but also want to bully the wife, I can't bear him anymore."

"Master, I'm coming."

When the words fell, Pei Yuan directly raised his long sword and killed him aggressively.

The five people who tried to escape couldn't move at all. At this time, they could only rush to Pei Yuan and begged for mercy: "Master, don't kill us, don't kill us. We were wrong, we were wrong."

"As long as you are willing to let us die, you can do whatever you want us to do."

"Yeah, yeah. Let us go, let us go, we don't know Mount Tai, we are wrong."

Pei Yuan glanced at Han Sanqian, saw Han Sanqian nod, he slammed his sword and headed towards him...
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