I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4434

Published at 5th of November 2022 07:38:53 AM

Chapter 4434

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"You...what did you say?"

A bunch of women look at me, I look at you, obviously, they don't quite understand what Su Yingxia means.

This day, catching women in the Demon Castle is too ruthless. Almost as long as you dare to show your face, you will definitely be caught.

How could Tianmobao stop arresting people from now on? !

Could it be that the Demon Castle has already caught enough people?

But this is unlikely, especially now that so many of them have been rescued by Han Sanqian, Tianmo Castle will only be few and not full.

"Miss Su, may not know much about our situation here. It's impossible for the people of Tianmo Castle not to arrest people."

"Yeah, we can't escape their claws. Sister Shenxian, you are so beautiful, that's their main goal."

"You guys go quickly."

Seeing their anxious appearance, Han Sanqian's heart was actually very warm.

After all, this is enough to prove that he did not save them wrong.

They are really caring about them right now.

Han Sanqian smiled slightly: "Tianmobao really won't arrest you. I can assure you of this. Because, the city owner of Tianmobao has been taken down by me."

"What? Benefactor, you have won the city master Angelica?"

"Isn't it possible? Although we don't have a cultivation base, we have long heard that the city lord Angelica is very powerful. Moreover, he is the city lord, and his guards must be extremely strict. Ordinary people don't say kill him, and even see him in the face. not."

"Yeah, it's not that we don't believe you, it's that we are worried that you killed a certain little minion but mistakenly thought it was him, and when he really appears, under the thunder, you will suffer."

Han Sanqian gave a wry smile, full of helplessness.

With the knowledge of this group of women, people like Angelica may indeed be the ceiling of the cultivators in their eyes. Therefore, even if they tell them the result, it is difficult for them to believe that it will be the truth.

But no matter what, they care about themselves and Su Yingxia very much, which makes them feel that their efforts are not in vain.

"If you don't believe it, so be it, Yingxia, take them out."

"I think, people in the city are still looking for the entrance to the dungeon, and they should be able to find someone soon."

"Then, you ask them to find their own family members and settle down as soon as possible."

Su Yingxia looked at Han Sanqian and wondered, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Han Sanqian nodded.

"Okay, then I'll take them there first, and then I'll pick up Han Nian and them and wait for you at the inn before, okay?" Su Yingxia asked.

Han Sanqian nodded, and then, a flying body quickly disappeared into the dark night.

The women had never heard of Han Sanqian's reputation. First, they were not as knowledgeable as men, and second, some of them were arrested by Angelica early in the cell, and they didn't know much about the situation outside.

It is naturally difficult to understand what Han Sanqian said.

However, Su Yingxia was always here with them, and they could only follow Su Yingxia obediently towards the city.

Han Sanqianfei landed in an unoccupied place. After making sure that it was safe enough, he leaned towards the side, relaxed his body, half awake and half asleep.

The city is now basically peaceful, although many traitors are potentially dangerous.

However, now that Su Yingxia is here, and now the group of women have been rescued, these dangers have been reduced to the lowest point.

Because this is already Han Sanqian and their fancy muscle show to some extent.

He has solved the deepest crisis in Tianmo Castle, and there is no possibility that these people dare to rebel against Han Sanqian, and the people will support Han Sanqian even more because their family members are saved.

Therefore, with this five-and-two, Han Sanqian now has such a rare safe and pure time.

After closing his eyes lightly, Han Sanqian did not know that at this time outside the Tianmo Castle, a group of golden armored soldiers were heading towards the inner city of the Tianmo Castle under the shroud of night.

They seem to plan to attack, and they seem to plan to surround.

On the other hand, Han Sanqian, the consciousness has already entered his mind.

"Little Dragon?"

"My cute little dragon, don't you have something to tell me? Why do you want to play with me and disappear now?"

Yes, Han Sanqian knew very well that the dragon should have something very important to tell him.
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Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!