I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 503

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:52:34 AM

Chapter 503: 503

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Before asking this question, Yan Jun had already thought of what answer he would get, because Han 3000 grew up looking at him as a child, and his understanding of Han 3000 is not comparable to that of the whole Han family.

"Your understanding of the inner earth prison is very one-sided. It's a dangerous place you can't imagine. After you go there, the probability of coming back is less than one percent." Yan Jun's face is as deep as water.

"Grandpa Yan, how many chances do you think I have before I kill Han long?" Han 3000 asked with a smile.

"No chance." Yan Jun said.

Han 3000 spread his hands and said, "it shows that one percent is good for me. At least I can see the chance."

This sentence makes Yan Jun smile bitterly. In the face of this one percent small chance, I'm afraid he will choose to retreat, but he can be regarded as a good thing, but this is the beginning of Han 3000's difference, and it's also because of his character that he can come to this step with his own strength.

"And she? If you can't come back, have you ever thought about what she should do? " Yanjun looked at the garden what all don't know Su Yingxia said.

This is the biggest problem Han 3000 faces, but these days he has already thought about it and made a decision.

"If I can't come back, I can only use the next life to make up for her, but in this life, if I'm not sure about my grandfather's news, I will live a very painful life. My grandfather is very important to me." Han 3000 said.

Yan Jun sighed heavily, said: "I will try my best to take care of her, you also have to be careful, geocentric prison has in or out, there must be something special about it, no matter what, life protection is your most important task."

"Grandpa Yan, don't worry. I don't want to die so young. Even if the hell is on the 18th floor, I will fight my life to break out." Han 3000 said.

"I got it 20 years ago when you put it away. There were a lot of people fighting for it at that time, but I don't know what the specific use is. Please feel for it slowly." Yanjun took out a delicate small box, I don't know what was in it.

See Yan Jun want to go, Han 3000 quickly said: "Yan grandfather, eat rice to go, already fast noon."

"I've been away from Yanjing for too long. Some people are ready to move. If I don't go back, Shi Jing will be in danger." Finish saying, Yan Jun turns round and waved to Han 3000.

"Grandpa Yan, I won't let you down." Han 3000 said.

Yan Jun's back gradually goes away, until it disappears, Han 3000 returns to the villa.

"How did he leave?" Su Yingxia asked.

"Grandfather Yan has to go back to Yanjing immediately." Han explained.

Su Yingxia nodded and didn't ask any more.

After lunch, when they are sitting in the living room watching TV, Han 3000 takes advantage of the toilet to take out the small box that Yan Jun gave him. Inside, there is a piece of jade with strange shape, crystal clear, and many strange patterns.

At the first sight of it, Han 3000 had a sense of inexplicable familiarity. When he began to recall it in his mind, he was shocked to find that it was not jade at all, it was more like the incomplete piece of his skull!

Yanjun even has this kind of thing!

How is it possible? Is there any secret hidden in the skull he got by accident? Otherwise, how could Yan Jun collect this kind of things for 20 years.

Han three thousand swallow saliva, is going to think about the possibility of it, Su Yingxia knocked on the door outside.

Put away the box, Han 3000 expression impermanent open the door, to Su Yingxia asked: "upstairs is not a toilet?"

"I don't go to the toilet. Shouldn't I do something at this time?" Su Yingxia said with an eyebrow.

After half a month, Su Yingxia has become more and more naked in the face of this kind of thing, and she will not be a little shy at all.

Of course, Han 3000 is also the same, direct Princess holding Su Yingxia back to the room.

Time goes on day by day, until the last day, Su Yingxia is still reluctant to leave after packing.

"This is the happiest half month I've ever had. I didn't expect it to be so fast." Su Yingxia looks down. Although it's half a month, she feels as if it's only two days.

"Why don't we buy this place and come here for a holiday when we have time?" Han 3000 suggested.

"Yes, but are you sure the owner will sell it?" Su Yingxia said.

"Don't worry, let Mo Yang do it. He must have a way." Han 3000 said.

Half a month later, when they returned to Yuncheng, they finally stopped at home that night. After all, he ting and Su Guoyao were still at home. They didn't dare to make too much noise.

The next day, after Han 3000 sent Su Yingxia to work, he went to the weak water real estate.

Han Sanqian doesn't ask Zhong Liang to expel mi fei'er for revenge, but mi fei'er's mistakes at work also cost a lot.

When mifael saw Han 3000, her eyes became very complicated.

Since she knew Han 3000's real identity, she always thought of her contempt for Han 3000 and felt ridiculous. She had imagined that she could be with the boss of weak water real estate for several times, but she looked down upon her boss again and again, even sneered. This kind of stupid behavior can't be described by words. Mifael wants to apologize to Han 3000, but she still doesn't have the courage. When Han 3000 arrived at Zhong Liang's office, he asked about the construction of the village in the city. This matter was blocked by Liu Da, because this guy cooperates with Han Yan and deliberately wants to set up the weak water property. At that time, when Han 3000 was looking for Liu Da, he was so arrogant that he didn't pay attention to Han 3000. But now, Han Yan has left Yuncheng and left with big capital. Now the business community in Yuncheng is dominated by Tianjia, and it is a public declaration that it will support all the development of weak water real estate. This news is like a bolt from the blue for Liu da“ Every day, Liu Da comes to me and asks me to open a green link so that the reconstruction of villages in the city can be put on the agenda as soon as possible. " Zhong Liang said to Han 3000. Han 3000 light a smile, ask a way: "this guy doesn't expect to leave Cloud City to become a senior official now?" Hearing this, Zhong Liang couldn't help laughing. Liu Da didn't dare to have this ambition. Now he's afraid of losing his black hat“ He would like to kneel down for me. This kind of person doesn't care about dignity for the sake of interests. " Zhong Liang said. At this time, the Secretary knocked on the door and came to the office. He said to Zhong Liang, "brother Zhong, Liu Da is here again. It seems that if I don't see you today, I'll be rude again." Zhong Liang did not speak, but quietly waiting for Han 3000 to decide. The secretary knows Han 3000's status. Just looking at Han 3000's back, the Secretary has peach blossom in his eyes. Young people like this are handsome, handsome and golden, but they are the prince charming in every woman's dream“ Let him see Yang Xing. " Han 3000 light said, Liu Da now is not worthy to meet with him, even see Zhong Liang qualifications are not“ Young master, do you want to hand over the construction of the village in the city to Yang Xing? " Zhong Liang puzzled asked, such a project, even the weak water property need to be treated with caution, and Yang Xing is just a bastard, once you mess up, the loss is very huge“ Of course, you are in charge of the project of the village in the city. It's just that Liu Da is not qualified to see you at his present level. In the future, Yang Xing, you can make good use of it and it will bring you a lot of help. " Han 3000 said. Zhong Liang didn't feel happy because he got the right, because no matter how much power he had, it was still under Han 3000's control, and it didn't make much difference to him. But the deep meaning of Han 3000's words is worth pondering. Han Sanqian wants him to make good use of Yang Xing. This arrangement is more like explaining his future development in Yuncheng“ Young master, are you leaving Cloud City? " Zhong Liang asked. Han Sanqian didn't mind that he had too many problems and said, "yes, some things have to be dealt with by me, so Yuncheng will be handed over to you. I hope you won't let me down." Zhong Liang lowered his head and said firmly: "young master, don't worry, Zhong Liang will never let you down."“ Help me take care of Su's company. " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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