I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 818

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:44:38 AM

Chapter 818: 818

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"Chen Yi, I just saw your fiancee quarrel with the waiter. Don't you come forward to help her deal with it?" A young man just came back from the bathroom and teased Chen Yi.

Chen Yi light smile, said: "don't make noise, this kind of shoes, if it is not for her use value to me, I and she breathe the same place of air will feel sick."

"Ah." The man sighed and said, "you are so lucky. You can not only play this kind of Whore around, but also get such a big benefit. I don't know when this opportunity will fall on me."

Chen Yi patted the man on the shoulder and said, "brother, I have developed. Can I forget you?"

"That is, if you dare to forget, I will never recognize you as a brother again."

Not long after that, Su Yihan returned to his seat.

Chen Yi stood up and raised his hand to the DJ platform.

The music stopped suddenly, and the group of people seemed to be splashed with cold water and began to curse.

DJ said calmly through the loudspeaker: "don't worry, there is a surprise waiting for you tonight, a romantic proposal is about to start, and the consumption tonight will be paid by Mr. Chen."

With this sentence, those swearing people suddenly get excited. It's a good thing that someone pays the bill. It's a rare thing that someone even proposes in a nightclub.

Su Yihan's heart beats faster, master Chen!

This young master Chen, should not be Chen Yi!

Chen Yi, is she going to propose to her?

Su Yihan was so nervous that her palms were sweating. Although she said it was too sudden and she was not prepared at all, such a surprise was exactly what she needed. In the future, she would never have to cast eyebrows at other men and worry that no one would pay for her famous brand.

One after another, someone came to Su Yihan with flowers. At this time, Chen Yi took out the diamond ring he had prepared in the morning.

Of course, the diamond ring is fake. It's just a play, not to mention Su Yihan. It's not worth Chen Yi buying a real diamond ring.

"Su Yihan, marry me." Chen Yi kneels down on one knee in front of Su Yihan sincerely, but his knee doesn't touch the ground. After all, it's acting. Although Chen Yi needs the play to be real, he still can't kneel down on such broken shoes.

Su Yihan looks flattered. Happiness comes so suddenly that she doesn't know how to respond.

If this is a farce, if Chen Yi just wants to be a husband and wife for one night, she will never make such a big noise and propose in front of so many people. Therefore, in Su Yihan's view, Chen Yi is full of sincerity.

"Wocao, isn't this Chen Yihan? He even proposed to Su Yihan!"

"This guy can't be crazy. Doesn't he know how many people have played with Su Yihan?"

"I didn't expect that Chen Yi still has the habit of picking up broken shoes. It's really incomprehensible."

Many people were surprised to find the protagonist and heroine of the proposal.

They all come out to play. Naturally, they know Su Yihan's reputation now. Although Chen Yi is not a big family, he has some money in his family and has a certain reputation in Yuncheng. What kind of woman do you want to have? He will take a fancy to Su Yihan.

This kind of criticism has been expected by Chen Yi, and this is why he chose to propose in the nightclub. He wants these people to witness it, so as to enhance the reality of the matter and let Su Yihan know that he is not joking.

Su Yihan doesn't realize that it's just a show, because Chen Yi's doing this kind of thing in public is equivalent to telling the outside world about their relationship.

Even if the proposal is very abrupt, even if there is no emotional basis between them, Su Yihan is also dazzled by the happiness of the moment, and has no heart to think about why Chen Yi proposed to her.

At this time, Chen Yi's brothers began to coax, shouting the three words of marrying him.

Chen Yi also opened his mouth and said, "you're not going to let me kneel here all night."

Su Yihan shook his head subconsciously, then extended his hand.

Chen Yi brings the fake diamond ring to Su Yihan. Looking at the diamond as big as a pigeon egg, Su Yihan feels that she has never been so happy in her life. She is almost moved to tears.

Tianjia villa.

Tianling'er, half lying in bed, can't help but sigh at the price Chen Yi has paid for it when he sees everything happening in the nightclub through his mobile phone video.

"This guy really doesn't leave any room for himself. Don't you think about how to end it?" Tian ling'er said to himself.

From the standpoint of tianling'er, she naturally can't feel the attraction of the village in the city project to Chen Yi, which is enough to make Chen Yi pay any price.

As for how to end up, Chen Yi really didn't think about it, but he is a playboy, and it's inevitable to make a scene. As long as he talks afterwards, it's a joke, and no one else will be surprised.

After closing the live video, Tian ling'er makes a call to Mo Yang“ Mr. Mo, I'll know who did it later. You can't go to bed too early. I need your help. " Said Tian ling'er. Mo Yang doesn't care much about magic now, but his biological clock is used to staying up late. He says to Tian ling'er, "call me at any time, and make sure to get through at the first time." In the nightclub, when the proposal is over, Chen Yi leaves with Su Yihan“ Go to my house tonight. " Chen Yi said to Su Yihan, not to ask, but to let it be. He didn't give Su Yihan room to refuse. This kind of thing is familiar to Su Yihan. Since her family went bankrupt and she was unable to spend money, Su Yihan has promised to do so many times“ Yes Su Yihan nodded. The next thing goes very smoothly. Su Yihan, who is dazzled by happiness, is not wary of Chen Yi. Moreover, when he sees the doll about Han 3000 in Chen Yi's room at home, Su Yihan feels that Chen Yi and himself are the same kind of people. They all hate Han 3000“ By the way, do you know what's wrong with Su Yingxia? It's said that she gave Han 3000 a green hat. I didn't expect that such a big man as Han 3000 has today. Unfortunately, it's not me who gave him a green hat. " Chen Yi says to Su Yihan regretfully. Su Yihan sat by the bed, deliberately exposing his legs. After hearing Chen Yi's words, he said, "do you want to know what's going on?" Chen Yi knows that the key time has come. He goes to Su Yihan and sits down. He gently hugs Su Yihan's waist and asks, "of course, you don't know any secrets, do you?" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!