I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 85

Published at 15th of October 2021 10:02:27 AM

Chapter 85: 85

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Shen lingyao family.

Han 3000 and Su Yingxia are sitting in the living room. The kitchen is constantly sending out the symphony of pots and pans. From time to time, there is smoke mixed with Shen lingyao's scream. However, she orders Han 3000 and Su Yingxia to stay in the living room. Even if she is worried, Su Yingxia can only be in a hurry.

"Really not? I'm afraid she'll burn the house down. " Another puff of smoke, even choking in the living room, Han 3000 wanted to bring a gas mask.

Su Yingxia stood up and yelled, "Shen lingyao, did you start the third world war?"

Walking to the kitchen door, the kitchen was in a mess. Shen lingyao was all greasy and her hair was dishevelled, just like a crazy woman.

See two people, flustered say: "I am not to let you wait in the living room?"? Let's go. Don't come to see me

Su Yingxia sighed helplessly and said, "if you can't do something, why force yourself? Are you willing to burn your home?"

"Who says I can't do it? I've already made a dish and it will be ready soon." Shen lingyao single handed akimbo, proud pointed to a plate of black things, completely can not see what it is.

Han three thousand into the kitchen as the battlefield, said: "or I come, you take a bath."

"No, I invite you to dinner just to thank you. How can I make you cook?" Shen lingyao pushed Han 3000 and said.

"Even if you want to thank me, you won't send me to the hospital, will you? After eating your food, I'm afraid I won't survive tonight. " Han 3000 said.

Su Yingxia couldn't see it any more, so he said, "you'd better let 3000 as soon as possible. In case of poisoning, we will be patients."

"Welcome summer, even you don't believe me." Shen lingyao said glumly.

"Yes, I just don't believe you. Get out of here." Su Yingxia said without hesitation.

Shen lingyao was so angry that she put down the spatula and walked out of the kitchen in a hurry.

"I'll take a bath first, and next time I'll show you how good I am at cooking."

After Han 3000 took over the kitchen, everything calmed down.

As soon as she got out of the bathroom door, Shen lingyao smelled a mouthwatering smell and couldn't help swallowing.

"Welcome summer, is Han 3000 as powerful as you say?" Shen lingyao can't help but ask. She heard Su Yingxia mention that Han 3000 cooks at home every day, and her cooking skills are superb, but she has never eaten before, so she doubts about it. But now, the fragrance keeps coming out of the kitchen, and she can't bear to believe it.

"You'll find out later." Su Yingxia said with a smile, Han 3000's cooking skill is better than many restaurant chefs. She has been eating for three years without getting tired of it.

Shen lingyao mumbled and said, "look, you're so beautiful that people can't envy you."

Before long, Han Sanqian made three dishes and one soup, which was full of color, fragrance and flavor. Shen lingyao's fingers moved so much that before she put on chopsticks, she could not help holding a piece in her hand.

"Wu..." Shen lingyao, with a happy face, enjoyed the delicious food from the tip of her tongue and clapped her hands: "it's delicious. Han 3000, how can you be so powerful."

Over the past three years, Han Sanqian has tried to cook for Su Yingxia in a variety of ways, but he has signed up for a private kitchen class to study, and eight major cuisines are involved in it. For him, three dishes and one soup are just handy.

"Welcome summer, I'm going to live in your house. I'm going to eat Han 3000's food every day." Shen lingyao said excitedly.

"Three thousand now do not cook, the family invited a special cooking aunt, so you are very happy today." Su Yingxia said with a smile.

Han 3000 said at this time: "if you want to eat my cooking, I can cook it for you every day."

"Hello." Shen lingyao's expression suddenly sank down and said, "can you think about the feeling of a single dog? I want to eat, not dog food."

"Well, let's not talk about dinner, OK." Su Yingxia said with a happy smile.

Shen lingyao sat next to Su Yingxia discontentedly and said, "I know you are happy, but you have to take care of your best friend's feelings. Otherwise, I will start with Han 3000."

"Well, I don't mind if he wants to." Su Yingxia said nothing.

Shen lingyao stood up, gesticulated the chopsticks in her hand, and said to Han 3000, "how about letting you sing every night, Miss Ben?"

"Stop fooling around and eat quickly. It'll be cold later." Han 3000 said.

Shen lingyao sat down feebly. The corner of the wall could not be dug. She was just joking.

"By the way, I told my classmates today that you are going to attend the reunion. Now they all know." Shen lingyao said after sitting down.

Su Yingxia has long quit this so-called classmate group. The students in it have nothing to do but show off what luxury they have bought and which country they are going to visit.

"They were surprised." Su Yingxia said.

Shen lingyao nodded her head and said, "no, I think I'm joking. Mammy Rong said that she hadn't seen you for a long time and missed you very much. I think she just wanted to trouble you."

"The boys that Rong Liu used to like all like me, and it's no wonder that she will aim at me." Su Yingxia is targeted by Rong Liu, which is a natural disaster. Rong Liu takes the initiative to chase several boys, but they all like Su Yingxia“ She's ugly, but she's lucky. She married a rich man, and now she shows off what brand-name bag she bought in the group every day. " Shen lingyao sighs. Although she doesn't like rongliu, she has to admit that rongliu's life is better than her“ Is she married? " Su Yingxia is an outsider“ He invited me, but I didn't go, so I didn't bother to tell you. " Shen lingyao said. Speaking of this, Shen lingyao suddenly put down the bowl and chopsticks and said to Han 3000 with a dignified face: "Han 3000, you can't let Ying Xia be bullied in this reunion, otherwise I won't let you go."“ You want to say that if you have a chance, you can teach mammy Rong a lesson, right Han 3000 laughs. Shen lingyao of course hope to see this scene, gnashing her teeth and said: "do you know that in the classmate meeting, Yingxia was beaten by rongliu fiercely, if you can't help her revenge, what kind of husband is it?" Han 3000's eyes are fixed. Su Yingxia said: "things have passed for a long time, what to do with it, as long as this time Rong Liu does not make things difficult for me."“ How can she not make trouble for you? She treats you as her enemy. Have you forgotten how she used to point her nose at you? " Shen lingyao said“ Come on, stop it. " Su Yingxia takes a look at Han 3000 and quickly stops Shen lingyao from talking. After dinner, Su Yingxia is pulled back to her room by Shen lingyao for the evening talk show of her best friend. Han Sanya is hanging out in the living room watching TV. When he is bored, Mo Yang calls him“ Didn't I ask you to keep a low profile recently? " Mo Yang said with complaint“ What's the matter? " Han 3000 didn't know why“ Did you beat several security guards yesterday Mo Yang asked. Yesterday, Han Sanqian helped Shen lingyao and injured several security guards. How could such a small matter spread to Mo Yang's ears“ How do you know? " Han 3000 asks curiously“ You shot the video, was photographed, now the road has spread, you really think ye Fei will not doubt you, so give him some clues Mo Yang said. Han 3000 eyebrows a coagulation, such a small thing, he did not expect to cause such consequences, if ye Fei doubt to his head, this is not a small trouble“ I see Han 3000 said in a deep voice“ Do you have any plans? Can I help you Mo Yang cares about Tao“ No, I have a way to solve it. You'd better get busy with Dao 12. This person is very important to me. " Han 3000 said. After hanging up the phone, Han 3000 sighed. It seems that he can't do it in public at will in the future. Otherwise, his three-year dormancy will be destroyed, and the price is too high! At 11 o'clock in the night, Han 3000 and Su Yingxia leave in Shen lingyao's reluctant expression. A lonely person at night, Shen lingyao holding a teddy bear to sleep, whispering Han three thousand words in her dream, she may not know how deep this infatuation is. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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