I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 869

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:43:27 AM

Chapter 869: 869

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Huang Xiaoyong was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "master, are you kidding me? How can a man of cultivation not have his own life?"

"Absolutely impossible?" Han 3000 doubts, because he does not have his own life, although he is not a native of Xuanyuan world, maybe his cultivation conditions are different from theirs.

"Master." Huang Xiaoyong breathed suddenly and said, "don't you have your own life? I've heard that once you reach the highest level, you don't need your own life. "

Huang Xiaoyong's eyes are more and more frightened. If master really doesn't have his own thing, has he reached the highest level?

This is the ultimate realm, the whole Xuanyuan world, there are only three masters in legend.

For Huang Xiaoyong, he once had the honor to meet a strong man in the seven lamp realm, which is already the existence of top experts. I didn't expect, I didn't expect that I could see the best teacher in my life!

Han 3000 doesn't know what he is, because he doesn't have his own life to embody. However, the top level of Jishi should not be achieved by his current strength.

"Do me a favor, can you find a good painter?" Han 3000 stops the topic of realm, but in Huang Xiaoyong's heart, he has regarded Han 3000 as a strong person in the extreme realm.

"Yes." Huang Xiaoyong didn't even think about it and replied that no matter what Han 3000 asked, he would help Han 3000 to satisfy it, because he was standing in front of him. How could he, as an apprentice of the master, be embarrassed by such a small matter?

"OK, take him here tomorrow and bring the ink." Han 3000 said.

"Yes." Huang Xiaoyong answered.

"Nothing else. I'll go first. Remember, we can't let anyone know what we met." Han 3000 reminds a way.

Huang Xiaoyong nodded, even if it was his father, he would never reveal a word.

Huang Xiaoyong knows that his achievements will be determined by Han 3000. Han 3000 is the most important factor for him to reach what height he can reach. Therefore, he will never do anything to make Han 3000 unhappy.

Looking at Han 3000's farther back, Huang Xiaoyong said to himself excitedly: "I didn't expect that Huang Xiaoyong would be so honored to be a disciple of the Supreme Master in his life. Father, you want me to be the Lord of the city. Now, the Lord of the city is just a dispensable identity for me. With master, one day, I will step into the imperial court!"

Chen Tiexin, who has tested Han Sanqian, finds Chen Yanran in the Chen family residence, explaining his surprise attack. Chen Tiexin's attitude is very obvious. He thinks Han Sanqian is a waste, which is not what Chen Yanran guesses.

How could a man who was seriously injured by him kill more than ten strong men of two lamp scene and four lamp scene.

After hearing the speech, Chen Yanran showed her eyebrows slightly wrinkled. Although she also felt that the possibility was very low, the inexplicable disappearance of these strong men could not be explained.

"Since Han 3000 didn't have this ability, how did those people disappear without a trace?" Chen Yanran doubts a way.

Chen Tiexin doesn't like to use his brain to guess these meaningless things. He said, "sister, why do you let these things hurt his brain? Maybe he is just lucky."

Chen Yanran doesn't think so simply, and even if she is lucky, she has to be able to explain the logic of this matter. But now, there are no factors. Just saying that Han 3000 is lucky, how can it be reflected?

"Brother, the game will start soon. Do you want to join it?" Chen Yanran said.

"Of course, this time I came back ahead of time just for the hunting conference. If I can become an animal master, it's also a way to get ahead of others." Chen Tiexin said.

Chen Yanran nodded. The Beast Master is also a very valuable talent for the imperial court. Chen Tiexin can't worship the strong as a teacher. This is another shortcut to enter the imperial court.

"I want Han 3000 to join in." Chen Yanran said.

"And you think he's hiding his strength?" Chen Tiexin can't help but roll a white eye. He naturally knows why Chen Yanran wants to do this, but in his opinion, it's totally unnecessary. Han 3000's strength is already in front of him, so why do he do it again?

"In addition to testing him, I actually have another purpose, let him die." Chen Yanran said.

After thinking about it, Chen Tiexin suddenly realized it and said with a smile: "sister, in fact, you don't have to be so troublesome. Brother can let him die now."

Chen Yanran shook her head and said, "brother, I know you're powerful. It's easy to kill him, but I'm more qualified to wake him for three years only when he died in the hunting conference."

"All right, you can do whatever you like, but don't let him wander in the yard in the future. I don't want to see him." Chen Tiexin said.

Chen Yanran nodded, she is not so, a waste swaying in front of her eyes, will also affect her mood.

The next day, Han 3000 and Huang Xiaoyong met in the old place, with an old man.

"Master, this is the top painter in Longyun city. If you have any requirements, just ask him." Huang Xiaoyong said to Han 3000.

The old man buried his head and didn't look at Han 3000 from the beginning to the end. Although he was surprised that Huang Xiaoyong called master Han 3000, he hid it very well. The old man is very clever. If he wants to survive, he must not meddle in his own business. Han 3000 nodded and said to the old man, "teacher Fu, I want you to help me draw a portrait. I'll tell you what she looks like. Can you write it?"“ As long as Mr. Xiao's narration is accurate, I will not let him down. " Said the old man. Next, it is Han 3000 and the old man's cooperation. Having been in touch with Jiang Yingying for such a long time, her appearance has been portrayed in Han 3000's mind, so his narration has grasped almost every key point. The old man's technique is also quite sophisticated. A finished portrait was completed in less than an hour, and the similarity reached more than 90%, which made Han 3000 very satisfied. After stopping writing, the old man asked Han 3000, "Mr. young, I don't know if you are satisfied with the works written by Lao Sheng?" Han Sanqian took the portrait, although it was not as completely presented as the photo, but it was not easy to draw it to this degree. He repeatedly said, "satisfied, very satisfied. I didn't expect that the old man was so good at painting." With a faint smile, the old man said, "I wish I could make you satisfied. It seems that Lao Sheng's life has been saved." Huang Xiaoyong takes a look at Han 3000. To keep their relationship secret, it's best to kill the old man, but Han 3000 shakes his head. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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