I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 994

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:40:14 AM

Chapter 994: 994

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"Brother 3000, how can I be with him?" Jiang Yingying said this, subconsciously rolled a white eye.

Seeing this kind of reaction, Han 3000 can't help sighing for Huang Xiaoyong. If Jiang Yingying is a bit shy, maybe Huang Xiaoyong has a chance. If Jiang Yingying likes him a little, it won't be like this.

"Ah, in this world, there will be another heartbroken spoony man." Han 3000 sighed and said.

Jiang Yingying doesn't agree with these words. How can Huang Xiaoyong be an infatuated man? In her opinion, Huang Xiaoyong is the same as those unscrupulous second generation on earth.

"Brother 3000, how can a rich young man like Huang Xiaoyong be infatuated with women? You worry too much." Jiang Yingying said.

Han Sanyi, with a serious look, retorted: "I really have to say a few good words for Huang Xiaoyong about this. Although he is not very promising, he is still very emotional. You don't realize this now. It only shows that you have too little knowledge of him. In the future, you will understand what kind of person he is."

In Longyun City, Huang Xiaoyong has been hot faced and cold buttocks for many years. He likes Chen Yanran and has not given up after being rejected for countless times. This is enough to show that he is true in this aspect. After all, as the son of the city leader, it is not difficult for him to find a good girl. It is also not easy for him to stick to Chen Yanran for so many years.

"Brother 3000, you'd better not talk about him. Do you have any trouble killing the people of Fengjia?" Jiang Yingying doesn't want to continue to discuss Huang Xiaoyong and takes the initiative to change the topic.

"The wind family won't have too much trouble, but the next Ximen family is not easy." Han 3000 said.

"I believe that the death of Feng's family will soon spread out. Ximen Chang is likely to use this as an excuse to ask questions. In this way, your situation will be very difficult." Jiang Yingying worries.

Han Sanqian smiles and shakes his head. In this respect, he is not worried at all.

If no one sees it with his own eyes, he can insist that it has nothing to do with himself. Even if the world knows that the Feng family was killed by him, no one is qualified to be convicted without the evidence of seeing it with his own eyes.

In addition, Emperor Zun may continue to favor him because of this, which makes Han 3000 need not worry.

Even if emperor Zun didn't help him, Han 3000 had the last way to go, that is to leave the imperial court.

"Don't worry, Simon Chang, even if he troubles me with this reason, it's not a big deal. No one can see it with his own eyes, and no one is qualified to be convicted." Han 3000 said.

"But... Those bodies will be seen in the end." Jiang Yingying puzzled said, no one saw him start to kill, but saw the body, this still can't explain the problem?

"You forget, Huang Xiaoyong is the Seven Star Beast Master, who can make the pterygos have a good meal? Who can see the body?" Han 3000 said with a smile.

After listening to this explanation, Jiang Yingying suddenly realized that Han 3000 would let Huang Xiaoyong deal with the body. It turned out that was the case.

Half a day later, the inn finally recovered as usual, but the faces of the guests who moved in again were stiff.

There are so many people in the Feng family who have disappeared out of thin air. They know exactly what will happen, but they haven't even seen the body. It makes people feel angry. After all, they live here. If it brings unnecessary trouble, they can't bear it.

On that day, many people left the inn one after another, and the news that Fengjia disappeared out of thin air gradually spread in Fengshang city.

Ran Yi's old house.

When ran Yi heard the news, he looked heavy. He knew that the disappearance of Feng's family must have been the result of Han 3000's death. Through this incident, he even foresaw the bloody storm of Fengshang city in the future.

"Have you heard that there are more than ten people in Feng family who have disappeared out of thin air in your inn." Ge Zhonglin found ran Yi in a hurry after learning about it.

"You know all about it, but we'd better not worry too much about it." Ran Yi exhorted.

Ge Zhonglin naturally knew that he was not qualified to meddle in his own affairs, but it didn't mean that he could control his desire to discuss in private. He said to ran Yi, "how can this matter be regarded as a handle? Will Ximen Chang use it to make Han 3000 difficult?"

"Is it important to be tough or not, Simon Chang and Han 3000, only one person can leave Fengshang city alive. Who do you think it will be?" Ran Yi said.

This problem is difficult for GE Zhonglin. On the one hand, Han 3000's strength is not bad, and on the other hand, his position is ximenchang. It's not impossible to say that Han 3000 has the courage to kill ximenchang, but isn't he afraid of the chain effect after killing ximenchang?

"Han 3000, how dare you?" Ge Zhonglin was curious.

"He has come to me before the auction is over. Do you know what the first sentence is?" Ran Yi sells Guan Zi.

This aroused Ge Zhonglin's extreme curiosity, and he couldn't wait to say, "you say, what did he say?"

"He asked me how much influence Simon chang would have if he died." Ran Yi said. Ge Zhonglin's face changed. Since Han 3000 asked such a question, it showed that he was ready to kill ximenchang. This surprised him a little. After all, ximenchang's position is there. It's not the common people's idea to dare to kill ximenchang“ Ximen Chang has got Shengli now. According to the news from my subordinates, Ximen Chang never appears after he returns to his residence. It seems that he will not be willing to close his eyes in the next few days. This should be the tranquility before the storm in Fengshang city. " Ge Zhonglin said“ It doesn't matter how many days there will be. This storm will break out sooner or later, but I haven't figured it out yet. " Ran Yi said with a frown“ Don't understand what? " Ge Zhonglin doubts“ Will he risk offending the emperor in order to save us? It's hard to predict the consequences of killing Simon Chang. What qualifications do we have for him to do so? " Ran Yi said that this problem has been lingering in his mind for a long time. He can't think of any possibility even if he wants to break his head. After all, he has nothing to do with Han 3000. Even though he and the Ge family will work hard for Han 3000 from now on, it's not worth Han 3000's risk. Ge Zhonglin took a deep breath and said, "it's really strange that you say so. We're not worth it. There must be other reasons behind that." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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