Published at 23rd of January 2023 06:14:39 AM

Chapter 72

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"What the fuck is with your luck..."

The very first thing that Vassago spoke out is the ridiculousness of his luck. 

"What's there with my luck?"

"You... There's more than a dozen traps that would spawn different mobs instantaneously, yet you didn't step in any of them!"

In the entire 250 meter corridor, more than a hundred traps are present. Shiro only triggered less than ten of them, which speak volumes of his insane luck.

After all, Vassago planned everything up until this point. He would definitely make it hard for Shiro to win with the advantages that he placed upon himself.

The spawn traps are only the beginning of it. There's also the boulder trap that would appear from a wall, death arrow trap where every single arrows would be sent from the walls up to the ceiling, and even a pitfall trap that has spikes in the end of it.

Vassago never cleared this corridor of traps and went on a detour instead since he planned to use this place all along.

After kicking his weapon away, Shiro signaled Kuroneko to come over. Unsurprisingly, she managed to dodge every single trap with her

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