Published at 16th of September 2022 06:48:13 AM

Chapter 172

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Chapter 172: There was a wonderful dance step in the Three Kingdoms period

The two light nuns were startled at the sight of Robb taking out the harp. The last time Robb took out the harp and played a song on both of them, the two nuns almost lost their innocence.

Once bitten by a snake, they’ll be afraid of it for ten years. Now they are so vigilant about harps that even without thinking, they’ll plug their ears with their fingers simultaneously.

The two dark nuns who sat with them could not help laughing, "what are you doing?"

"Can't hear you!" Two nuns of light shook their heads at them.

"We asked what you were doing. Why did you guys plug your ears all of a sudden? "

“Can’t hear you!”

The two dark nuns said angrily, "Why are you plugging your ears? Light nuns are so rude. Put your fingers down."

The two dark nuns went to pull the fingers of the two light nuns out of their ears.

With the sound, the war outside the town immediately changed subtly, and the army of the desert kingdom, which was charging, suddenly froze for some reason.

A few seconds later, the front row of Mamluk suddenly began to dance.

They were riding on the backs of camels, so their movements are limited. Left, right, hands dancing flower-like movement, machete moving left and right. It was beautiful.

The strangest thing was that the camels they were riding on were also dancing, shaking their bottoms left and right, following the beat of the music!

The soldiers in the back row were immediately bewildered, and a vice general could not help roaring, "what's going on in front? Huh… why are my hands and feet not working?”

After saying this, the vice general joined the dance.

With the exception of General Jinhuan, who stood at the back of the battle, and a group of shamans and witch doctors, the whole vanguard of the Desert Kingdom began to perform a strange dance.

The townspeople of Westwind Town immediately laughed and said, "Hahaha! Dance, keep dancing!"

Baron Nuolun looked confused. "what’s happening? Why did the enemy suddenly start dancing?"

He suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Robb, looked at the harp in his hand, and heard his singing, "put down your weapons and dance together."

For a moment, Baron Nuolun seemed to understand what was happening, "it's a spell of bards, ‘Song of Harmony.’"

Song of harmony can appease people's hearts, dispel anger, and make people can't help but enter the beat of the music and dance along.

However, this spell is not so easy to use.

It has very high requirements, the bard must love peace, sunshine, and life very much, and he must sing songs that can infect people's hearts with his voice.

However, how can Robb's song with strange lyrics and melody have such an effect?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!