Published at 14th of December 2022 06:57:58 AM

Chapter 377

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Chapter 377: As long as they suck up enough

There was always a kind of hormone in the reunion of young men and women.

What was it?

The boys desperately sucked up to the girls. As long as they licked fast enough, everything would be ready.

The girls, on the other hand, had a noble and calm face, as if they didn't care about the bad boys at all. In fact, they quietly moved in the crowd and approached the boys they liked, giving them a chance to suck up to them, and at the same time, they had to guard against them from sucking up to other girls!

The barbecue party was arranged on a precipice facing the west, because this kind of place was most suitable for watching the sunset. The barbecue grill was set up on the cliff, with iron wire net, and a bonfire was lit under it. Then they cut the beef into small pieces and put them on the iron wire net, making a sizzling sound.

It was time for the nobles from Westwind Town to behave themselves. Kante took out a bottle of perfume, then took out a brush, dipped it, brushed it on the barbecue, poured some pepper, and salt, and handed it to a beautiful girl. "Have a taste and see if it tastes good."

However, when he was in a dilemma, he saw that Kante, who had just spit out blood, got up from the ground, roasted another slice of meat, and handed it to another beautiful girl. "Have a taste. How’s my cooking?"

[This guy is really good at resisting attacks. In that case, I can still eat this.] Robb put the roasted meat into his mouth and smiled at the girl who handed the meat to him just now. "Kante is good at cooking."

"Kante's cooking?" When the girl heard this, she knew what was going on. It didn't make sense to use the thing the dog gave her to please the prince charming. Why was the man's eyes so sharp? She decided to run away as soon as possible. If she stayed here any longer, she would bring disgrace on herself.

The barbecue cliff faced the west, so most people were looking at the west sky, waiting for the beautiful sunset. Basically, no one looked to the East. Hearing this, they turned around to look at the east. Sure enough, there was a black smoke flying into the sky in the Far East.

"Damn it! It's big black smoke!" The boy said, "this means that an army has come. There is no other possibility except for it being Mondra’s army."

Strictly speaking, the dividing line between the East and West Gran was on Bright Road.

However, it didn't mean that there was no territory of East Gran in the east of Bright Road. There were several small towns and villages under the control of the queen, but there was no army in these towns and villages. There were only a few small troops in these towns and villages, carrying beacons. Once they saw the army of Mondra coming over, they would light it up, smoke it, and immediately withdraw to Bright Road.

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