America In Another World - Chapter 102

Published at 8th of July 2022 11:45:15 AM

Chapter 102

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1122 June 18th, 2020 CE

San Francisco 

Two of the patrol vehicles that had made up the blockade were pushed aside. The third one was overturned. The monsters had pushed back the firing line but the withering fire that the officers put up kept them at bay. 


While Andrew loaded another magazine into his AR, the radio on his shoulder crackled. 

He had forgotten to switch the frequency to the one that he had been told when he arrived at this intersection. He was glad he forgot though. “Shit.”

Terry didn’t hear Andrew’s cursing but he did notice that Andrew had stopped shooting. Terry stopped firing and raised his voice over the sound of the gunfire around them. “What’s the matter? Need more ammo?”


Terry shook his head. “What? Speak louder!”

“No! Someone reported over the command frequency that the monsters broke through at a point on Page Street. My children go to school near there.”
“Jesse told me that schools have been ordered to be evacuated to the evacuation points. I’m sure they are alright.”

Andrew patted on his phone in his pocket. “I’m gonna go make a call.” 

“Jesse is on her way to pick up our children at the evacuation point. She can also pick up yours if you want her to.” 

“Will she be staying there or evacuating? Most of Richmond District is overrun now so I don’t think going back home is a good idea anymore.”

“Most likely staying and waiting for us. If the situation gets worse, she will evacuate with the kids.” 

“I will call my kids and tell them that Jesse is picking them up at the evacuation point then.”

“I think you should do it later when we don’t have fucking monsters a couple yards away from us.”

Andrew shook his head. “Family comes first. I gotta make sure my kiddos are fine. I think you guys can handle it if one guy leaves for a bit.”

“Then call Jesse for me and tell her about your kids. Also tell her I'm doing fine, alright.”

“Got it. Thanks, Terry” 

With that Terry continued shooting. 


As Andrew began walking away from the firing line, he looked up as he heard and then saw jets fly over them. Soon after, multiple explosions were heard.

The two F-15Es banked to their sides so they could circle back. 

Flares and chaff popped out of the F-15s as they climbed upwards. Multiple projectiles sped past them straight into the sky. 


Less than an hour later

Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

The F-15 that was missing half its left wing started its descent onto the runway. Eagle Two stayed in the air above making loops. The pilot sweated as she focused on keeping the aircraft in control. The landing gear came out and the F-15 started touching the ground. 


The pilot and her weapon systems officer clambered out of the aircraft and took a look at it as the ground crew started running up to her. Half of the F-15’s left wing was sheared clean off.


Washington D.C.

“Mr. President. One of our F-15s that was conducting an airstrike over San Francisco was nearly shot down from an unidentified source. It has landed safely at its airbase. However, it brings up the fact that what we are facing could possibly have surface to air missiles.” 

Ronell frowned. “Surface to air missiles? Are we facing a technologically comparable enemy?”

“We aren’t certain. From current information, a high speed projectile collided with an F-15 when it began its return trip from bombing the Lancefish, tore off its wing but did not explode.” 

“Do we have a visual of their ships yet?”

“We have an RQ-4 Global Hawk from Beales Air Base approaching the area soon, sir.”


Fremont, California

Chattering filled the bus as Luke classmates looked through videos of the monsters invading the Bay Area. A few others around him were making phone calls like him. Luke felt relieved as his mom’s voice came on through the other side. 

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