Published at 1st of December 2021 01:07:57 PM

Chapter 352: 352

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The next morning, the wagons carrying the gray priests who act as Gutenberg depart for the town of Ehrenfest with their dads and soldiers.

“Gyunter, everyone, thank you”

“I’ll be sure to share your words with Rosemine”.

After giving the usual business trip expenses to the soldiers, I saw off the carriage. Immediately we must leave for the next Winter Hall.

“Gill and Fugo should head for tonight”

“Yes, Rosemine”

When the carriage carrying my luggage departs, I look around the shrine priests and shrine maidens who are leaving.

“In the two years I was asleep, I was able to work with the Hasse residents and build a good relationship, which is a great thing the Ehrenfest temple has yet to achieve. Ne ……… Toll, let me know if you can harvest delicious vegetables, I ’ll come to eat ”

When I looked toward the person with the field and said so, Toll laughed proudly and contracted, “I’ll keep the most delicious thing.” I’m looking forward to the harvest season.

While everyone crawled and sent me off, I boarded the Reservas and headed to the next destination.

After that, though we received a warm welcome at the winter halls in various places, we ended the prayer ceremony without any particular problems. Until now, I traveled all over the district with the chief, so it was a lot easier in the quarter.

I’m just going back to the temple. This time, we ended up using only two medicines with the kindness of the chief priest, so there is no sense of overuse of the body.

“It’s very easy with a small range. I have to thank my brothers Charlotte and Villefried.”

“Rosemine, forgetting to thank the priest”

I was struck by Franc and I smiled. I haven’t forgotten. It was just a little later.

“It’s a separate frame because you have to give a special thanks to the chief who makes the medicine.”

“Is that so”

Fugo and Gill, who are moving by carriage, will return to Hasse over the day and stay at the small temple before returning to the temple. You will arrive at the temple around noon tomorrow.

As we go to the temple all at once with the beast, we will go back one step with the Holy Grail.

“Old Nantz”

I will inform the arrival schedule at the Ordnance that I have been entrusted with by the priest.

“Rose Mine. The bell of 4 is likely to return to the temple, so please contact Charlotte.”

Since there is only one holy grail, which is a sacred item, the prayer ceremony around the directly controlled area will turn in turn by four people. It was the best because I needed a rest day. Next is Charlotte, Villefried, Priest.

When we arrived at the temple as scheduled, there was a row of carriages in front of the main entrance, and Charlotte was waiting in a blue ceremonial costume. There is also a priest next to it.

“I’m back now”

“Come back, elder sister. How are you feeling?”

“With the help of Charlotte and Villefried brothers, I was able to finish the prayer ceremony with almost no physical condition. Charlotte would be hard, but thank you.” 19459002]

I hand the Holy Grail, which is a ritual, to the side of the priest heading for the prayer ceremony with Charlotte. If you see him holding an important sacred gear and get into the carriage, Charlotte will also leave. It seems to be performing a ritual today and staying at the nearest winter building in the south.

“I will come because it will be a problem if it is too late”

“Yes, please come in. Everyone, thank you for Charlotte.”

Watching the carriage go, heading to his room, the chief of the priest grabbed his arm and raised his face.

“Wow! What is it suddenly?”

“… I just returned from the prayer ceremony, but it looks better than expected”

“This time the scope was narrow, so I ended up taking less medicine. It would be less burdensome for everyone to go around”

“Oh, yes, but spend the afternoon on the couch”

As I was told by the chief priest, I spent time reading books while groaning on the bed.

From the next day, it will be as usual. In the morning, he helped the priest in the practice of feshpeel and votive dance, and on the day when there was no special plan such as a tour of the orphanage and the workshop in the afternoon, the special training of the priestess was started.

First of all, from the basic method of making medicine used by knights. In the end, I am grateful to be able to make my own medicine.

…… Oh, precious free time. Ugu, I want to read a book.

As a result of blending such true intentions from time to time, the simplest basic recovery medicine can be made for the time being. This medicine seemed to be taught at the Aristocratic House and was not bad. It is a medicine that can be taken normally.

However, it does not work. I am accustomed to the priest ’s special pharmaceutical, and it has no effect. To be precise, the effect is thin and it takes too much time to work, and it feels completely useless.

“Don’t think of you and the classmates around you who are too compressed and have foolish magical powers. This level is enough for apprenticeship. For apprentices trained by Bonifatius. If you sell it, it will sell like a fly. ”

The priest raised the lip, saying that he would not be able to afford to collect and formulate himself. It seems to be an effective way to make money at the aristocratic house.

“Can the chief-made medicine sell better than this simple recovery medicine?”

“No, it’s too expensive to sell. The quality, preciousness, and difficulty of making the materials are completely different. The apprentices are not easy to buy.”

“… Eh? I use it on a daily basis? I don’t think I’ve ever paid for it.”

“There is no problem because I have been working accordingly. I have also provided magical power.”

Originally, it seems that money will be given to the priest’s help. In fact, it seems that the blue priests who have come to help are out.

However, I have not received it. I really felt like helping, so I wasn’t wondering that I didn’t get any money.

…… That was calculated as a medicine fee!

薬 While giving the recovery drug, the amount of the drug was limited to the severeness of the chief priest who used it firmly.

Charlotte returns from the prayer ceremony and Villefleet heads. When Villefried returns, he is replaced with the priest.

Confirming the delivery of the Holy Grail, seeing off Villefleet and working hard for Charlotte. Seeing off Charlotte to return to the castle, I begin to return to my room.

“Speaking of which, the priest also uses a beast and acts separately from the carriage, but why is it almost the same as the brothers Villefried and Charlotte?

“Because you are not going to shorten the schedule, unlike you, you move with a beast.”

It seems that instead of going to several winter pavilions a day, the schedule will be shortened, and when the ritual is finished in the morning, material will be collected nearby. This year I woke up and Villefried and Charlotte helped me with the prayer ceremony, so it seems that the priest has room in many ways.

“It’s a great opportunity to go out. You have to use it effectively.”

“Principal, I wanted you to stop saying that in front of Angelica”

“… Material collection”

Angelica looks at the priest and brother Eckhart with very jealous eyes, but they ignore it completely.

“Before I return from the prayer ceremony, will you head to Haldenzell? A letter has arrived from Elvira. Read on later”


In the mother’s letter, members heading to Haldenzell and notes were written. Me, Gutenberg, and Villefried and Charlotte, the mother of the person in charge, are the people who must go to see the printing industry.

And, since the son of the lord heads so much, it seems that about ten knights from the knights, including the father of the knights, follow as escorts.

“The chief is not going to go with me. I was a guardian, so I thought we were together.”

“I don’t need to accompany my parents, Karstedt and Elvira,”

“Oh, that’s certainly true …. To be a large number of people, there is a side service, a clerk, and a dedicated escort knight, one person each, please bring the same sex to sleep in the same room.” But I don’t have a single woman who is an adult or a side officer or a civilian. What should I do? ”

Long-term business trips are difficult for a minor or a wife who has a family. It is also admired to take Richarda on a cold outing. The chief priest decided to accompany you to the aristocratic house, but how about overuse Richarda only in age?

“It would be impossible to choose a new entourage just for Haldenzell. There is not enough time. Consult Elvira for the time being.”

After confirming with my mother that it was okay to apprentice, I decided to take a lyzer and a filine. Angelica is the only female knight, so it is a decision from the beginning.

Several days have passed since the head of the priest headed for the prayer ceremony. Today is the day I head to Haldenzell.

“Lose Mine, this is the Little Holy Grail that is handed to Haldenzell. Here is a summary of the words used when handing the Holy Grail.”

“Thank you, Franc. I will be saved”

Fran loaded the upholstered box with the Holy Grail into the Lesser. A prayer ceremony for handing the Holy Grail to Haldenzell is also held, so I will head to Haldenzell in the ceremonial clothing of the temple head.

At the prayer ceremony, I would like to take Fran or Monica, but I gave up because it was too difficult to bring them into the noble family.

“Good morning, Rosemine”

Today, I wanted to arrive at the castle by the bell of the third, so Benno and Damien of the Printemps firm, who told me to come to the temple early, arrived at the front door by carriage. Johann and Zach were walking, so they can be guided by the gray priest from the back gate.

“Are you sure you want to load my luggage?”

“Oh, Lutz. Did you drive to help?”

“Yes, I have to take my carriage home”

Although I didn’t accompany Haldenzell, I laughed a little at Lutz’s words that seemed to be driving out, and I opened the back seat door of the Lesser.

“Wow !? What is this?”

Johan was the one who screamed with his eyes wide open, even though the hole widened. Everyone else has been riding the Lesser, so they are aware of this and are carrying in their baggage.

“Rosemine’s beast. Please move your baggage as it moves with you.”

Plant papers to be sold to Haldenzell, colored ink, tools necessary for procedures associated with changes in contract magic, etc. are loaded into the Lessers, and Zach also loads each work tool and luggage, etc. Go.

Johann looked at the Reservas in an eerie manner, but Zack yelled, “Let’s be late!” And put his luggage.

“Hey, Johan. Ride comfortably better than a carriage. Get in the way.”

Zach pushes Johann who is afraid of the first rider, and starts off. Johann was noisy when he flew away, but it was a little interesting that everyone looked at it with a bitter smile on the way they went.

From the temple to the castle, you must join the party to Haldenzell once. Returned to the castle, led by Damuel. Angelica is a passenger seat. It is not good that the commoner rides, but there is no escort.

Even before the bell of the third ring, everyone was already ready in front of the castle. You can see more than 20 groups going out. After joining, Dermuel was removed from the escort and Riezera ran up with Angelica’s baggage.

“Now I’ll visit”

The mother beast, who is the chief officer of this party, issued a cavalry and jumped out. Charlotte can be seen riding on his side-served beast. Villefried was riding his own beast.

ran to Haldenzell, surrounded by the Knights. Unlike the way to the castle, the inside of the Lesser became quieter.

“Hardenzel from here?”

“Ehrenfest is the northernmost land”

Benno returned the answer.

Last year, when Gutenberg and his friends moved by carriage, they sold books on the road, and it took several days, but it took less than half a day if you ran with a beast.

There was Haldenzell just past the forest with many coniferous forests. There are forests on the south side, but the north is still snowy and there are more shrubs.

There was a large white stone castle on such a wide open land. It seems to be the summer hall of Gibe Haldenzell, and the winter hall where the people of Haldenzell spend the winter.

“Welcome to Haldenzell”

Residents such as Gibe Haldenzell welcome you. After exchanging a lengthy greeting with my mother, my representative, I proceed with the Holy Grail.

“The Goddess of Water Brings Healing and Change: Twelve Goddesses, who belong to the side of Fruthrene, gave the Earth Goddess Gedrulich the power to nurture new life. I sincerely hope that all things will be filled with the precious color of the goddess of water, Fleetlane. “

“Surely, the earth goddess Gedrlihi is filled with the magical power of the goddess of water, Fruthrene. I pray for the thaw and congratulate the spring to come.”

My hand as a temple head is over when the hand of the Holy Grail is over. It was the first time to give the noble chapel directly to the nobility, so I was a little nervous but it seemed to be possible without any problems.

The Holy Grail is handed over to Gibe Haldenzell’s side service and carried to somewhere. Maybe there is a place to keep it properly.

Passed through a large canteen and served hot tea. I’ve never had it before and it was a bit sweet and I felt warm and warmed up.

Talking about future plans while drinking tea. I don’t plan to stay so long, so I’ll take you straight to the printing room and the smithy. After that, I went to the civilian who worked for the Printing Association, and Printemps Shokai decided to re-contract.

This is a business trip for mothers, as well as Villefleet, Charlotte, and entourage, to see what kind of job printing is actually.

The castle of Haldenzell was inhabited by residents in the basement, and above it was the residence of the workplace and Gibe. It looks like a small town.

“Is Elnesta raised here?”

“Yes, but I’ve been in the printing industry for the past few years and I’ve been serving Charlotte, so I’m not familiar with it.”

Charlotte’s escort knight Elnesta seems to be a mid-class nobleman from Haldenzell. Walk through the corridor, listening to what Elnesta explains. Dung from the other side of the dim corridor! Bang! A loud sound resonates.

“It’s a lot loud, but what is it?”

Villefried tilted his head to an almost equally spaced sound that gradually increased as he approached. It can be seen that the surrounding knights are wary of the sound that reverberates in the corridor.

“The sound of the printing press moving. Currently, only one is moving, but when three are moving at the same time, there is a much louder sound.”

Gibe Haldenzell laughs and says so.

When the door of the printing room was opened, the sound of printing was even louder. Don’t miss the big guys who have a hard time grabbing a long stick and putting their power! A loud sound is heard.

Probably large men who are hunting during the summer are working in black ink. Aristocrats raised their eyes as if they were surprised.

Meanwhile, a civilian involved in the printing industry began explaining the printing press.

The printing room in Haldenzell now has three printing presses, one built by Ingo, one made by Ingo, and one made by ourselves. One of them is in operation.

“This is a type case with metal type. The work of typesetting and proofreading is currently a job of a civilian. I was surprised to hear that a gray priest was doing in Rosemine’s workshop.” 19459002]

“Our orphanages are excellent”

Craftsmen take out the printed paper, apply ink, and set the next paper. It should have worked for only two years, but it is a familiar movement.

“In Haldenzell, printing is a winter job. In the summer, fields are south, and in the north, hunting is the main job, and there are no people, so there is no printing. It ’s a long winter job.” [ 19459002]

Everyone heard that the civilian explained the printing procedure, and the civilian took notes. Since I already know, I was more interested in the life of Haldenzell than in the printing process.

“Do you hunt in Haldenzell?”

Gibe Haldenzell slowly asked my question with the face of a man who was proud of his work.

“It is our important role to hunt as many demons as possible”

“Hunting as many monsters in the cold regions of the north as possible weakens the power of the winter lord.”

Father, the chief of the Knights, adds explanation. It seems that the northern monsters eat each other in search of power, and the strongest monster finally becomes the winter master. In order to suppress it even a little, Haldenzell, who has been hunting monsters, seems to have the most knights since long ago, and it seems that there are many strong people because even some commoners must defeat some monsters.

“We are not only hunting demons, but the reason Karsted was told is also to protect our food.”

It seems that the precious food that has sprout must be kept from being devastated.

Residents in the south of Haldenzell live in the same way as the farmers around Ehrenfest, but the northern inhabitants are divided into several hunting tribes and spend the summer running around Haldenzell It seems to live in the castle in winter.

“Some tribes are already ready for departure. After finishing tonight’s prayer, head to hunt.”

“I’m looking forward to participating in a prayer ceremony for a land noble can rule.”

When the explanation of the printing room is over, the next step is to the blacksmith. There were craftsmen waiting for Johan’s arrival with a tense face.

Facing each other with tense faces. I heard the sound of Johann’s screaming.

“Would you like Ehrenfest craftsmen to see winter work?”

The Giard Haldenzell’s words lead the Haldenzell blacksmith with a wooden box. Johan received a box filled with metal type and started sorting on the recommended metal table.

There was a tense tension in the quiet space. Several blacksmiths look at Johann’s hand with a scary face.

Johann was eagerly looking at each metal type with a serious look, whether such surroundings were in his eyes or not. After being surrounded by aristocrats, Johann who looked around with his mouth and looked around was not afraid of Lessers.

While the civilian explained to Villefried and Charlotte about how to make metal type and what parts to make when making a printing press, Johann silently used metal type I had decided. Metal type is selected by making a noise with Kachan and Charin.

“This is a pass. This is no good. It is not as designed. Fail.”

He must have been working hard. After finishing the metal type selection, Johann wiped his sweat with his cuffs.

Well, unlike Johan, who exhales after finishing a job, the craftsmen who were rejected opened their eyes.

“I made it according to the blueprint !? What is rejected! Don’t be silly!”

“What’s wrong!”

“Whatever you say … So it’s not as designed. It’s not usable.”

“What ?!”

A young craftsman who repels with regret, and other craftsmen who show a feeling against Johan.

Suddenly, it became a sword-like atmosphere, and the nobles turned around as if they were surprised.

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