Published at 1st of December 2021 01:06:54 PM

Chapter 394: 394

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“I was able to do well!” Now when the linee gets off, it is time to leave. I take my eyes off the back seat and fasten my seat belt.

At that time, Rhoderich shouted and seemed uneasy and stopped Philine from getting off the Lesser.

“Filine ……”

“That’s Rhoderich. If I don’t let go, I can’t get off.”

Looking through the rearview mirror, I saw Roderich grabbing Filine’s hand. Compared to Rhoderich, who is holding her hand, and I, who ordered her answering machine, Filine looks very troubled.

I exhaled lightly. Loderich is surely reassuring if there is a Filine who pulled me on the beast. If that’s the case, it would be good if Filine was also on board.

“Filine may be on board, so please tell Rhoderich how to put on your seat belt”

“Are you sure I want to accompany you?”

I lightly asked Filine who rounds her eyes. I’m also worried about having an uneasy Rhoderich sitting alone in the back seat. Someone should be together.

“Because Rhoderich is not yet a close friend of mine. He is not a knight but a watchman. But never leave this beast.”

“I’m smart”

Listening to the rear-view mirror of Filine laughing happily, I began to put magic on the steering wheel. It is a one-handed operation that seems a little dangerous because it holds a water gun in one hand.

“That, Rosemine, I …”

“Lorderich, I will go!”

I rushed into the air after Cornelius, who broke out the most, and blocked the words of Roderich, who seemed to get down.

Accelerate towards the collection spot emitting yellow light. Because there was not much distance from the dormitory, the collection place that was shining in a columnar shape began to be visible immediately in the snowy forest. It can be seen even from the air that the black line is formed after Tarnis Bephalen passes to the collection site.

However, I don’t see the knights who were fighting first. Perhaps you are in a collection place that looks like a magic mirror.

“Let’s rush!”

Brother Cornelius raised his voice and rushed into the collection site. I chase the fluffy ocher cloak, and I jumped into the collection place with a resorcer.

In just a moment through the border, the landscape changed from a snowy landscape to a completely snow-free state. However, unlike my memory, the collection site where the medicinal herbs and trees were lush was devastated by Tarnis Bephalen, and about a quarter of it fell. It wasn’t the green of the plants or the brown of the trees, it wasn’t just bare soil, but a black sludge pond.

“… Terrible”

“No one! Where are you?”

¡I am relieved by the voice of Cornelius, who knows that I am impatient. There is no figure of Tarnis Befalen who devastated this place. There are no knight apprentices.

“You must have led Tanis Bephalen somewhere to protect the collection site. Let’s go out and look for it.”

Cornelius, who spoke to Leonore’s words, jumps out of the collection area. I followed Brother Cornelius with a bitter feeling about the disaster.

…… You need to heal Flutelane later, this. The Ehrenfest students will not be able to collect it satisfactorily.

The moment when I left the collection site while thinking about such things, the rumbling sounded from the forest.

“Hyah !?”



The sound of a surprised voice rises even among the resters, and it is a roaring sound. I could feel the air trembling with my skin.

“From where !?”

If you go up high in the sky with the beast, you can see the traces of the movement of Tarnis Bephalen in the deep forest, and you can see several trees falling down in the back. A beast jumped out of the trees and got down again. A bright ocher cape.

“It was!”

If you drive to the back of the forest, you can see the larger Tarnis bephalen. As explained by Roderich, it looks like a giant dog or wolf. But he said that he was four legs larger than an adult, but there seemed to be two to three times that.

“It wasn’t so big!”

Listening to Rhoderich’s screaming voice, I looked at Tanis Bephalen below.

“It must have grown with attacked magical powers …. Like a lot of magical powers.”

I swallowed the words I wanted to shout before I could grow up. Apprentices who can’t accompany Trombe extermination have never encountered a type of monster that deprives them of magic, so it can’t be helped.

However, as it seems, it seems that it is already dangerous to attack. In order not to cause much damage to the forest, I saw some of the beasts who were able to check Tarnis Bephalen and fly around. The ocher cloak that shines in the snow is undoubtedly a knight apprentice of Ehrenfest.

However, the number was less than the number of knight apprentices taken by Villefried.

“… Is this all? Other knights apprentices?”

Tarnis Bephalen’s bare yellowish teeth cried and was trying to eat a knight’s apprentice flying in front of him.


knight apprentices turn ocher cloaks quickly as they read the movement of Tarnis Bephalen. It was also a short time that he exhaled relievedly.

Tarnis bephalen with a large body had a large mouth and saliva dripping from the edge of the mouth. If dripping and saliva fall, the place will be transformed into decayed soil where black sludge shakes. With the movement of Tarnis Bephalen, the soil hurt, and the trees fell as if they had lost their grounds.

turice bephalen is more than a giant trombe because it is a demon that runs on four legs, is agile and can move anywhere, not a demon tree that has a range of action, because it is rooted Quality ( and others ) is bad.

I don’t know what happened to the knight apprentices who were not here, so I hurriedly looked around.


When I was shocked by Filine’s sharp voice, the red and huge eyes of Tarnis Bephalen were facing me. Rhoderich used to say black eyes on the forehead, but now it is not black, but has changed to colorful eyes such as red, blue and green to show the magical power he has eaten. All its eyes saw me.

Trembling and back trembling. It seemed that cold sweat erupted from the whole body. I know the eyes of the demons that recognize me as food. It was now directed at me.

タ ー Tanis Bephalen who moves his nose and understands the size of the magical power, understands that the knight apprentices flying around do not attack, or completely checks the knight apprentices who are trying to check I ignored it and ran straight toward me.

“Lose Mine-sama, go up! Please fly up to the extent that Tarnis Bephalen doesn’t get caught!”

In the sharp voice of Leonore, I immediately turned up the handle and ran up to the sky. As if to let go, Tarnis Bephalen, who was a quadruped, stood up on his hind legs and jumped up to eat at the Lesser.

Thalis Bephalen’s thick forefoot can be seen from the window of the Lesser, and the body odor peculiar to the beast and the mouth odor with its mouth wide open come from behind, and the blood is drawn.


“Wow aaaa!”

Listening to the screams of the two people sitting in the back seat, I stepped on the accelerator to the fullest and climbed up with full speed, shooting the water guns back to the back. However, it seems that it was not hit at all. The appearance of the tarnis befalene stall is fine.

I saw yellowish teeth from the driver’s seat window. I have never seen such a beast’s teeth from the backside. I never thought I was so scared of hot sighs.

…… You can eat!

In the fear of my head becoming pure white, I kept flowing magic power on the handle.


There was a sound of teeth coming together just behind. I realized that the sound of failing to bite was because the front legs of Tarnis Bephalen moved backwards.

Immediately after, a big scream “Gown!” Comes out from the mouth of Tarnis Bephalen.

“I did it!”

A cheerful voice of Udit goes up. In retrospect, it was found that Udid’s attack hit his face and Brother Cornelius struck his flank.


Hartmut flew with changing blood phases. Perhaps because of too much force, it does not move as if the finger was fixed while holding the handle.

“… Okay, safe”

When a drowning voice leaked out of my mouth, Villefried and his escort knights rushed. As Wilfried rushed to me, he shouted at me.

“Rose Mine, don’t ridicule!”

“I just came to teach congratulations”

“If you only contact the teachers, we can do it without problems if we only have time. They are eaten by the monsters and suddenly fall to them in such battles.” It ’s harder to do! ”

Villefried ’s case is right, and I apologized honestly, “I ’m sorry”.

“I came to give blessings to everyone’s weapons. After that, I will return to the dormitory.”


Cornelius brothers gathered in the sky above Tarnis Bephalen. Looking around, there are still not enough people. There are no former Veronica children and no other knight apprentices who departed with Villefried.

“What happened to Brother Fleet, other knight apprentices?”

“I’m taking a break. I thought it would be a long hall, so I was supposed to take turns for Tarnis Bephalen.”

So, Mr. Villefried launched a funnel into the forest. As the red light grows, apprentices of knights appear to have dispersed and scattered around the forest and gather.

“Cornerius, Leonore, Judith, Hartmut. It’s dangerous to be so big. Avoid the attacks from Tarnis Bephalen until the attack power is complete, as did the Villefried brothers. Please earn time while I will teach everyone the congratulations here. “

“I’m smart”

The brothers Cornelius made a loud noise, looked down a little to get off Tarnisbephalen, and looked around at the knight apprentices gathered around.

The knight apprentice who was resting is roughly divided into two. These are the old Veronian rings centered on Matias and the rings centered on Traugot.

“The explanation you received from Rhoderich has changed a lot, so please explain”

When I said so, the sights of the knight apprentices all went to Traugot. You will notice that the rings centered around the troughs never turned a positive line of sight to the troughs.

Since the second half of last year was just used to serve Yustox, it was an adult, but I learned to compress the magic power and increased my magic power. Such a traugot is now drooling. I just understood it. It was Traugot that made Tanis Bephalen huge.

“Tragot, explain”

When Villefried ordered, he clogged the words once, and Traugot opened his mouth whispering a little.

“Now, if you are rampant at the collection site, the collection will be annihilated, so you are being guided into the forest ….

Traugott rushed with Villefleet and discovered that he had found apprentices of knights who led Tarnis Bephalen from the gathering location to the forest while flying around without attacking. Matias, who quickly realized that the attacking magic power was taken away, ordered that he never attacked, but Traugot did not know it.

《I thought to help them, and I thought I would crush Turnis Bephalen with a single blow. Matias, who realized that the rescue was not a relief, shouted, “No!”, But he couldn’t even hear it, and Traugot attacked with all his might.

Immediately after, the body of Tarnis Bephalen, which was larger than adults, swelled. The bulge that seemed to fly without being able to withstand the magical power seems to have settled as it is and has become more than twice the size.

“The reason why I received an Oldnant from an apprentice escort from Charlotte’s escort knight was informed that I needed a weapon that received a blessing of darkness to defeat it.

Next, I heard that Oldnantz arrived from Richarda that I jumped out to teach congratulations and contacted my teacher for help.

Mattias added while turning his gaze toward Tarnis Bephalen.

“Since then, Villefried was careful not to attack the Tarnis Bephalen, but moved away from the collection site and at the same time earned time for our recovery. I was able to drink and recover. “

It seems that the person who was injured was taking a restorative and was resting. Some are still loose and others are injured.

“The teachers are also contacted, so it would be okay if you earned a little more time. It gives Lung Sumer healing to everyone who worked hard.”

Because the starp is deformed, I give Lungsumer healing by putting magical power on the magic stone of the ring, not the starp. The green light that jumped out of the ring magic stones poured onto the knight apprentices.

“Excuse me, Rosemine”

knight apprentices, who seemed to be painful and seemed to be bent back, were correct.

“Now, take out the weapon. Once you cancel the blessing, you will no longer receive the blessing that day, so be careful not to release it until you defeat Tanis Bephalen.”

“… No problem because I don’t know how to cancel”

laughing at Villefried’s words, I told them to recite and chanted the congratulatory words.

“The god of darkness, the highest god, who controls the sky as a high bower, the world, the father of all things”

knight apprentices recite while staring at their weapons. Far below, I saw Cornelius’s brothers controlling Tanis Bephalen.

“Listen to my prayers, give me holy power, and use my blessing to take away power from the devil”

I close my eyes lightly, restraining my urgency as soon as possible. Now I have to give prayers without distractions.

“Dedicated to all is the magical power, deviating from the circle, giving away the magic. The body gives blessing. Give the life in this land a temporary comfort.”

When I opened my eyes slowly, everyone’s weapon gained the power of darkness and was dyed black. You can see that everyone is stunning with a solid black weapon.

“If you attack now, you can take away the magical power from Tarnis Bephalen. I want to take magic stones, so I’d be happy to attack in the direction of cutting the limbs as much as possible.”

“Rose Mine, do you think you can afford it?”

Wilfried said so and sighed while sighing. And he pointed at me.

“As you can see from the current situation, Tarnis Bephalen runs fast, but cannot run freely in the sky. Rosemine is in a position where our eyes can reach and never reach the attack. Wait for me “

“I understand”

Cornelius brothers have gathered together, perhaps because their weapons lightly shined. Can you see that the finest magical power is gathered on top? Tarnis Bephalen jumps up to eat when aiming and eating. Of course, you can’t reach your forefoot, but it’s bad for your heart to have a big mouth jumping on its prey with a glowing eye.

“Only Leonore reads books about monsters and knows the characteristics of Tarnis Bephalen in detail. Follow Leonore’s instructions today, especially Traugot. Are you okay?”

“… Yes”

Villefried shook his head several times when I saw the troutgot in my words.

“Rose Mine, Traugott didn’t know the characteristics of Tarnis Bephalen. Don’t blame him too much”

“… I understand”

I swallowed my mouth. The rest of the battle should be left to knight apprentices. Granting the blessing of darkness and preparing the weapons, half of my role was over.

Finally, if you needed to recover the land, but thought that it would be better to return to the dormitory once, Leonore has played a role in me at the battle.

“Next, Rosemine, …”

“Do you fight me too? I was thinking of going back to the dormitory”

“Is there any reason not to put Rosemine in battle, who has a great deal of magical power and can attack from a safe distance?” If Rosemine is able to move, there is a danger that Tarnis Bephalen will follow. “

Leonore said it would be more dangerous to return to the dormitory. And as long as I’m here, I’m sure I’ll use my talent. I was a little surprised by Leonore, who was rational or only looking for the best way to defeat the enemy, but I’m a little happy that I was given a role.

…… Because it is useful for everyone.

“Rose Mine must attack with Miz Deppou from the sky where the attack of Tarnis Bephalen does not reach. Hartmut and Udit should never leave Rose Mine”


I hold a water gun with great motivation. Leonore smiled a little when he saw me motivated and turned his eyes to Traugot.

“Traugot, Cornelius and attack combined to cut the limbs. Angelica and Cornelius would have done better? Please do that.”

“… No, I …”

I wonder if the previous failure is trailing. Shake your head while closing the eyes. However, Leonore quietly layered the words, not forgiving the traugot who was trying to decline.

“Only Villefried and Traugott have the magic to match Cornelius. If you think you’ve failed, do everything you can to make up for the goal.”

Traongot narrowed his body to Leonore’s indifferent words. Villefried came forward in front of the traugot where everyone’s eyes gathered.

“Looks like a look, but let me meet”

In response to Villefried’s words, Leonore once turned his eyes to Traugott. But Traugot says nothing. I just whispered.

The older brother Cornelius, who was quietly watching the situation, exhales and smiles at Villefried.

“No, Villefried has to work hard. I will meet you”

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