Published at 1st of December 2021 01:04:06 PM

Chapter 487: 487

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When I stood up with the knight apprentices who competed in the Ditter for speed, Villefleet grabbed my hand with a difficult face.

“Don’t know what you’re going to do, stop it, Rosemine. If you think about what you’ve done so far, you’ll feel terrible.”

“I’m imitating Dunkel Ferger, brother Villefried. If this knight’s apprentice is a little inspiring, it’s fine.”

When I said that while showing the enthusiasm of Dunkelferger and the apprenticeship of Ehrenfest, who had already been distracted, Charlotte put his hands on his cheeks with a little thought.

“That ’s your sister. If you do n’t win this Ditter game, you ca n’t do the rest of the ceremony. I don’t think it’s necessary to imitate. “

“… If you were told so, you were right”

Dunkelferger’s ritual was done before and after the Ditter, and the later ritual would have been a tribute to God to celebrate the victory.

When I was convinced by Charlotte’s words and tried to sit down, Restilaut, who came back from the stadium, shook his hand, “I’ll do my best.”

“Isn’t it necessary to study whether there is a difference between Dunkelferger and Ehrenfest even if we perform the same ritual?”

“That’s … as Restirout says …”

Villefleet and Charlotte gazed as if in trouble.

“Rituals performed at the same time and at the same time, I’m worried if the results will change if the performer is different. For research. Try it.”

“It’s smart. It’s for research”

Talking to Restiraut, I went down to the stadium with a knight apprentice with knight apprentices. When I descended, Udid asked me secretly, showing my position.

“Can Rosemine do dance with this song?”

If you look around with a delicate voice, the knight apprentices who were said to be able to perform rituals just like Dunkel Ferger seemed more worried. Only Leonore, who knows that I have told me to do this ritual to give me a secret blessing, shows the position of knight apprentices.

“No, I can’t do it because I saw it for the first time today. I just imitated Restiraut-sama and held a spear together. But I thought it would be convenient to secretly give the blessing of Angry.” ]

In my words, Udit smiled lightly, staring at the scarlet eyes.

“Then, isn’t the result the same as Dunkel Ferger? The foundation for collaborative research is destroyed.”

“It’s okay. The congratulations are the same as Dunkel Ferger. I just wanted to give everyone a secret blessing, but would this help me a little?”

UDIT whispered and returned to his standing position. Instead, Leonore came and explained that everyone was in position, and then what I absolutely had to keep. To put it simply, it seems to be good to hold the beginning and end exactly.

I looked around the apprentices of the knights surrounding me. If I call out and squeeze out with a stap, it should start.

“Power us in the battle!”

…… Well, what should I do with it?


When I put out the stap, I changed it to a cage on the Leiden shaft. As a signal, all the knight apprentices were able to turn the stap into a spear, but the apprentices of the knight apprentices were astonished at the foot of the Leidenshaft.

…… Speaking of that, I showed you a glimpse of last year’s lecture, but did you show it to knight apprentices?

The Leidenshaft spear is not something that you would bother to show, so other than my entourage in and out of the temple, the Ehrenfest may have never seen Leidenshaft spear. Still, it shouldn’t be the case if you’re looking at me with surprise.

… This. Do n’t look over here, you have to sing.

な が ら While lightly gazing at the knight apprentices staring at me, “I am the one who created the world and prayed and thanked the gods” It was.

The knight apprentices started to move, probably because of the prayer words and traps that they were used to.

“Get power to get victory in my hands. Engage the strength of the angry to beat anyone. Get speed to get victory in my hands. Steiff faster than anyone. The speed of Elise ”

I’m just standing in the middle of everyone singing and waving a song. Besides, I can’t sing because I don’t remember the passage. However, I can say it only if it is a prayer. He sang in a quiet voice so as to be hidden behind everyone’s singing voice.

…… Now that’s the last time I should raise the habit of “Fight!”

At the right time, lift the kite and shout out as loud as possible!

The next moment, there was a loud noise.

“Uhy !?”

The stupid voice that I uttered unintentionally seems not to have been recognized because everyone’s gaze was nailed to the magical power that flew out of the cage of Leidenshaft.

While looking up, slowly lifted the kite lifted high. In my hand was the Leidenshaft trap that lost the blue light and lost its magic. The magic stone has become transparent.

Refusing the trap that was in the way of sight, I was seeing what happens to the magic power that was launched. If you can, you want to go back to yourself, but you don’t know if you can.

The magical power that was spinning around in the sky was wearing several shades. Although there are many blue, yellow, red, and green are also visible. The light fell all at once and I closed my eyes without thinking of dazzling.

Even though I closed my eyes, my surroundings were dazzling, but it disappeared soon. When I opened my eyes terribly, I saw the knight apprentices of Ehrenfest stunned with the expression that I did not know what happened like I did. Looking up, there is nothing more.

After a few seconds of silence, the audience began to mess with “What is it now?” Dunkel Felger is mainly noisy, and Villefried and Charlotte are seen holding their heads in the audience seats at Ehrenfest. I knew well from here that when I went back to the spectator seat, I said, “I told you to stop.”

“Lose Mine, please come back up as the competition starts now”

“Leonole, do you know what happened?”

“I knew that Rosemine had a very big blessing, but I don’t know any more. Please talk to you. People who were watching from a little distance. It may have looked good. “

Leonore tells me that I can’t help but go back to the auditorium. As soon as I returned, everyone asked questions all at once. Dunkelferger is more likely to eat than the Erlenfest lord candidate who holds his head.

“Rosemine, what was that all about?”

“I’ve never seen anything like that happened for the first time. What did I do !?”

Hannelole and Restiraut were asked at the same time, and others were waiting for my answer with an intriguing face. However, there is no answer that can be returned to the niece.

“I think it’s a blessing, but it’s the first ritual I’ve ever done, so I don’t know what happened. From the bottom, it seemed like there were blessings of various colors. , How did it look from here? ”

Hannerole and Restiraut look at each other and tell us how the previous ritual looked to the eyes.

“Was Rosemine a beast of Leidenshaft? I’ve seen it, but everyone else was very surprised because I had never seen it.”

“Sometimes I remember receiving such a report a long time ago, but I don’t think I’d really put such a thing here.”

The people around him asked the words of Restiraut, and when he reported, did he decide that his brother had been determined to be a mess?

“It was already a beautiful figure. I have seen the same ritual at Dunkerfelger many times before, but for the first time I knew this was a sacred ritual. Rosemine, the famous saint of Ehrenfest ”

“That, Clarissa …”

The blue eyes shined with excitement and finally began to talk about how beautiful Clarissa looked.

“Leidenshaft’s spear that emits a crackling sound and blue light is suitable for calling it a sacred tool, and Rosemine, who sings and sings a prayer song, borrows a sacred tool from the gods It was as clean and beautiful as the Mestionola who was allowed to do it. “

“Silence this”

Restiraut said so while watching Clarissa. Certainly, Clarissa’s excitement does not make any progress here.

“I am really glad that I was able to see it with my own eyes. I want to burn more of Rosemine’s appearance in this eye, but why is my territory It ’s different! ”

“Clarissa has a request”

“What is Rosemine? Please tell me anything”

I handed out a few sheets of Figline to Clarissa, who faced me.

“I’d like you to write a letter to Hartmut before you forget. Hartmut is studying the difference between my blessings and the blessings of the nobility, so what was this ritual like? It would be helpful if you wrote in as much detail as possible, and it would be important to assist your fiancée research? ”

“As detailed as possible … I’m clever. Please leave it to me!”

Clarissa, who received the paper, began to write wildly. It will be quiet for a while. I judged that and looked at Restilaut and Hannerole, “Let’s continue talking.”

“I performed a ritual imitating Restiraut-sama and lifted the spear, but at that time the magical power contained in the spear on the Leiden shaft suddenly spouted and was surprised.”

Villefried asked, “Is that too surprised? I didn’t see that very much.” It seems that the magical power jumped out of the kite that I lifted, began to color as it spun in the sky, and poured down.

“It seemed to me that some of the light of blessing flew somewhere”

Everyone affirms Charlotte’s words. I couldn’t see it right below me, but it seemed good from the audience.

“Where are you?”

“I don’t know that, but as I spin around, a part of the light goes like this …”

“Speaking of which, magical powers have also been blown when performing other rituals before. It may be an event that occurs when performing rituals at the aristocracy.”

The rituals for obtaining the names of the Dark God and the Goddess of Light were handled carefully in the lord candidate’s classroom. I’m hungry so that I don’t speak extra.

“It seemed that all the blessings of the gods who prayed were pouring down, but what is the difference from Dunkel Ferger? Should we use the Leidenshaft kite?”

RESTILAUT began to think with a serious face, so I also think about the differences.

“There may be a difference in spears or dedication of magical powers. The magical powers of the spears flew away. Don’t dedicate magical powers at Dunkelferger’s ritual.

“It’s a ritual after victory that dedicates magic power”

“Dedication of magical power is indispensable for the blessings and blessings of the gods. That is the biggest difference.”

While we were talking about the differences in rituals, the Ditter competing for speed had begun. Rufen summons a monster that defeats the magic team, and knight apprentices on the beast begin to fight. I started fighting with Dunkel Felger first, but it is still a wonderful collaboration.

And it’s the turn of the hottest Ehrenfest. Everyone was getting ready to see what happened after that blessing.


The demon beast is called and begins to fight, but everyone’s movement is strange. When I think that I started thrusting at tremendous speed, I suddenly braked and picked up, the next moment when Udid who was good at remote attack attacked from a distance, it flew backwards as if it was hit by something . It ’s obviously awkward and awkward.

“Did something happen?”

“Everyone’s movement is strange”

When Villefried and Charlotte uttered anxious voice, Resty Laut screamed.

“Well, wasn’t it a strange curse, not a blessing?”


Hannerole stopped in a hurry, but if you look at everyone’s appearance, I feel that the restyraut words are correct.

“Hey ah aaaa!”

While everyone was jerky, it was the traugot who went out to the demon beast alone with a loud voice. A large amount of magic power gathers on the sword to hold and shines in rainbow colors.

“Wait, traugot! The magical power that cannot be handled is dangerous!”

“If you don’t do it early, you’ll lose!”

“I’m already losing while I’m crazy! Don’t imitate dangerously!”

Talking to Matias’s voice, Traugot opened his eyes and dropped his sword with a regretful face.

“At least, keep it down to about 70%. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the attack will fly to the audience seats.”

“It shouldn’t be. My magical power …”

“Now it’s so dangerous. Attack with less power”

It seems that the traugot following the instructions of Matthias suppressed the magic. The light of the magic power contained in the sword decreased a little, and Traugot lightly waved it toward the monster. However, the attack was comparable to the father of the Knights. Troughgot erased the monster with a single blow.

Rufen’s voice resonates, “End! Winner, Dunkelferger!” While I was blinking to see if there was so much magical power in Traugot.

“Let’s talk in detail about what happened to the knight apprentices who were blessed by Rosemine”

Villefried said that he put out a beast and descended. Me and Charlotte followed, and two of them, Dunkelferger.

“Do you know what happened?”

“It’s very difficult to adjust the magic. It feels like my body doesn’t work well …”

If you just ride a cavalry, there is no problem, but if you put your magical power to increase speed, it will become unexpected speed, and if you try to stop, you will suddenly brake. If you attack, the reaction that you have never had before will be big and you will not be able to stand on the spot.

“Is it overblessed?”

After finishing the blessing ritual, I think I was in the same state as myself who had a hard time dealing with magical power. In my words, the knight apprentices whispered.

“Probably, I think I couldn’t keep up with the improper protection.”

Defeated because of too much blessing. This is pretty miserable. It might still be a better game if you do nothing.

“It seems like Rosemine’s blessing was really close to the curse”

“When your sister is congratulating, you have to be careful about adjusting your magic.”

I apologize to all of Dunkelferger for the best words of Villefried and Charlotte.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s going to be like this … I don’t intend to put the ritual that Dunkelfelger has always taken care of in such a curse.

“It was just a little bad, Rosemine. There was also a new discovery, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

…… Uhan, Hannerole is very kind. Friend of heart!

When impressed by the kindness of Hannerole, Restilaut turned the cloak and cloak and pointed to the center of the stadium.

“Last ritual, Hannelole. Go there.”

“I’m smart, brother”

Hannerole rides on a beast and heads to the center of the stadium. Resty Laut, who had been a little off his back, saw this.

“Only knights may stay here. We will go back up.”

As we are told, we return to the auditorium.

I don’t know what Hanellore said because I was far away. However, I changed Starp into an unfamiliar shape and began to slowly swing around like a circle above my head. It is a cane with large open round fish fins and coral wings.

“Resirlaut, what is that cane?”

“It is said to belong to the goddess of the sea, Fair Furremea. I don’t know if it is true”

RESTILAUT’s words must be correct. Every time Hannelore turns his staff, he can hear the sound of the tide. The sound of waves suddenly swayed, and the swaying and magical power swayed and gathered like a hot flame from the bodies of the knight apprentices of Ehrenfest.

…… If I am the Holy Lady of Ehrenfest, Hannelole is the Holy Lady of Dunkelferger.

When I was amazed at how the magical power gathered as it swelled like a wave, Resty Laut looked into his eyes and asked, “What is that …”.

“Whatever you say … It’s always a ritual after Ditter in Dunkelferger?”

“But this is the first time I see this phenomenon.”

“Eh ?? It seems that magical power is coming out from the knight apprentice of Ehrenfest, but is it all right?”

“I don’t know”

“That’s …”

I look down on the stadium while getting anxious.

As the Hannelore wand moves, the magical power that came out of the knight apprentices swirls and gradually gathers around the center.

When Hannerole said something, he raised his back and the wand, and a collection of magical powers ran up to the sky like a dragon.

So the ritual seems to end.

Knight apprentices, including Hannerole, return to the audience seats.

“What was that, Hannelole-sama?”

“I’ve never seen anything like that happened in that ritual.”

HANNEROLE smiled at the question of me and Restilaut with a troubled face.

“I understand what Rosemine was confused about before. I don’t know what happened. But I thought it wouldn’t be good to stop the ritual along the way. I just went to the end. ”

Leonore and Matthias answered the questions to Hannerole.

“I think Dunkelferger’s final ritual is a ritual that returns blessings from the gods.”

“I agree with Leonore. The blessing given to Rosemine has disappeared and I feel my magical power has been restored.”

“And there may also be a sedative effect that sinks the excitement. It’s so ugly that it’s hard to believe after a lot of things happened.”

“Is there a sedative effect?”

Hannelore blinks his eyes to Leonore’s words and moves his eyes to the knight apprentices of Dunkelferger.

“I’m sure I’m not very excited after the Ditter game”

I heard that Hannerole grabbed his fist and asked, “I need to be able to use it well …”. Although it is a ritual with a completely different effect, Hannerole is much more positive. It seems to be a territory candidate for a large territory.

It seems that I was stupid because of unexpected effects. It would be better to follow Hannerole and think about how to use the ritual more effectively.

…… If you can adjust the magical power you can put in, it will surely help the subjugation of the Lord in winter, and you have to study a lot.

“So much unexpected things happened, but there were many new discoveries. It can be said that it was meaningful.”

“Thank you for saying that”

I was watching one step back as Restylaut and Villefried greet.

“When will the Ehrenfest ritual take place?”

“Your brother, Rosemine, have you shown the ritual just before”

Hannelole said that while pulling the rustu cloak lightly, but restirout shook his head.

“That was imitating Dunkel Felger, not Ehrenfest’s ritual. As long as I showed this ritual, I should have shown Ehrenfest’s ritual.”

Yes, I am sure that I have not shown the Ehrenfest ritual.


The red eyes of Resty Laut looking down here are full of curiosity. The result of this ritual was unexpected, so it seems like there is no choice but to wonder what the Ehrenfest ritual is about.

“That’s right …”

I looked at the disappointing Hannerole and I was smiling, as I looked around the Resty Laut, Clarissa, and other Dunkel Ferger students.

“Please contact me when all of Restiraut’s lectures are over. If Aub Dunkerfelger thinks the grades have gone down due to Ehrenfest’s books and rituals, it will hinder the relationship between the territories ahead.

channelore said in my words, “It’s a very nice proposal, Rosemine,” and the people around me all turned to Restylaut, “Is it all right?”

“Hung! If I get serious, lectures will end soon”

RESTILAUT frowned, and then left the training ground in a large crotch with a blue cloak.

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